Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 07, 1977, Image 131
- Public Sales Register tanville Livestock Market, >cated old R. 11, Danville, >a. Bob Biel, Manager. AT. MAY 21, 2:00 p.m. >ublic sale of valuable real state. R.D. No. 1, Hershey, >a. conditions by Trust Department, Farmers’ National Bank, Hum* melstown, Pa. Nelson Ebersole, Auctioneer, SAT. MAY 21, 10:00 AM - public sale of farm machinery and some antique furniture. Located southeast of the Brogue about 3 miles off Route 74 along the Gum free Road in York Co., Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Criswell, owners. Robert L. Sechrist, auctioneer. SAT. MAY 21, 12 Noon. Absolute Auction of Crowding’s Pier ($30,000 mm. bid) real estate, Bet terton Beach , Maryland “Chesapeake Bay”. Harry Rudnickand Sons, Inc. sales managers of Galena, Maryland. SAT. MAY 21, 1:30 PM. Public Sale. Located at Bethel, Pa. Vi mile south of Route 22. Take Route 501 sss SAVE sss PUBLIC AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY, 6:00 PM Full line of furniture, antiques and misc. & collectibles. BARR’S AUCTION & EXCHANGE Rt. 322 just east of new Rl. 222 Ephrata,Pa. 717-733-9694 717-733-9695 New Furniture Outlet Open 9*B Daily Orthopedic box springs and mattresses, bedroom and living room suites. 20, 30 & 40 per cent cash discounts. “Estate Specialists” PARLETTS r™«lp R 0 SALE OF CHESTER WHITES & POUND CHINAS FRIDAY, MAY 13,1977 7:30 P.M. E.D.S.T, at LEBANON COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS Location: Rt. 72 to Rockety Road, 4 miles South of Lebanon, East Lebanon, Pa. SELLING 20 Spring Boars 30 Spring Gilts 50 Feeder Pigs Ideal for FFA and 4-H Projects Also Selling 20 Chester White & Cross Bred Fall Gilts. Notice: 10% Discount on Spring Pigs to 4-H aad FFA Members present at the Sale. For more information Phone 717-862*3610 Night of Sale Phone 717-273-3795 Auctioneer Harry Bachman For catalogs write James Parlett, R 2 Airville, Pa. 17302. south of School Road. Turn west to second farm left. 50 bred gilts, 1 bred sow, 6 boars. Henry H. Martin, owner. G. Harvey Weik; Auctioneer. SAT. MAY 21, 1:00 PM. Public sale of 39 acre farm. Located approximately 2 miles south of Wemersville along Hilltop Road just off Galen Hall Road in South Heidelberg Township, Berks Co. Pa. Robert C. and Grace A. Rebcr, owners. Elton and Alvin Horning, Auctioneers. TUBS. MAY 24 - 1 P.M. Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penna. SAT. MAY 26, 1:30 PM. Public Sale. Located at Bethel, Pa. ‘ i mile south of Route 22. Take Route 501 south of School Road. Turn west to second farm left. 50 bred gilts, 1 bred sow, 6 boars. Henry H. Martin, owner. G. Harvey Weik, Auctioneer. FRI. MAY 27 - 12 P.M. Stocker and Feeder Cattle Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Lancaster Pa. SAT. MAY 28, 10:00 AM. Public auction of frame dwelling, tools and equip ment, household items, antiques and collectibles. Located 20 miles northeast of Harrisburg in Jackson Township, Dauphin County, Pa. 3 miles southwest of Elizabethville, 4 miles east of Fisherville. Turn south off SALE EVERY TUESDAY Graded Sale Ist. Tuesday each month 2 P.M. Horse .Auction 2nd Saturday each month pAUQUIEIP I LIVESTOCK B EXCHANGE Marshall, Va. 703-364-1566 Route 225 toward Enders, take Creek Road east to farm. Gladys Leberdin, owner. George N. Deibert, Auctioneer. 717-425-3313. SAT. MAY 28, 10:00 A,M. Public sale of farm machinery, household goods and antiques. Located about 1 mile west of Sunnyburn off Route 74 along Telegraph Road on Airville, R.D. No 2, York County, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. George Bair, owners. Robert L. Sechirst, auc tioneer. SAT. MAY 28 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate and Household Goods, Antiques located in the village of Paradise, next to the Laundromat, along Route 30. Conditions of sale by Charles W. and Alice Rynier; Leroy Zook and Leon Kurtz, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 28-12:00 Noon Sharp Consignment Horse Sale at the Keisters Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc., Route 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 Miles West of Selinsgrove, Pa. Don and Walt Keister, Owners; Art Kling and Larry Long, Auctioneers. MON. MAY 30 - Walter Krall Estate - iVz miles south of Myerstown Air Park, Twp. Rte. 560. Antiques, contents of house from 3 generations. Weik & Bulfenmeyer, Auctioneers WED. JUNE 1 - 9:30 A.M. Consignment Sale located % mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster Co., Pa. Watch for sale sign. Sale by David H. Good; F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. Wolgemuth, J. Fry, and L. Horst, Auctioneers. FRI. JUNE 3, 11:00 AM. Welk-view Farm Dispersal, 121 registered Holsteins. At the farm located 2 miles south of Quarryville just west of Route 222 in Lan caster County, Pa. Maurice F. Welk, owner. A. Doty Remsburg, Sale Manager 301-473-8214. SAT. JUNE 4 - 12 Noon Special Horse Sale at the Danville Livestock Market, located old R. 11, Danville, Pa. Bob Biel, Manager. SAT. JUNE 4, 10:00 AM. Public sale of farm equip- BLACK & WHITE HOLSTEIN FARM 2220 DAIRY ROAD UNCASTER, PA BUYING & SELLING DAILY LIVESTOCK IS OUR FULL TIME BUSINESS NEXT COW SALE FRIDAY NITE MAYIo" Owner CHARLES C. MYERS Phone: Park Myers, 717-569-2106 or Sales Manager 717-569-6800 ment and,parts. Located 4-Vz miles south of L>illsburg, Pa. along Route No. 15. Verna and William Strayer, owners. George Haar, Auctioneer. SAT. JUNE 4, 9:00 AM - Public sale of household items and antiques, at 14 South Park Street, Richland, County, Pa. Ella Reed, owner. John Breidegam and Ben Habacker, Auctioneers. SAT. JUNE 4 - Public Sale of Antiques. To be held at 14 South Park St., Richland, Lebanon Co., Pa. Sale by Ella Reed. John Breidegam & Ben Habacker, Aucts. SAT. JUNE 4, 10:00 AM. Public sale of antiques, household goods. Located at Solanco Community Building, Quarryville, Pa. Sale by Emma Drum. Lloyd H. Kreider and Randal V. Kline, Auctioneers. SAT. JUNE 4, 10:00 AM. Public sale of real estate, fram implements, antiques, household goods. Located on Main Street in Cross Roads Boro, 'along the road to Brogueville in York County, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. William Lanius, owners. Robert L. Sechrist, Auctioneer. SAT. -JUNE 4, 10 AM, Public Auction at Red lion Grange Hall located along Cape Horn Road, 2 miles North of Red Lion. Sale sponsored by the Red Lion Grange. SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1977 at 10 a.m. Public Sale of Antiques and Household Goods. At Solanco Com munity Bldg., Quarryville, Pa. Sale by Emma Drum. Power of Attorney, Edward L. Brown. Aucts., Lloyd Kreider & Randal Kline. FRI. JUNE 10, 7:30 PM. Brendlinger Milking Herd and Bred Heifer Dispersal on Route 49 between Gold and Coundersport, Pa. (Potter Co.) 58 mature, mostly Reg. DHIA transfers, preg. check, interstate, charts. Owners Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Brendlinger 814-848-9814. Sale conducted by Gerald Pirrung, Ulysses, Pa, 814- 848-7421. Robert M. Shaylor Sales, Troy, Pa. 717-297-3278. SAT. JUNE 25 - 12:00 Noon Sharp Consignment Horse Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Ma; Sale at the Keister’s. Mid dleburg Auction Shies, Inc., Route 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selinsgrove, Pa. Don and Walt Keister, Owners; Art Kling and Larry Long, Auctioneers. Directory JOHN H. COOPER Manheim, PA AUCTIONEER Livestock, Farm Equipment, Household Goods & Estates WE DO HALL! CALL 717-665-5839 SERVICE CALL JOHN E. MARTIN RDI, Durlach Road, Ephrata 733-3511 or PAUL E. MARTIN Steveaa ROl, Box 561 733-3H5 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS No Sale Too Small or Large Tents Available RANDAL V. A LLOYD H. KLINE " KREIDER 717-733-1006 717-786-3394 Auctioneers & Sales Managers Specializing In: Dairy I Farm Machinery Sales, Real Estate - Public or Private Sale, Complete Professional Auction Service with Tent Available WANTED!!!!! “PUBLIC SALES” R. Louis Weiier, Jr. Professional Auction Service R.D. 2 Hoitwood, Pa. Phone 717-284-4594 or 717-569-1427 “WE’RE READY TO SERVE W’ PUBLIC AUCTION Seswice RDS MANHEIM PA PHONE (717) 665-5735 PROFESSIONAL* LICENSED AUCTIONEERS J. Omar Landis A J. M. Wrtman "SPECIALISTS" • AUTOMOBILES • ANTIQUES FURNISHINGS • ESTATES • LIVESTOCK MACHINERY • REAL ESTATE • MAILING LIST AVAILABLE We are now listing Spring Sales. 7.1977 SAT. OCT. 1. 125 acre dairy farm for the Allen Funk Estate located along Route 322 East on Fontana, Lebanon County, Pa. Harry Bachman, Auctioneer. Auctioneer’s NELSON L EBERSOLE IRA R. SHOOP Licensed and Bonded Auctioneers Real Estate and An tiques A Specialty 717-273-9804 717-273-5408 717-534-2030 AUCTIONEERS FRANK & PAUL SNYDER Livestock, Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Antiques No sale too small or too large 717-859-2688 717-733-705? PAUL E. SANGER Realestate Auctioneer The Farm Realestate Specialist Licensed, Bonded Registered & Experienced Call 717-272-1025 Lebanon, PA 131