Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 07, 1977, Image 127
Ore Valley 4-H Club hold meeting red LION, Pa. - At the April meeting of the Ore Valley Community 4-H Club, it was made public that several of the members have HARRY ZELLERS PUBLIC SALE HOUSEHOLD ITEMS AND LOTS OF ANTIQUES SATURDAY, MAY 21,1977 At 110 South Race Street,- Richland, Lebanon County, Pa. Oak washstand, oak writing desk and bookcase, 4 legged drop leaf table, 2 servers, oak bureau, small stand, smoking cabinet, Jewel stove, jewelry case, small glass drug store case, kitchen cabinet, oval lid trunk, bucket bench, Grand Opera Victrolla, china closet, lion head rocker, quilt frame, metal cabinet, radio, milk cans, wooden horse, straw cutter, counter scale, hay fork, wash board, lots of good picture frames, electric light, 2 lanterns, large and small oil lights, candy chest, small paper cutter, 5 gallon crock, Avon bottles, bear banks, beer mugs, lots of all kinds of bottles, flat iron, trivets, coffee grinder, cast iron and tin match boxes, horse shoe knife, 2 nursing bottles, 12 Coca Cola glasses, butter print, glass slippers, chicken on the nest, marbles, 18 coble blue water glasses, jewelry boxes, shoe lathe, TV set, shaving mug, red and pink glass, pressed glass, large coffee cup and saucer, bottle opener, all kinds of books, lots of salt and pepper shakers, Schaefferstown plates, service for 8 dinner set, all kinds of dishes, old typewriter, nail kegs, small nick nacks, umbrella stand, tooth pick holder, walking canes, old deeds and lots of items not men tioned. Lots of nice pieces in this sale. John Breidegam, Auctioneer Donald Double & Linda Breidegam, Clerks PUBLIC SALE LIVESTOCK, FARM MACHINERY, TRUCK SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES SAT. MAY 14 10 A.M. Located 3 miles North of Kennett Square on Route 827V* mile South of Unionville on Route 82. East Marlboro Twp. Chester Co. Pa. Watch for sale sign at end of lane. 22 Head of Angus feeder cows some w-calves; 1 angus bull; 1971 Chevrolet Fleetside l n ton pick up w-racks, 9,000 original miles 6 cylinder; FARM MACHINERY: J.D. tractor 620 fully equipped; N.H. No. 69 Super hay liner baler; New Idea 95 bu ground driven Manure spreader, like new; J. D. rake on rubber; J. D. 13 disc grain drill; J. D. disc KBA-7- 10; 10 ft dbl cultipacker; J. D. 2 B 14” pull type plow; 2 rubber tire wagons w-sides; old Papec feed grinder; Surge milker motor & compressor; 9 milk cans; fence posts & rails; roll cattle wire; platform scales; block & fall; feed carts; hay racks; rolls of snow fence; various ladders; feed troughs & tubs; old water wheel; various sizes of rabbit hutches; rabbit equipment; rubber tire wheel barrow; Craftsman 7 H.P. riding mower; Snapper mower; electric fly sprayer; cattle clippers; cattle dehomers; log chains; various tools used on a farm; lawn roller; farm bell; shovels; forks; good rope; various small hand tools; and many other items; SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES; sleigh bells; 2 tool chests; 1 dated: 1880; crocks 1 w-blue; dated jars; and many other misc items not listed. Item are in very good condition and clean. Starting w-small items followed by farm machinery. Cattle to be sold at 12:45 P.M TERMS CASH BY ORDER OF ETHEL SUTHERLAND William March, Jr. Auctioneer Elverson, Pa. (215)286-5744 Lunch by the Po-Mar-Lin Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary been active in projects, contests, and field days. Steve Trostle and Don Flory attended a livestock field day on April 16 at Refreshments. Sale at 10 A.M. Conditions by, HARRY ZELLERS University Park. They were also members of York County’s first place judging team. Peggy Williamson at tended Winter Roundup also held on April 16. At the roundup shw received a first place, blue merit ribbon for her leathercraft project. The June meeting of the Ore Valley Club will be held in the Lion’s Park, Dallastown. The program will be a softball game against the Jefferson 4-H club. sAms, BE ALERT PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, & OLD LUMBER WEDNESDAY, MAY 18,1977 At 12:03 Loc. along Mill Creek Road, East Lampeter Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. (about Vz mile north of Smoketown; turn north at Walter Pietsch’s TV Store; onto Mill Creek Road). 2% Story 8 room & full bath frame house w-red brick asbestos siding. Also: Ig. IVz story frame bam & frame chicken house. Lot size: 137’ frontage by 240’ depth more or less. Property open for inspection: Sat’s. May 7 & 14 from 1 till 3. Real Estate to be sold at 2:00. Esso chest freezer, apt. size wash, mach., White sew. mach., coal or wood heatrola, 8 pc. waterfall dining room suite, 6 pc. water fall bedroom suite, oak sq. ext. table w-5 boards & 2 dressers, metal, baby & other furniture, kid’s games & toys, everyday glassware & china, One horse milk wagon, port, cement mixer, metal 100 bushel grain bin, hay & tobacco ladders, 10’ by 12’ rhirken house, hand & bam tools. Other misc. articles not listed. Food served. Sale by, MR. & MRS. W. CLAUDE CHARLES Carl G. Herr, Atty. Howard Shaub, Auctioneer and Roy C. Probst 40 PUREBRED GUERNSEYS 40 THURSDAY, MAY 12,1977 12:30 Noon At the Ass'n. Sales Pavilion, 6 Mi. East of Lancaster. 