Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 07, 1977, Image 130
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 7, 1977 130 Public Sales Register mi east of Raystown Dam. Diller and Kurtz. Mark Click, Auctioneer. SAT- MAY 7, 10:00 AM. Auction sale of antiques, poultry equipment, household items and miscellaneous chef and kitchen supplies. 2-¥t miles northwest of Effort, Pa. leading off route 115 (route 115 leads north from route 22 in Easton). Antiques selling first. Mr. Henry Ziegler, owner. Dick and Dan Seidof, Sciota, Pa. 717-992-4611. SAT. MAY 7, 1:00 PM. Auction sale of antiques. At Schoonover farm, Cherry Valley Road, leading off Route 191 in Stormsville, Pa. (the old stone stage coach boarding house) two miles south of Stroudsburg, Pa. Dick and Dan Seidof, Sciota, Pa. 717-992-4611. SAT. MAY 7, 10:00 AM. Public auction of 20 tractors and various farm equipment From Route 11 at Inwood, West Va. turn-east on Route 51. Travel 3 miles to Haines’ Market, turn right, .2 of a mile to sale-OR- from Charles Town, West Va. take Route 51 west to Haines’ Market, turn left, .2 of a mile to sale. Edgar A. Bohrer, Sale Manager. SAT. MAY 7, 10:30 AM. The Annual Black and White Farm Holstein Heifer Sale. Sale at the Black and White sale ban 'ocated just west of Lancaster, Pa. Exit Route 283 at McGovemville, go under underpass then right around Flory’s Mill to farm. Just past the ABC Bull stud. Charles C. Myers, Host, and Sale Manager for Consigned Heifers. Ph: 717-569-2106. R. Austin Backus, Auctioneer. SAT. MAY 7, Public Auction of real estate, personal goods. 11:30 AM. Location - from Lewistown take Route 522 south through Mt. Union to AUenport. Take 103 north several miles and turn right towards Shirleysburg, V 2 mile off of 103. John Gifford, owner. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, and Jay Leary, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 7 - 12 Noon Special Morse Sale at the Danville Livestock Market, located old Rt. 11, Danville, Pa. Bob Biel, Manager. TUBS. MAY 10, 10:00 AM. Auction of farm machinery, 2 JD tractors, horse drawn machinery, 1910 Keystone thresher, 4 can milk cooler, 1976 Vega Chevy, 1966 BMW motorcycle, 1950 Dodge 4 dr. sedan. Route 563 to Morwood Road to Hunsberger Road, Montgomery County, Pa. Clarence Hendricks, owner. Sanford A. Alderfer, Inc. Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers. TUES. MAY 10, 6:30 PM. Witkowski Machinery Dispersal. Located miles off Route 49 from Osceola, Pa. and 5 mi. from Woodhull, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Witkowski, owners. Jerry Pirrung, Ulysses, Pa. 814-848-7421. TUES. MAY 10 - 1 P.M. Graded Feeder Pig Sale at TUBS. MAY 10, 7:00 PM. - Davis Lawn Farms Com plete Dispersal. At the farm, New York Route 34 and Buck Road, Lansing, New York. 7 miles north of Ithaca, New, York, 30 miles south of' Auburn, N.Y. Howard W. Visscher, Sales Mgr. and Auctioneer. TUBS. MAY 10 - 7 P.M. Special Feeder Sales for Cattle and Pigs at the Carlisle Livestock Market, hie. Just east of 1-61 at Exit 12, Carlisle, Pa. THURS. MAY 12, 6:00 PM. Public sale of furniture and antiques. Located at the Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, Pa. J. J..Peachey, owner. Mark Click, Auc tioneer. THURS. MAY 12 - 5:30 P.M. Public Auction at the Hat & Gravel Auction Co. located one mile North of lititz along Rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. THURS. MAY 12, 8:30 A.M. Public sale private collection of many fine antiques, dolls, tin toys, iron toys, wood toy horses, costume jewelry, badges, buttons, post cards, car hood ornaments, books, guns, stone jugs and crocks, dishes and furniture. Located in the Community Budding in the rear of the McSherrystown Fire Engine House along Route No. 116 2 miles west of Hanover, Pa. Edith J. Plank, owner. Clair R.Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. FRI. EVE. MAY 13 - 6 P.M. & SAT. MAY 14 - 9 A.M. (Real Estate to be sold at 2 P.M. