Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 07, 1977, Image 129
Public Sales Register SAT. MAY 7,1:00 PM. Real . . „ estate auction of 237.89 B™ und “ “ «P“*® par acres of open and wooded ce * s » * for PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABUE REM. ESTATE PERSONAL PROPERTY & ANTIQUES FRIDAY EYE, MAY 13,1977 SATURDAY, MAY 14,1977 At 9 A.M. (Real Estate-2 P.M.) Located midway between Lancaster & Ephrata, 2 miles Northeast of Landis Valley Farm Museum. V 4 mile South of the Oregon Hotel, across from the Sheraton-Conestoga Motor Lodge, corner of Rt. 272 & Creek Rd.; ManheimTwp., Lane. Co.. Pa. 4 ACRES More or less, erected there on is a 2H STORY BRICK DWELLING containing 4 rooms w. vestibule down stairs A 5 rooms A bath upstairs. Full attic, basement w. arch cellar, hot water beat 2 story summerhouse w. bake oven, 2 story workshop, 2 story chicken house, barn w. 2 stables it entry, tobacco shed 8c dampening cellar. Good well. This desirable property is in good condition & at a good location w. road frontage along 2 roads. Could be an ideal horse farm. Persons wishing to view property may do so Saturday, April 30 A May 7 between 12-4 P.M. or other times by calling 656-7229f0r an appointment. Frigidaire elec, stove. Speed Queen wringer-type washing machine, 2 oak ext tables w. 5 Boards, wooden kitchen chairs, plank bottom chairs, 4 hi-back cane seated chairs, several rocking chairs, stool, leather davenport w. chair A rocker, 3 pc. living room suite, 3 pc. bedroom suite, several beds, spring A mattress, sideboard, 2 jelly cupboards, 2 dry sinks, wood chest, blanket chert, old chert w. secret compartment, camel-back trunk, player piano A rolls, antique ac cordion, White treadle-type sewing machine, library table, small tables, porcelain top table w. removeable legs, marble top to wash stand, room size rugs, hand hooked throw rugs, clothes tree, hat rack, mantle clocks, lanterns, table lamp, wall lamp, hanging lamp, kerosene lamp, 7 pc. washbowl set, 1369 PHILIP SCHUM COVERLET made in Lancaster (good condition), many quilts, shawles, linens, cushions, old clothing, old dolls A doll clothes, doll bed, doll carriage, child’s chairs, child’s hi-chair, child’s wooden wagon w. wooden seat A wooden wheels, old childrens bodes, picture books (1900-1903), old almanacs 1850 (German) 1878 A 1881 (English). 1903 Webster dic tionary, old port cards, old valentines, old pictures, antique puzzles, postage stamps, picture albums. Cherry Boy, cuspidor, silverware, old knives, 3-prong folks, salt dips, cop 8c saucer sets, 6-tumbler water set (hand painted), blue-willow dishes, cut glass, pressed glass, carnival glass, wooden sugar boxes, old cigar boxes A other wooden & metal boxes, assorted baskets, wooden tubs, coal bucket, lots of crocks (up to 6 gal. size), lots of jugs, bottles, dated jars, qt. A pt. jars, scales w. weights, tinware, copper ladle, butcher ladles, butcher kettle, butcher bench. Old coins—half pennies, pennies, half dollars, silver dollars-, old Ig. dollar bill, some foreign money. Old deeds, 2 old pocket watches w. keys. Arrowheads. The bam equip. & tools will be sold Friday Eve., May 13-6 P.M. Potbelly stove, kerosene heater, iron troughs, pumping trough, benches, porch swing, 2 hole com sheller, scorer, walking cultivator, wooden wheelbarrow, bag wagon, platform scales, old wooden barrels w. wooden hoops, 2 Ig. wooden spoke wheels, tobacco shears, lots of tools, garden tools, old license plates, &many other items. The above items are in excellent condition! Sale by: noun, urns MUERK R. LAMNS (Estate of the late Clayton Landis) J. Elvin Kraybiil, Attorney Rufus 6eib (665-4136) & Raymond Miller, Auctioneers Food stand by Landis Valley Mennonite Church (Youth) Coins will be sold Sat. - immediately following Real Estate. Not To Be Held At 6P.M. ible for accidents. building permit. At Town ship Roads 805 and 854 in Eidgebury Township, Bradford County, Northeast of Centerville, Pa. New York Route 11, exit at Lowman, proceed to Wellsburg and Route 367, then South to directional arrows. Sanford A. Alderfer, Inc. Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 7, 9:00 AM. Public sale of real estate, antiques, modem furniture, household goods, tools and coins. Located at 1706 Bridge Road, West Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pa. approximately V* mile east of Lampeter square, turn right onto first road. Mary R- Evans, owner. Howard Shaub and Roy C. Probst, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 7 - 10:00 A.M. Sharp. Public Sale of Fine Early Antiques, Car, Household Goods, Tools. To be held at 830 Madison Avenue, York, Pa. Reuben E. Lauer Sr. Executor. Clair H. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. SAT. MAY 7 1:00 P.M. Susquehanna County Sheep Consignment Sale. Harford Fair Grounds east off Exit 65 on 1-81. Sponsored by Susquehanna County Sheep PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MAY 21,1977 Location at Bethel, Pa. Vz mile south of Route 22. Take Route 502 south to School Road. Turn west to second farm left. 90 BRED GILTS 1 BRED SOW 8 80 to 100 Pound Boars (3 way) Famous 2 Way Crow - York-Haun-Duroc Gilts are bred to purebred Hampshire boars. Start farrowing May 26. All home-raised pigs, no outside pigssold on this sale. Pigs were vaccinated for ensephilitis, wormed and treated for lice. 717-933-4279 G. Harvey Weik, Auctioneer. PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT, BLACKSMITH TOOLS, ANTIQUES SATURDAY, MAY 14,1977 10:00 A.M. Located at Silver Springs, Pa. along Route 23 between Lancaster and Marietta Pike. 49 Chevy panel truck; JD 420 tractor; JD LA tractor w/culti and plow; JD 13 disc grain drill; JD 20 disc, JD 7’ mower; JD L. spreader; JD 2 B 14” plow, cultipacker; 3 pt. spring harrow flat wagon; roller and spike harrows; Stauffer tob. planter; 2 row corn planter; two wheel trailer; rake; 5000 tob. lath; tob. press; 2 hole com sheller; chain hoist; air compressor; saw buck; square bade sleigh; chain saw; ext. lad ders; wooden shaker fork; 1835 Conestoga wagon jack; anvil; forge; tongues; slater tools; wooden measure and tubs; hand tools; forks; shovels; Wise; egg stove; grass seeder; sizing boxes; platform scale; harness; straw cutter; milk cans; sausage staffer; ladles; iron kettles; farm table; meat bench; butter churn; high chair; clock; old baby carriage; grain cradle E. C. Bruiser; kerosene stove; jugs, crocks; and many other items not listed. Tools sold first. Sale by, ANNA MAE BUBER H. (Abe) Shaffner (653-5689) C. H. Wolgemuth, Auctioneer. Food by Silver Springs Fire Company. and Wool Growers. Contact Don' Williams, RDI, Hop Bottom, Pa. 18824. SAT. MAY 7, Public Auction of real estate, personal goods. 11:30 AM. Location - from Lewistown take Route 522 south through Mt. Union to AUenport. Take 103 north several miles and turn right towards Shirleysburg, mile off of 103. John Gifford, owner. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 7, 9:30 AM. Public sale of valuable real estate and personal property. Approximately 2 miles east of US 140 (turn at Scbuchart’s Petroleum Company). Dillie I. Straley Estate. C. David Redding, Auctioneer. 717-334-6941. SAT. MAY7,IO: A.M. Public sale of antiques, furniture, restaurant equimcnt, wagons, harness, etc. Located in the village of Menges Mills, York County, Pa. 14 miles west of York, 6 miles east of Hanover, off Route 116 near Spring Grove, Pa. R.EiCehr, Sale manager. SAT. MAY 7, 12:00 Noon- Hams Complete dispersal. Located just off Campbrook Road, 3 miles from Osceola, 1:30 P.M. Terms by: HENRY H. MARTIN Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 7.1977 Fa. 5 miles from Woodhull, New York, 5 miles from Elkland, 12 miles from Westfield, Pa. Henry and Sandra Harris, Owners. Arlow Kiehl, Auctioneer. Gordon Wood, Sales Manager SAT. MAY 7, 10.00 AM Household auction, tools. Allen Aiken Hime, Eldred, Pa. comer of Indian Creek and Loop Roads, 2 miles from Eldred off Route 446 to 346, west of Eldred. Si Pepperman, Auctioneer 814- 698-3431. SAT. MAY 7, 11:00 AM. Segur's Complete Farm Auction of machinery and equipment, shop equipment. Location-3 miles north of Canton, Pa. Auction signs from H. Rockwell and Son Feed Mills. Francis and Janet Segur, owners. 