2 BULLS (Serviceable Age), one consigned by, K.D. Linde, Oxford a ‘‘Kellogg Nances Prince" son. The other consigned by W. B. & V. R. Campbell, Halifax, by a son of “Dan Fayvor". Balance Cows and Bred Heifers all due about sale time. A GOOD TIME AND PUCE ID GET SUMMER MILK BEFORE YOUR FALL FRESHENERS COME FRESH Sale Managed By; PA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 458, Camp Hill, Pa. 17011 (717) 737-0551 And The Merryman Co., Sparks, Md. 21152 (301) 771-4624 READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Sale reports ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< A Public Auction of a 24 acre farm and farm machinery was held April 30 by Perry L. and Margaret E. Copenhaver, west of Ephrata on Girl Scout Road, Lancaster Co., Pa. The property was sold for $79,000 to Aaron R. Hoover, R 4, Lititz, Pa. It consisted of a stone ranch dwelling, barn, fattening building and farrowing house. Other prices received were: Allis Chalmers Dl7 tractor $3650, J.D. B $6OO, J.D. Disc Harrow $l6O, Flat Bed Wagon $5OO, and 1966 Chev. 1650 gal. Water Truck $3700. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 7,1977 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Auction conducted by John E. & Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. HUNTER’S SALE BARN, INC. held their weekly sale May 2 at Rising Sun, Maryland. HEIFERS: High Choice and Prime 34.00-36.00, few 37.50; Good to Choice 28.00- 31.00. * FEEDER STEERS: Good to Choice 39.00-41.00; Standard to Good 34.00-37.00. BULLS: 1380 lb. 34.00; 825 lb. 32.00; 520 lb. 29.50. COWS: High Choice to Prime 28.00-29.25; Good to Standard 26.00-28.00; Utility 24.25-25.75; Cutters 21.00- 24.00; Canners 18.00-22.00. CALVES: Prime 180-280 lb. 60.00-67.00; High to Choice 140-180 lb. 55.00-59.00; 120-130 lb. 42.00-51.00(Good to Choice); Standard to Good 110-115 lb. 36.00-42.00; Utility 90-95 lb. 38.00-42.00; Low Utility 60-85 lb. 22.00-28.00. HOGS: Feeders $2l to $29 by the head; 240-280 lb. 33.00- 36.25; few 40.00. SHEEP: .14 to .19 cents lb. GOATS: Kids $lB to $23 by the head; Nanny $23 to $3O by the head. Sale Mgr. & Auctioneer, Norman E. Hunter, Pres. HAY, STRAW AND GRAIN SALE EVERY TUESDAY AT 12 NOON PAUL L MARTIN SALES STABLES Box 3. Blue Ball, PA. 17506 Stables located along Route 340 2 miles east of Intercourse, Pa., 4 miles south of New Holland. PHONE: RES: 717-354-6671 STABLES: 717-768-8108. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE, FINE ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS & COINS SATURDAY, MAY 14,1977 At 10:00 Located along Charlestown Road, Washington Borough, Manor Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. IVz Story, 7 room & IVz bath frame house w-asbestos siding. Also frame Vh story barn, utility shed & chicken house. Lot size: 60’ frontage x 196’ more or less. Property open for inspection: Sat’s. April 30 & May 7 from 1 till 3. Real Estate to be sold at 2:00. Very nice Columbian coal cook stove, RCA 2 dr. refrig., RCA port. TV, Maytag wringer washer, 7 pc. bird’s eye maple bedroom suite w-box spring & mat tress, jelly cupboard, blanket chest, orig. edc. Boston plank rocker. Walnut, oak, brass, mahg., maple, metal St uph. furniture. Wall & mantle clocks, frames, iron, brass, tin, wooden St agate articles. Fine cranberry hanging light. Lots of oil lamps. Milk glass, sponge spatter, blue, Staffordshire, wedgewood, bisque, bennington, pressed paper, majolica, heisey, ruby top, ironstove, carnival, nippon, Jap., German, pressed & other glassware & china. Coins & Jewelry. Other misc. articles not listed. Food served. Sdic by ELIZABETH B. SHOFF ESTATE Nikolaus & Hohenadel Attys. Howard Shaub, Auctioneer and Roy C. Probst The 6th annual Wayne Co. Holstein Club Calf Sale was held 1 mile north of Honesdale, Pa. on April 30th. A large crowd attended including buyers from S. Carolina, California, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The top animal sold brought $1175 and was a daughter of Whirlhill Kingpin. Daughters of Elevation sold from $l5OO to $l7OO. The 60 head of calves brought an average price of $723. Mertin Bunnell was the auctioneer. A Public Sale of real estate was held April 30 by Raymond Martin, 1 mile south of Bowmansville, Lane. Co., Pa. The stone home and frame bam located on a acre tract of land sold for $53,000. It was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Levi Garman of Leola, Pa. Leßoy S. Horst and Paul W. Horst were the auc tioneers. A Public Sale of rug weaving equipment and antiques was held April 28 for die estate of Daniel L. Esh, Intercourse, Lane. Co., Pa. Prices received were: Dry Sink $430, Bucket-a-day stove $l6O, Rocking Chair $2lO, Jelly Cupboard $230, Blanket Chest $2OO, 6 plank bottom chairs' $216, oak Extension Table $155, wash stand $45, Oak Bed $BO and No. 3 rug weaver $l3O. [Continued on Page 128] 127