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Personal Property and Antiques located midway between Lancaster and Ephrata, 2 miles Northeast of Landis Valley Farm Museum, mile South of the Oregon Hotel, across from the Sheraton-Conestoga Motor Lodge, comer of Rt. 272 & Creek Rd.; Manheim Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. Sale by Viola R. Landis and Catherine R. Landis (Estate of the late Clayton Landis); Rufus Geib and Raymond Miller, Auctioneers. FRI. MAY 13, 7 PM - New Holland Sales Stables Special Draft Horse and Mule Sale to be held at the New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, Pa. FRI. MAY 13 - 12 P.M. Stocker and Feeder Cattle Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Lancaster, Penna. FRI. MAY 13-7:30 P.M. EDST Parlett’s Production Sale of Chester White and Poland Chinas to be held at the Lebanon County Fair Grounds, located Rt. 72 to Rockety Road, 4 miles South of Lebanon, East Lebanon, Pa. Harry Bachman, Auc tioneer. FRI. MAY 13 - 5:30 P.M. Public Sale at Gap Auction located off Route 41, Lan caster Ave. opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market, cross RR bridge. Antiques sold at every auction. Ira Stoltzfus SAT. MAY 14, 8:00 AM. Valuable real estate, personal property, antiques, furniture, china, glass, early dolls, quilts, guns. Located on Fringer Road, just off Maryland Route 194, 1 mile north of Taneytown, Carroll County, Maryland. William L. Hannan Estate. Calvin Amoss 756-6784, Auctioneer. Clair R. Slaybaugh. 677-7479. SAT. MAY 14, 9:30 AM - Large antique and household sale. Located at 718 Main Street, Delta Boro, York Co., Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thompson, owners. Robert L. Sechrist, auctioneer. MAY 14, 11:00 AM - Farm machinery, butcher equipment and furniture for Merrill Simpson located at R.D. 1, Etters in York County, 1 mile east of Yocumtown. Gerberich & Long, Auct. 838-1825. SAT. MAY 14, 10:00 AM. Public sale of livestock, farm machinery, truck, some household goods and antiques. Located 3 miles north of Kennett Square on Route 82, ' i mile south of Unionville on Route 82. East Marlboro Township, Chester County, Pa. Ethel Sutherland, owner. William March, Jr., Auctioneer. SAT. MAY 14, 10:00 AM. Public auction of farm equipment, antiques and collectibles and household items. Along Route 225 in the Village of Red Cross, Nor thumberland County, Pa. across from Mandata Poultry Company, i 3 miles south of Sunbury. Earl A. and Myrl K. Schreffler, owners. George N. Deibert, Auctioneer. Ph: 717-425-3313. SAT. MAY 14, 12 Noon- Public sale of livestock. Located 4 miles off Pa. Turnpike Exit 151 mile north of Lurgan, 1 mile east of Rozbury off Route 641 along Lurgan Road. Jesse Asper and Son, owners. Harry and Speer, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 14, 9:30 AM - Public auction of valuable real estate, antiques, per sonal property, lumber and tools. located in Paradise Twp. on Black Horse Road, ‘v mile south of Rapp’s Service Station and Route 30. Erma J. Yuninger, owner. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, and Jay Leary Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 14, 10:00 AM. Public sale of real estate, fine antiques, household goods and coins. Located along Charlestown Road, Washington Borough, Manor Twp, Lane. Co., Pa. Elizabeth B. Shoff Estate. Howard Shaub and Roy C. Probst, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 14, 10:30 AM. Public auction of household goods, tools, antiques. Located 1 mile north of Quarryville, Lancaster County, Pa. on Route 222 12 miles south of Lancaster next to Ponderosa Hesturant. Leo, Davis, owner. Steve P<tershehn,' SAT. MAY 14, 9:30 AM - Public auction of valuable real estate, antiques, per sonal property, lumber and tools. Located in Paradise Twp- on Black Horse Road, mile south of Rapp’s Service'Station and Route 30. * Erma J. Yuninger, owner. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 14, 10:00 AM - Public auction of household tools, machinery. Elmer Rice Home, Indian Creek Road, 3 miles from Eldred, Pa. off Route 446 West of Eldred. Si Pepperman, Auctioneer 814-69M431. SAT. MAY 14, 10:00 AM. - New and used farm machinery consignment sale rain or shine. Located along the Susquehanna River, 9 - miles south of Tunkhannock, 3 miles east of Cen termoreland and 4 miles north of Falls, Pa. Wayne E. Weaver, Auctioneer, Manager. The Ed Kapolka Farm. „ SAT MAY 14, 9 AM - Public Auction of Household Fur nishings, Lawn, Garden and Hand Tools, Antiques and Collectibles to be held at 60 South Eighth Street, Lewisburg, Pa. Sale by Mary R. Yoder, Owner; Earl Eash, Auctioneer. SAT. MAY 14, 11:00 AM. Special Public Auction. Estate of Romie Townsend of Church Hill, other estate items plus load of plumbing supplies at Route 213, Galena, Maryland. Harry Rudnick and Sons, Inc. TUES. MAY 17 6:30 PM. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Nicholson Dispersal on Route 248 A between Genessee, Pa. and Whitesville, N.Y. 51 in terstate tested, reg. and Hi grade Holsteins, 3 tractor selling due to ill health. Gerald Pirrung, Ulysses, Pa. 814-848-7421. Robert M. Shaylor Sales, Troy, Pa. 717- 297-3278. Victor and James Pirrung, Auctioneers. FRI. MAY 20, 8:00 PM.’ Allegany-Steuben Holstein Club Calf and Bred Heifer Sale. Canisteo, New York. At the club bam 10 miles south selection of the following; • Nice size grade heifers ready to breed. • Registered heifers from + - proven sires due late summer. • Grade heifers out of good herds due now through fall. • Grade second and third calf springers due April and May. • Registered cows due April and May. . «iese coes are classified good + and very good with good DHIA production. of Homell, 5 miles south of Canisteo on Route 3&. William Kent, Inc. Sale Manager and Auctioneer. WED. MAY 18 -9:30A.M. Consignment Sale of Tractors, Farm Machinery, Horse Drawn Implements, New Tods and Hardware located % mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster Co., Pa. Sale by David H. Good; F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth and J. Fry, Auctioneers. WED. MAY 18, 12 Noon. Public sale of real estate, antiques, household goods, tools, equipment ■ and odd lumber. Located along Mill Creek Road, East Lampeter Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. about Vz north of Smoketown; turn north at Walter Pietsch’s TV Store onto Mill Creek Road. Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Charles owners. Howard Shaub Auctioneer and Roy C. Probst. THURSDAY, MAY 19,1977 - at 12 Noon, Public Sale of Real Estate and household goods. -Located in Bird-m- Hand, RDI, East Lampeter Twp. Lancaster Co., PA. Owner, Claude Charles. Howard Shaub and Russell Probst, Auctioneers. THURS. MAY 19,10:30 AM - Dispersal sale of farm machinery. 8 miles NW of Newville, Cumberland County, one mile north of Mifflin Elementary School and just east of Mt. Hope Church. From Route, 181 Newville Exit go north on Route 233 to Route 997 and follow sale arrows. Robert G. and Bena G. Zimmerman, owners. Arthur Rife, Auc tioneer. MAY 19, 20, 21 - Annual 3- Day Spring Carriage and Antiques Sale. Watch paper for further details. Martin Auctioneers. FRI. MAY 20, 7:00 PM. Public sale of 17 acre farm. Located 1 mile outside of Auburn on Bear Creek Street, 3 miles west of Route 61, Schuylkill County, Pa. Conditions by Attorney Charles Fitzpatrick. Alvin and Elton Homing, Auc tioneers. FRI. MAY 20 - 12 P.M. Stocker and Feeder Cattle Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Lancaster, Pa. FOR THE DFSCRMIUIING DAIRYMAN M-R-Y HOLSTEINS (Transportation provided) Call 717-299-2097 M. ROBERT YOUNG > ' FKI. MAY 2(1-8 Nite Cow Sale at the Black & White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or V* mile West of Breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer; Henry Ket tering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager. SAT. MAY 21 - 1:30 P.M. Public Auction of 400450 Feeder Pigs located between Womelsdorf and Myerstown along Route 422, at Stouchsburg, take Scharff Road south one mile; third farm on left. V* mile north of Sheridan Furnaces, Marion Township, Berks County, Pa. Terms by Walter M. Horst. Newmanstown RDI, Pa. Auction Conducted by John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, MAY 21 - Public Sale at 10:00 a.m. of 3 tracts of Real Estate, farm machinery, poultry equip ment, and household goods. Situated 12 miles east of Harrisburg, 4 miles north of Hershey, V« mile south of highway 22 on S. Mill Rd. in Dauphin Co. PA. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ulrich, owners. Auctioneers, Gerberich and Long. SAT. MAY 21, 2:00 PM. Public sale of valuable real estate. Located on New Holland Road, 1-% miles south of Main Street, New Holland. Turn off Route 23 on Brimmer Avenue to New Holland Road. Luke R. and Mary E. Bomberger, ojmer. Robert E. Martin 656-7770 and Frank L. Steller 656- 8195, auctioneers. SAT. MAY 21 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Personal Property and Real Estate (beginning at 11:00 A.M.) located in Soudersburg, Jr’a. on south side of Route 30. Tract No. 1 is ( a 2Va story farm house, 4 unit apartment building; Tract No. 2 borders Tract No. 1 and is a 1 story framehouse, and Tract No. 3 borders Tract No. 2 and is a 1 Ms story frame house. Sale by Erma J. Yuninger; Ira Stoltzfus and Son, and Jay Leary, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 21 - 10 A.M. Fourth Annual Spring Heifer Sale at the New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. For more information contact Abe Diffenbach or Norman Kolb. SAT. MAY 21-12 Noon Special Horse Sale at the v* t , - V. -