0.0. Rockwell and Associates, Auctioneers, Troy, Pa. 717- 297-3460. SAT. MAY 7 9:30 A.M. Hie Annual Tel-Hai Benefit Sale at the Twin Slope Farmers Market, Pa. Turnpike Exit 22, Junction Rt. 10 and 23 just West of Morgantown Pa. Selling Quilts, Quarters of Beef, Baked Goods, Chicken Bar-B-Que, LARGE AHNWEI HOUSEHOLD SATURDAY, MAY 14,1977 At 9:30 A.M. Sharp Located at 718 Main St. Delta Boro, York Co., Pa. 2 pc. corner cupboard w/gi ass pane doors on top, 2 drawers & 2 doors in bottom section; Ig. pine 1 pc. blind hunt comer cupboard; round oak table w/paw feet; beautiful roll top desk w/drawers; oak swivel desk chair; Ig. chestnut wardrobe w/drawers in bottom; bow front china closet w/broken glass; set of 4 oak plank bottom chairs; set of 4 bentwood plank bottom chairs; set of Splank bottom chairs; 3 pc. oak bedroom suite; 4 wash stands, 2 w/marble tops; several oak dressers it beds; oak chest of drawers w/mirror; oak stand w/drawer; tear drop spool stand; captains desk; ball & claw piano stool; 2 spool tables; cane seat chairs & rockers; wicker bed room rocker; cane seat feback rocker; oblong wicker table; oak library table; pine cupboard bottom; jelly cupboard; 3 steamer trunks; sm. drop leaf table; bamboo chest; psychiatrist couch; drop leaf gate leg table; table top phonograph w/morning glory horn & cylinder records; in good working cond.; standing victrda w/78 RPM records; Ig. asst of picture frames; very unusual sick chair & ’foot stool; Morrison reclining chair; kitchen cabinet; dough tray stand; lot of oak stands; floor model radio; very old childs sled; asst of toys; childs china tea sets; books; 2 kerosene space beaters; pot belly stove; butcher kettle; gypsy pots; store paper dispenser & cutter; hand pump; ornamental brass porch seat; croCks; jugs; dishes; glassware, etc. Magic Chef counter top electric stove w/eye level oven; Kelvinator apt size gas stove, like new; Frigidaire upright freezer; white baked enamel standing fireplace w/pipe; 4 pc. maple bedroom suite; 3 pc. L.R. suite; 2 pc. L.R. suite; 4 pc. breakfast set; 7 pc. breakfast set; several formica top tables w/chairs; iron bed; full maple bed; Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table & end tables; 2 other pr. end tables; oak rocker w/upholstered seat; couch; 6 floor lamps; 10 table lamps; Duo Therm space heater; new gas floor fur nace; marble shell sink bp; base cabinet; gas space heater; porch glider; 4 porch rockers; 3 metal chairs; approx. 35 shutters; 100 fire brick; 3 sq. roofing slate; 4-10 ft. pcs. alum, rain spouting; storm windows; screen doors; 18” x 4’ cast iron plates; lot of nick nacks; dishes; pots; pans; St many items not men tioned. Terms: Cash or approved check. MR. & MRS. MILTON THOMPSON Delta, Pa. Owners Robert L Sechrist, Auctioneer Ph. 382-4379 Anderson & Warner, Clerks Not responsible for accidents. Refreshments available. Strawberry Pies, Rugs,etc. Auctioneers; Hornings, Kurtz and Zook. Proceeds benefit Tel-Hai Nursing Home and Children’s Camp. SAT. MAY 7, 9:30 AM - Public auction of household goods, real estate, antiques.' Forks, Pa. Route 487 north, turn at Hickory Joe’s Restaurant, V* mile watch for sale signs and arrows, 18 miles from Bloomsburg, Pa. and 8 miles from Orangeville, Pa. Yost family, owner. Dan Nevius, Auctioneer, Mifflinville, Pa. 752-4214. SAT. MAY 7, 10:00 AM. Public Sale of classic antique cars, car parts, tools, household goods, antiques, china, glassware, 2 riding mowers. Located from business Route 30 in Downingtown turn north on Route 113, 6Vz miles to sale on left. Chester Springs, Chester County, Pa. Margaret Elma Miller, executrix William March, Jr. Auctioneer. SAT. MAY 7, 1:00 PM - Public sale of valuable real estate. In Brady Township, Huntingdon County, Pa. along Route 655, three miles east of Mill Creek, about IS SALE 129