Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 04, 1977, Image 126
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 4, 1977 126 Dairying is a tradition [Continued from Page 150] Aware of the need for public relations, the Smiths have for years been host to busloads of urban two more are already contracted for. “We didn’t go out and buy these cattle,” Smith explained while washing the udder of one of his Holsteins. He considers a sound breeding program to be the key to success with dairy cows and In more recent Elizabeth Herr earns Kunzler scholarship Elizabeth Herr Narvon, Pa. - Elizabeth W. Herr, Narvon, R 2 was named winner of the $6OO Kunzler Meat Packing Scholarship according to an announcement made by Hemy E. Givler, vocational consultant of agricultural education, Harrisburg. The Garden Spot High School senior is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Herr. She will enter The Pennsylvania State University in September years has learned to do A.I. himself. Minor medical care is also administered by the Smiths. “My outlook for the dairy business is great, or I wouldn’t be putting a new milking parlor in,” Smith continued with a grin while attaching a milker to one of his top cows. “It’s a lot of work, long hours and confining, but what business isn’t confining?” he asked. Smith is helped on the home farm by three sons and a daughter. All have where she will enroll in the pre-vetacinary science curriculum in the College of Agriculture. Her further plans are to eventually enter the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine at New Bolton Center. Miss Herr has served as treasurer of her school class for three years, held the post of vice-presidnet of the Grassland FFA Chapter, been named a National Merit finalist, been active in school sports, and recently competed in the State P.I.A.A. Track and Field Meet. She is active in 4-H and FFA activities and received the Keystone Farmer Degree in 1977. Hie Kunzler Scholarship is awarded annually to a college bound senior from Lancaster County who is pursuing an agriculture related career. * It is sponsored by the Kunzler Company, Inc., of Lancaster and will be presented by a representative of the company at the June 15 commencement exercises. registered cattle of their own and are active with club and show activities. One son, Robert, has a Junior All- American 2-year old in his show string. On the subject of milk prices, Smith says “we’d all like to get as much as we can, but the co-op is doing a good job of selling our milk for us. They deserve a lot of credit and the, fieldmen are helpful too.” The Smiths are members of Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers, Inc. Tom Middleton wins at Buck THE BUCK, Pa. - Tom Middleton of Eidgely, Md. captured two first places at last Saturday’s Buck Tractor Pulls, while throttling his IH 1066 to victories in both the 12,000 and 9000-pound super stock classes. Middleton won the heavy class with a pull of 261 feet, two inches, beating Harry Griest and his IH 1456 who finished with a pull of 229 feet 11 inches. Placing third was Charles Snyder of Andreas, Pa, who piloted his rig to a distance of 167 feet five inches. Middleton’s winning pull in the 9000-pound super stock class amounted to 286 feet, four inches. Griest again came up second, with a pull of 264 feet, eight inches. Tony Stauffer, aboard a Deutz 9006, checked in third with a pull of 257 feet, nine inches. In other classes, the action results were: 5000-Ponnd Modified 1. Gary Mills, Fallston, Md., AC with 427 Chevy engine, 243-0; 2. Frank Stifler, Fallston, Md., Oliver 88,230- [Continued on Page 129] youngsters. Two years ago a group of Jdds in special' education came to his farm. It’s an event which Smith isn’t likely to forget. “I cound’t have been busier, but somebody has to have time for them - we must do some of our own promotion - so I consented to their coming here,” the accomplished dairyman recollected. “I really enjoyed seeing those kids who never saw a cow or chicken before!” he said enthusiastically. Smith’s -conviction for the necessity of keeping the public informed about farming is further evidenced by lus willingness to host families during farm visitation days. Just yesterday (June 3) the Smiths welcomed 100 first graders from an elementary school. Philosophizing a bit about public relations, Smith commented: “It’s sad when farmers aren’t willing to do this when asked. Too many . of us want to say we’re too busy; I’m busy too, but it’s something that has to be done. The dairy isn’t going to promote our product for us.” Whether June is dairy month or not, Smith feels farmers can’t keep on saying ‘no’ to opportunities which Thv .rtfl it d«ti§ t .o p. only *n« cow to oot ol m timo A 2 inch •wf mr drop* mpprmimmf%]y 1 Ik of emnemn - frwto por minuto into tho foodor . . this it tho icrnt roto the cow ••»» . , . no fdodro moint in tho hedtr whtn iht movii away The Serv-0-Mafic Dairy Feeder enables you lo feed additional grain and concentrates only to producing cows in your herd! It elminatcs the labor problem of separating the herd in a loose hi system to ghrc individual attention to lop producing animals. the Scrv-O-MaSc is activated by a simple magnet fastened around the cow’s neck. This way, 01 cows yoc select can activate the feeder and receive additional ration... yet all animals can still be together. Each cow produdni 10 lb. or more over the herd averate should receive extra feed. In actual trials, on the Serv-O- Mafic consume an extra 10 lbs. of pain per day (while eating some less in the parlor! output shows an average increase of 1 fit. of milk for each pound of concentrate fed through the Sen- 1 Mafic... some as hjgh as 5 lbs. of milk per pound of feed! On* Sen-O-Ma&c will normally handle 20-30 cows in an 10-120 cow herd. Normal procedure is fresh cows on extra ration and remove the magnet when production drops to a predetermined level Q THOMAS FARM SYSTEMS, JIM THOMAS PH: (717) 656-2677 For more information complete this coupon and return to _ THOMAS FARM SYSTEMS, INC. 57 W. MainSt, Leola, PA 17540 Name Address. Phone would help farther their family has found it to h. image. “If we keep saying rewarding and pleasant» * ‘no,’ what kind of image are - of life for more than th we going to leave? We have generations. They’d hk* to do a little advertising keep it that way andT lo ourselves,” he insists, consumer education to Recognizing dairy fanning part of their obligations ,fl 4 opportunities, the Harford family farm is tok County, Md. dairy farm preserved. WANTED Homeowners,..if you've been wanting a poo), here's your chance to qualify for a substantial discount on a Luxury Fiberglass On-The-Ground Pool, built by a leading national manufacturer. See how your participation in our advertising campaign can bring you the pool you want. For full information call AQUA-LEISURE CORP. 612 Cedar St. Harrisburg, Pa. 17101 717-233-4433 Call collect “Selectively” Provides More Feed to Top Producers Slate Residential Site for Swimming Pool wmpit .o§,— will octivot* Hio foodor motor os sho places h#r hood info the foodor Cows without a magnol aro unoblo lo got food INC. NORTHCD f systems imvcTS cFAnmw mMfxnmt