Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 04, 1977, Image 137
ederal bureaucracy enrages business WASHINGTON, D.C. - Twenty-one representatives r l took a stand against rjslation creating the \ nc y for Consumer action (ACP) were 'ecenfly by Wilson S. jn, president of the iional Federation of iependent Business CAN STILL BUILD FOR HAYLAGE RUBBER COW MATS AU. SIZES SPECIAL SALE THRU JUNE & JULY CHECK OUR PRICES H A SEE OR CALL US TODAY! CNFIB), the nation’s largest small business organization. The 21 legislators, members of the House Government Operations Committee, voted to block efforts to report the AGP bill to the House floor for action. The legislation was reported out by a 22-21 vote. “It’s just too bad that the small businessman couldn’t find one more representative brave enough to vote against this terrible bill,” Johnson said. “Those 21 men who did oppose the bill, voted the conviction of most Americans. An Opinion NEGLEY & MILLER SILOS RDI, Box 268 A Shermansdale, PA 17090 The company that uses Green & White roofs, the best materials, and ex- perienced crew. Injures Quality & beauty done expertly to “your satisfaction toß^l3^H^lo©E}^loSK Stop in Today For Free Catalog. YOU CAN COUNT OIM US FREE ESTIMATES Research Corporation pool shows that 81 per cent of the citizens oppose such a new bureaucratic agency.” - The 21 Congressmen praised by Johnson included Lancaster County’s Robert Walker. Johnson said that he wants to make it emphatically clear that NFIB opposes the proposed new agency because many of ACP’s supporters claim that only big business is against the legislation. “Struggling small businessmen and fanners see this monstrous bill as a OFFICE PH: 717-582-4108 HOME PH; 717-834-4838, • Ventilation • Barn Equipment • Choice of 6-lite & 3 lite • Hot-Dip Galvanized finish The 6-lite model provides nine square feet of glass area and the 3-lite model provides 4- 1 /? square feet. Weep holes in the lower sash frame drain moisture to the outside of the building. Systems CUSTOM BUILT AIRLITE WINDOWS ! INQUIRE WITH US FOR SILO PRICES »••• HENRY S. Box 175 R.D.I (Cains) detriment to their continued existence. NFIB wants to encourage all congressmen to battle against this legislation on the House floor. “The ACP proposal doesn’t coincide with President Carter’s promise to cut the size and power of government. There already are more than 200 consumer advocacy agencies at the federal, state and local level,” he charged. “The small businessman already spends one half to one day a week on federal paperwork....he sure doesn’t need to'be burdened by more red tape,” Johnson said. Johnson refuted arguments that ACP will be a small agency, pointing out that the Occupational Safety St Health Administration (OSHA), fed by the taxpayers’ dollars, has grown fat. “OSHA in 1972 bad a budget of $35.8 million and 350 inspectors,” he said. “In fiscal 1978, OSHA will have $134.6 mion and 1,400 inspectors. ' Can the taxpayers afford any more of these SMALL agencies?” “Despite arguments that ACP would be non regulatory, the legislation requires ihe President to determine what existing consumer programs should be made part of the agency. President Carter could transfer such regulatory agencies as the Consumer Product Safety Commission and various consumer • DISCOVER POSITIVE TRACTION! • DISCOVER EVEN CUTTING! • DISCOVER A BIG CAPACITY IMPELLER! • DISCOVER THE NEW POWER DISTRIBUTOR! • DISCOVER THE NEW IN DEPENDENT RING DRIVE! • DISCOVER NEW AUTOMATIC MONITORING SYSTEM! • DISCOVER TWO MACHINES IN ONE! • DISCOVER JAMESWAY PER FORMANCE NOW! •j ßut don’t take our word for it - Ask a neighbor who owns Jamesway. LAPP Gap, PA 17527 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 4.1977—137 programs from the Federal Trade Commission,” he added. “ACP quickly would become one of Washington’s super regulators,” Johnson said, “In other words, another agency whose function is to cause delay, and we all know that only aggravates costs. Does the American consumer, already concerned about inflation, want to see another round of inflationary rises caused by the needless meddling of faceless bureaucrats hiding inside another cumbersome federal agency? We think not,” Johnson pointed out that the legislation exempts organized labor and its contract negotiations from ACP jurisdiction. “Negotiated wage and fringe benefit increases mean price hikes. By exempting organized labor, and not small business, the legislation exempts a major determinant of consumer prices and needlessly covers one sector that has less impact.” “A worthwhile small business paperwork exemption also is contained in the ACP bill,” Johnson said. “It doesn’t exempt small business from the law - only temporarily from required paperwork generated by the law. It also permits the ACP administrator to request data from a small business, a requirement that might be VOLUMATIC II KEEPS YOU OUT OF THE SILO GIVES YOU BIG-HERD FEEDING CAPACITY Phone (717) 442-8134 constructed by many small firms as another demand from another federal czar.” Johnson predicted a dose vote on the House floor on the ACP bill. “The mounting complaints from citizens opposed to another bureaucracy are having an effect,” he said. “We hope that Congress will listen to their constituency and bury this bad idea once and for all.” NFIB is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization representing the interests of more than 500,000 member firms. JIHi. BE ALERT