Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 04, 1977, Image 122
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 4, 1977 122 if York COUNTY \ I DHIA monthly @ REPORT Hie high herd was Sinking Springs Farm, with 60 cows producing 61.5 pounds milk and 2.71 pounds daily butterfat. Second high was Avalong Farms, with 46 cows producing 58.8 pounds milk and 2.24 pounds daily butterfat. The high cow was Lily, an 11 year old registered Holstein owned by Avalong Farms, which produced 19,306 pounds milk and 894 pounds butterfat. Second high was Jessie a 7 year old registered Holstein owned by Joe Stump, producing 21,846 pounds milk and 885 pounds butterfat. OffNEI - COTS NAME NEED Me Ral Dairy Farm 62 3 337 3 Galawn Farms Susie 3 Laly 3 Lois 3 1-11 Arlene 3 1-11 Bupplynn Farms Farm 2 60 ' 3 4 392 3 3-9 77 3 3-5 Elvin G Molison 12 3 5-1 33 3 2 Larry J Moyer 614 642 660 Richard E Stough Hector Penny Rick L Cook Gay Apollo J Donnell Taylor Candy Grace Jesse Red Freida Lara Liz Harold Good No. 3 70 103 r now " SPRING IS HERE W Use our Custom Application i | Service and Rental Spreaders § • Topdress Alfalfa After Ist Cutting • Broadcast Tobacco Plowdown Complete Grades Liquid Nitrogen ANHYDROUS AMMONIA • Limestone Track Spread • Complete Line of Pesticides Let our qualified sales people help develop your plan for *77 ( SULK BLENDS 1 ORGANIC f imJmm punt f { AMHYPftOUS AMMONIA J FOOD CO. 2313 Norman Rd., Lancaster, Pa. L Ph. 397-5152 . APRIL DAYS MU TEST 16,877 13,394 284 305 5 2-11 22,716 14,286 12,782 16,981 305 305 305 305 5-11 24 14,415 15,976 14,579 283 254 277 13,165 15,900 299 305 17,151 16,885 12,992 305 305 267 13,175 19,640 305 305 5-10 5-10 17,193 19,141 305 305 16,912 14,637 16,398 13,988 17,004 14,008 16,574 2-9 2-8 4-9 2-11 2-11 3-10 9,714 10,648 305 305 Little Creek Fins Inc 34 91 Wayne L Sweitzer 159 48 04 Elvin R Deiter Kelly Katie Fred Kimmel Vic Charles Herr & Son Tilly 3 Midnite 3 Robert J Reheard Nellie 3 Horace E Heindel Bea 3 54 ■ 3 147 3 159 3 161 3 163 3 Robert W Mays 61 50 39 Carl Anderson 44 Dale & Darla Doll Meg 3. 6-9 Manda 3 6-9 Janet 3 5-3 Clara 3 4 Cora 3 3-8 Betty 3 3 D Fantom & E Gordon 98 3 8-8 Bell 3 3-11 Lynn Wolf Elsie 3 Eileen 3 Wayne 6 Mmnmert 13 3 52 3 8 3 FAT 683 548 3.5 3.8 4.1 3.0 801 550 521 513 596 553 579 4.1 3.5 4.0 526 533 ********* ~ WCR 4.0 3.8 4.1 681 638 529 508 643 -3.9 3.3 713 690 3.3 554 3.6 * 522 3.8 624 3.7 513 4.1 693 4.0 554 3.9 639 5.8 559 5.1 547 ♦ Each cow individually recorded with colored ♦ magnetic dice which makes all systems using pins 4 and tabs obsolete. 4 Six patented revolving 21 day hands give a 4 complete account of cows heat cycle, f Revolving hands give you day to day status every day 365 days a year. $ You Can Improve Your Herd Breeding Efficiency *Greatly By Using a Bray Magnetic Breeding Catena | p PRICES - Calender size 32" x 32". 2 For 75 Cow Herd - *119.95 lor ISO Cow Herd - ♦ Route 472 & Edgefield Rd. Ken Rutt - Ph. 786- 3591 t Quarryville, Pa. Amos Rutt - 786-3897 10-1 4-3 7-7 8-1 8-5 6-2 4-4 3-11 7-3 7-11 3-2 3-2 3-9 7 4 3-2 3-10 64 6-3 5-7 'V V Most efficient, economical and complete herd planning system available in the U. S EDGEFIELD FARMS 3.2 3.2 4.6 16,452 18,339 13,164 ' 305 305 305 3.3 3.8 4.0 15,483 16,027 14,929 290 305 301 3.2 ' 3.8 16,024 16,634 305 305 15,395 16,159 14,809 305 305 ' 14,245 14,947 15,632 15,289 15,690 16,571 14,588 3.1 3.3 3.2 18,872 17,333 18,423 295 305 305 11,172 271 18.452 11,571 13,147 18,391 14,655 13,192 14,183 14,842 305 305 15,641 18,101 305 300 4.5 4.1 3.8 3.4 16,835 16,822 18,158 17,285 305 305 305 279 EASE PROFIT MARGIN WITH A MAGNETIC BREEDING CALENDAR BRAY 26 3 « 75 3 2rl 77 ~ -3' 1-11 74 3 1-1& 44 3 1-11 Desota & Robt Burchett AW3 3 8-4 AW6 3 7 AW47 3 8-4 CWSI 3 4-5 Avalong Farms Inc Lily 3 11-3 Tid 3 7-3 Fran 3 ' 8-7 Hector 3 9-1 Laurie 3 2-6 Avalong Farms Inc Eunice 2 Chasta 2 Janell 2 Philip E Stambaugh Tidy 3 Betsy 3 Lonely 3 Lady 3 Paul R-King Nova 3 Corvan 3 Gypsy 3 Rosanne 3 Fran 3 Dennis L McWilliams 531 595 603 513 615 596 520 629 582 531 590 568 594 SO 3 4-11 32 3 3-8 Palmer McWilliams Jr -25 3 - 8-7 16 3 8-5 Elmer Myers Edna 3 6-6 Jane 2 3 5-7 Light 3, 4-10 T St M & M K Walker 9093 ‘ 3 5-7 C Robert Kilgore 612 531 588 630 8A 3 9-2 17 3 4-11 Smysers Richlawn Fras Tina 3 7-1 305 20,247 | Continued on Pa*e 124] »»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< 757 695 697 586 Tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about every cow in your entire herd at a glance! No chance of overlooking ANY cow. Owners say they have saved enough to pay for the calendar in less than 1 year in herds of 35 or more cows. ANIMAL MEDIC INC. 305 305 305 305 305 305 292 302 305 305 305 305 166 305 305 262 305 305 305 305 305 10-11 7-5 10-1 6-4 302 305 286 305 305 302 305 305 305 .305 305 305 305 303 Box 575 Manchester, PA 17345 717-266-5611 13,703 14,178 f 3,815 12,354 12,590 11,722 15,081 13,706 15,011 4.6 4.7 3.9 3.4 19,306 19,831 17,686 16,238 16,499 14,724 11,277 14,188 4.7 4.5 4.9 695 510 689 12,433 14,509 14,477 16,141 4.2 3.5 4.3 3.2 13,660 19,810 12,720 15,339 11,166 13,798 14,447 11,910 16,697 17,768 17,052 17,902 3.7 4.1 3.8 654 703 682 17,146 12,010 15,689 "'1 ’134.95