Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 04, 1977, Image 16
16—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 4, 1977 Solanco [Continued from Page 1[ Dairy Judging Contest that year. In 1976 at the All- American Show in Harrisburg, high individuals for two breeds were from Solanco and the Solanco team placed sixth in the invitational contest. The team had placed fourth during FFA Week to qualify for the invitational. This Spring, pladngs at the Penn State Exposition included first place all-over team, first and third placed teams for reasons, second placed boy and second, third, and fourth placed individuals for reasons. Solanco’s Dairy Judging Team advisor, Dr. William Fredd states the dub is successful because ~ its members are persistent. They see and judge a lot of cows and work hard at improving their use of dairy type terminology. According to Fredd, young people with real determination to be students of dairy type can become successful- judges. A student who is especially interested in dairy animals, Dave Bitier, had reach an article in Hoards Dairyman about a dairy club and suggested Steve Lciser, one of his teachers, that Solanco start a dub of its own. After Hitler!s suggestion, the first Solanco Dairy Club formed during the 1970-71 school year with Leiser as its advisor. Fredd, dub advisor for the past five years, says the teaching program for the dub has evolved to give the members plenty of exposure to judging dairy animals locally as well as In several states in the north-eastern section of the United States. “Each year the dub gets down to work after the Farm. Show,” says Fredd. From mid'January through mid* March, the dub goes out to local herds for evening judging sessions. This year they judged at nine herds during that two months’ time span. The first two judging sessions are held at farms SUPPLIES STILL AVAILABLE SUMMER PLANTING All maturities available SUPPLIES & GRADES ARE LIMITED For The Name Of Your Nearest Dealer, Contact within a few miles of the school so that after the judging is' completed, the dub members can return to the school where experienced members are paired with new ones to help the beginners write out reasons, stressing correct terminology and good logical explanations. Fredd points out that written reasons are soon de-emphasized after the basic format has been grasped fay the new members. A judge should picture the animal in his mind and give reasons from that picture rather than memorize a list of written reasons, according to Fredd. He advises taking brief notes, organizing properly and using correct terms but not memorizing. After a practice session or two, file individual scores are recorded and posted in the ag room at the high school. “There is a great deal of interest generated by this. The members are competitive and want to improve their standing,” he explains. “The dub is open to anyone who is keenly interested in dairy judging; members do not have to belong to FFA, but when we select for the FFA Week, of course, only FFA members are eligible.” - After the eight to 10 training sessions are over, usually in late March, the dub members who have attended 80 per cent of the meetings are eligible to paitidpate in the Spring dairy dub tour. During the tour which is three or four days long, the dub packs sleeping bags and food supplies into vans and trucks and travels to farms with outstanding herds representing all breeds. The purpose of the tour is to see and visit a number of outstanding dairy farms, see outstanding dairy cattle, and to become proficient dairy judges, capable of giving a good set of reasons. In four days this Spring, the sixteen club members judged at nine different farms in eastern Pennsylvania and New FOR CALL NOW The 1977 dairy judging teams from. Solanco High School who attended the Penn State Dairy Exposition are; (first place team seated (eft to right) Mary Bitter, Bruce Kreider, Tom Kirk, and York. When distance between farms permitted, the club judged a different herd each morning, afternoon and evening. If a student remains in the dub for three years he will se herds from Virginia, New Jersey, Maryland, New York as well as Pennsylvania. Scores are recorded from the Spring trip sessions and after the tour, the dub membership is cut to twelve. Three more workouts are held locally and the dub is reduced to eight members who make up the two teams which go to the Penn State Exposition. Based on results at the Expo, the team is then chosen for FFA Week competition. “It’s not that our boys or I should say members (about one-third are girls) are so much smarter than other teams. It’s just that we work harder and see a lot more animals than do many other dubs,” Fredd explained. “It takes a lot of time to study and practice. We wouldn’t be Sorghum in Stock Grain HAROLD J. DIETRICH ROl Box 98 RICHLAND. PA. 17087 (717) 933-4940 Forage Sudan able to have so much experience if it weren’t for load and regional dairymen who allow ns to come to their farms to practice judging.” It also takes parents who are willing to allow their children to devote so much time to this. “There is a direct carryover to the people in John Deere 200 Series Lawn and Garden Tractors... Choose the 10 hp 210 12 hp 212 or the 14 hp 214 One is just right tor your lawn and garden needs All provide dependable John Deere performance run See us for a 200 Series Tractor A.B.C. GROFF, INC. New Holland 717-354-4131 Sandy Schmuck. Standing is the second team from Solanco. which placed third in reasons. They are (left to right) Una Bucher. Tim Hanks, Jeff OeLong, and Mike Rhoads. our community,” this advisor explained. Some members go on to develop good herds o! their own, others continue higher education in fids held out of interest generated by the dub and an members get a preview or overview of the dairy industry in the eastern United States, he. added. Lets you change ground speeds on the move without shitting or clutching Allows attachments to run at peak elliciency regardless of tractor ground speed ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC. Mohnton, RD2, PA 19540 {near Adamstown) Phone 121514*44391 Solanco Dairy Club’s success depends on determined students, willing parents, cooperative host dairymen, locally and regionally, and a well organized program offering plenty of practice and stressing learning and constant improvement. E ’dosing tne eng ne cuts noise levels lets you work in a more relaxed manner An enclosed engine also shields moving parts for additional safety LANDIS BROS. INC. Lancaster, PA 717-333-3906