incaster Farming, Saturday, May 14. 1977 Lai HARVESTORE THIS TftW|||Aer OF CRUDE PROTEIN EACH FiL '"fWjfe- OF ALFALFA HAYLAGE $')Q f\oo "JijCyfJ ** AHD YOU would probably fill it i« to 2 tubes a year yes you can NAME ADDRESS CITY PROTEIN BANK When Soybean Meal Sells at per ton *3OO r 2078 HARVESTORE CAN HOLD Grow your own protein as Alfalfa Haylage - keep it safe In your Harvestore Protein Bank and take your cash to your bank in town. Oxygen limiting Harvestore maintains a high percentage of the digestibility of your protein. Growing you own protein can cut your feed cost by thousands of dollars per year. Have a HARVESTORE built for first cutting this spring ITS NOT TOO LATE........ HARVESTORE BUILT FOR SPRING STATE MAIL TO: Penn-Jersey jg Harvestore Systems, Inc. S P.0.80x 91 V New Holland, Pa. 17557 Penn-Jersey HARVESTORE Systems, Inc. YOUR ZIP NEW HOLLAND, PENNSYLVANIA 17557 Let us show you how to supplement your basic corn silage-com ration, with Harvestore Haylage • cut feed cost and cut cash purchases HARVESTORE PRODUCTS INC Get the facts-Take a Tour-Call: BOX 91 £ * *r World's leading manufacturer of automated feeding systems. J~ "TTT