Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 07, 1977, Image 126
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 7, 1977 126 Sale nets $105,000; INTERCOURSE, Pa. - The annual Pennsylvania Relief Sale Workers meeting was held at Harvest Drive Restaurant, here with ap proximately 200 workers in attendance. relief projects wherever needed in the world. Approximately 15,000 persons attended the sale earlier this year at the Farm Show Building m Harrisburg. Paul S Hoover treasurer an^"ma(^e Quilts, always presented to Mennonite ® at f !? i0n ’ Central Committee a check nrol^a t P i v y if> of $105,000.00 which ex- fhaS™L jSS' T reeded the nrevious vear 300 were given by 2®:, year dedicated women, who 5..1 the Sphered in homes and Through this agency the cjim*ches each week since funds will be distributed to j* The k Mghest SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 20,1977 7:00 P.M. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10 miles East of Lancaster on Route 30, Paradise, Pa. Phone 717-768-8204 or 717-442-4181 If you have any cattle to consign, please call L. Robert Frame, Manager. PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE ANTIQUES AND COLLECTOR ITEMS AT THE RESIDENCE AND SHOP OF BILLRITENOUR 543 East Fifth St., Nescopeck, Pa., Luzerne County. Take Berwick Exit No. 36N off In terstate 80 Cross Bridge from Berwick to Nescopeck SATURDAY, MAY 14 - 9:00 A.M. SHARP SUNDAY, MAY 15-1:00 PH. SHARP RAIN OR SHINE One piece corner cupboard with glass doors, grandfather's clock, Thomas A Edison solid oak cylinder type VictroU, 73 cylinders (A-l condition}, oak roll top desk in A-l condition, oak swivel desk chairs, two bow front chinas, 2 regular chinas, platform rocker, oak marble top stand, 4 side boards, pump organ in good working order, several ice boxes, chestnut dough cupboards, vanities, drop front desk with solid sides, oak dining room table with 6 chairs, solid walnut hand carved gun cabinet, 6 piece birdseye maple bedroom suite, claw footed love seat with genuine leather cover in A-l shape, Moms chair with claw feet, auto harp, pocket watch, spool type deacon bench, oak hand carved side board with beveled mirror, 5 piece love seat, old R R desk, 2 solid oak quilt chests, coffee grinders, walnut and oak bedroom suites, wash stands with towel racks, horse collars, trunks including large and miniature turtle back and steamer, ox yoke, sap yoke, butter bowls, ladles and butter molds, butter churns including large and small barrel type, needlepoint heat screen with design, mantel and shelf clocks, banjo clock, snow shoes, cash boxes, harness make’s bench, secretary with claw feet, several cabbage cutters with boxes, scales, violins with wooden case, long table, picture frames, solid midiogany desk and chair, matching wicker table and chairs, square oak table with claw feet, hand painted matching plank bottom chairs, more than 100 odd chairs, wicker base lamp with matching jvicker shade, 3 sets cane seat chairs, organ stool and piano bench, jelly cupboard, dough box, barn drill, dressers, chest of drawers, wood washing machine, buggy wheels, wagon wheels, wicker rocker, water pump, hotel type martin bird house, rocking chairs, hall tree, horse hames and harness, oak homemade tables, housier, Victrolas, salt and pepper collection, wooden commode, buggy seats, pair of unusual lamp shades, market baskets, 5 leg table, couch, block planes, molding planes, library desk, granite ware, old dolls, wood burner stove, wooden clover leaf table, quilts, old books, little big books, high chair, shaving mugs, handmade cookie cutters, pieces of sterling silver, roseviUe pottery, apple peeler, cherry pitter, chololate molds, comb case, flask, child’s toys, piano rolls, dresser sets, several pieces of marble, sterling silver purse, camel back doll trunk with tray, brass bed, large dinner bell, large pot belly stove out of caboose, copper apple butter kettle with spider, numerous copper and cast iron and brass items, cast iron kettles, table and floor lamps Aladdin lamp, railroad lanters, metal kerosene lanterns, Penna R R cans, brass andirons, old coal cook stove, milk cans, copper dough riser, brass water pump, brass kettles, 2 copper kettles, old license plates, 2 brass National cash registers, hand irons, copper boiler with copper lid, kerosene heater, cast iron gypsy kettle with feet, brass scales, iron beds, hanging brass lamps, cow