f nn *■» k June explanation of the revolutionary new MUELLER “FRE-HEATER™” FOR THE DAIRY FARM Bulk milk coolers on modern dairy farms remove heat from the milk promptly after it is produced. To accomplish this requires refrigeration machines and they are generally of the air-cooled type. Air-cooled condensing units literally “throw away’’ this valuable heat. On these same farms, large amounts of hot water are need ed for "prepping" the cows, washing the milk cooler, the pipeline milker, other equipment, and the milking parlor itself. It is also advantageous to heat the cows’ drinking water in winter. The Mueller Fre-Heeter conserves energy and provides "free” hot water by capturing the heat now wasted! HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: Rather than using noisy, dust-creatmg fans with fragile, dirt collecting air-cooled condensers, the refrigerant is routed to a specially designed condenser/heat exchanger and its heat is transferred to the water A thermostatically controlled valve delivers 145° F water to the storage tank. In addition to the thermostatic valve, a mixing valve is pro vided to permit “prepping” temperature water. Thus, the Fre-Heater delivers two temperatures c f water prepping and washing. Tests indicate the Fre-Heater consumes 10% less power than an air-cooled-system ... and you gel Free Hot Water! ELIMINATES REFRIGERATION SERVICE PROBLEMS! The most common causes of slow cooling in bulk milk cooling systems are related to the air-cooled condenser. Three things which frequently reduce the efficiency are; 1 Poor, air circulation and recirculation 2 Fan motor failures 3 Dirty or clogged condenser fins Air-cooled condensing units are generally installed out of doors in order to assure adequate air supply to the con denser. This exposes the compressor to extreme ambient temperatures. Starting problems and compressor failures have resulted and air-cooled condenser units are always noisy. The Fre-Heater eliminate* these, prpblemsbecsuse: * There is no air-coofed J fcdndenser. * The Fre-Heater is installed indoors, * There are no fanh to generate? noise. * The head pressure is very stable assuring longer compressor life. ' * There are £Q cold weather starting problems, plus ... the Fre-Heater conserves energy and produces Free Hot Water! MAKE ME A BULK MILK COOLER THAT HAS CONTACT QUEEN ROAD REPAIR 10 SEE A QUEEN ROAD REPAIR BOX 67, INTERCOURSE, PA 17534 After 5 P.M. _J_OHN D. WEAVER 656-9982 GID DIENNER 768-8521 SAM STOLTZFUS 768-3594 OR Answering Service 354-4374 24 Hour Service ' We Stock Hess’ Farm Supplies, Check Our Prices on Animal Medications DAIRY MONTH... IS SPECIAL TANK PRICES THRU JUNE 30TH Save Energy and get HOT WATER... with the revolutionary... -> DAIRY MONTH SPECIAK MEW TANKS 400 Gal. Mueller MHL 500 Gal. Mueller M 500 Gal. Mueller MHL 600 Gal. Mueller M I MUEL.L.EP 1 I FRg HBATSR" FRB-HBATBR™ THE ALL STAINLESS STEEL MODEL-C FRE-HEATER FOR ALL BULK TANKS See Fre-Heater Story on page 106 IN OPERATION, RIGHT ON THE FARM. (2) 425 Gal. Esco C-200 Gal. OeLaval 300 Gal. Mojonnier 300 Gal. Sunset 300 Gal. Jamesway 300 Gal. Zero PHONE 717-768-7111 \ \ I J Cf I I » r-K**.• " *.««( i . _ r Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 4.1977—12: THE "MW” 1$ ONE OF THE LOWEST POURING HEIGHT BULK TANKS. CHECK WITH US ABOUT ALL THE ADDED NEW FEATURES OF THE "MW” BULK TANK. FRE-HEATER SYSTEM WORKS ON MUELLER NEW MODEL "MW” USED TANKS 350 Gal. Esco 500 Gal. Dari-Kool 400 Gal. Mojonnier 425 Gal. Esco 400 Gal. Dari-Kool 600 Gal. Girton : MILKING EQUIPMENT : !••••••••••••••• 18 can Can Cooler 600 Gal. Milkeeper Tank 800 Gal. Mojonnier 650 Gal. Esco 500 Gal. Mueller ME USED TANKS AND IN STOCK !3
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