bell, brass miner's lamps, old banks, brass umbrella stand, tea pot collect'on, flat irons, lot of cut glass, pressed glass, carnival glass, flo blue and pink, green and yellow depression glass, several pitcher and bowl sets, crocks and jugs including a 2 gal McHenry whiskey jug, Tiffany style lamp with marble base, dishes of every description, Tiffany style hanging lamp with leaded shade, 2 brass and glass musical decanters, vinegar cruet, one of the fust type of Coca-Cola bottles, Chattanooga, Tenn , numerous old bottles, jars and jardinieres, handmade polished Jaspqr book ends, 42 piece hand painted Japanese tea set, cobalt blue, crystal, cut glass vases, cranberry glass, sets of china and other items too numerous to mention GUNS 12 gauge double barrel Ithaca shotgun with ears. Model 1898 30- 40 Krag U S Springfield, 12 gauge double barrel Ithaca shotgun (very old), 35 cal Remington pump model 14, 25 cal Remington pump, Hamilton 22 cal solid brass and steel single shot, J Stevens crack shot 22 long rifle, Model 1890 22 cal Winchester pump, Uttle Scout 22 cal nfle, Wards Western Field octagon barrel 22 cal rifle, 1, C Smith 12 gauge double barrel shotgun. Model 1892 Winchester 357 magnum carbine. Nickel steel octagon barrel 32 cal Winchester center fire with rolling block and other items too numerous to mention This is a sale you 11 be talking about in years to come Don t miss it' Most all items in mint or A 1 condition TFRMS OF SAUv Cash, Certified Check or Approved Security Prior to Sale Auctioneers: Albert Broyan & Dennis Briggs Nescopeck, Pa. 18635 Phone (717) 379-3286 or (717) 759-1460 Lunch Will Be Available Come Early and Plan to Spend the Weekend With Us SAVE THIS AD TWO DAY Seller: BILL RITENOUR quilt brings $7OO priced quilt this year a " U f es > household goods, brought $700.00. f afts > Pennsylvania In addition to quilts, there f ,utch foods ; chlcke ? bar ' was a variety of items and beque, pastries, cheese foodstuff for sale. homemade candy, etc all More than 2,000 contmued sales through the strawberry pies sold as fast da X, wkicb began at 6 a.m. as they were made on the B * Wa&> grounds in their own special reDorted that department. The berries «ower, also retried tliat were flown in from dumg 1976 the net proceeds California °f fifteen rehef sales held m Some of the other items United States and Canada sold or auctioned included totaled $1,117,440.00. AUCTION FARM MACHINERY 2 JD TRACTORS, HORSE DRAWN MACHINERY 1910 KEYSTONE THRESHER, 4 CAN MILK COOLER 1976 VEGA CHEVY, 1966 B.M.W. MOTORCYCLE 1950 DODGE 4 DR. SEDAN For: CLARENCE HENDRICKS Hunsberger Road 2 Mi. Northwest of Morwood, Montg. Co., Pa. Directions; Rt. 563 to Morwood Rd., to Hunsberger Rd. TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1977 10:00 A.M. BE PROMPT! Auction will begin w/Farm Items Autos will be sold at 12:30 TRACTORS: 1952 MT John Deere w/front end loader, 2 bottom plow, REAR MOUNT, 1939 B John Deere w/2 row cultivator. MACHINERY: Includes New Holland baler, PTO driven Mod. 66, JD GRAIN-DRILL, 16 Disc on rubber; 24 ft. Smoker grain & bale elevator, JD 2 bottom plow (trip), 3 section spring tooth harrow, New Idea mower, 2 side delivery rakes (on steel), complete Surge milker, Frigidaire 4 can milk cooler, Blizzard ensilage cutter & blower, metal chicken feeders. HORSE DRAWN PIECES: Include John Deere grain binder (New 1935), Ellis Keystone threshing machine on truck, circa 1910, wooden plank Land Roller, Heebner fodder cutter. OTHER COLLECTORS ITEMS: Threshing flail, straw knife, hay hook, gambles, carriage & other lanterns; dbl. trees, etc. AUTOS AT 12:30: For the Estate of Paul A. Weidman -1976 Chevrolet Vega, 4 cyl., 4 speed, LIKE NEW, 4675 miles; 1966 BMW R6O MOTORCYCLE 600 CC w/fairing, towing seat & bags, A GEM w/35,300 miles. For Henry Hackman -1950 Dodge Meadowbrook, dark blue, 4 door sedan, 6 cyl. fl. drive, 1 owner. REAL NICE. Terms: Cash. SANFORD A. ALDERFER, INC. Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers Harleysville. Pa. - 723-1171 & 256-8892 MACHINERY AUCTION Located on road leading from Keeneyville, Pa. to Osceola. Watch for auction arrows off Route 49 in Osceola and off Route 287 in Middlebury Center, Pa. Because of losing barn by fire, I will sell the following on nuyEffiinK.inya,i!iT At 8:00 P.M. Sharp Case 319 dozer w/power angle and ripper blade (low hrs); 9 ton 3 axle Lowboy trailer; JD 2520 gas tractor w/No. 49 loader, bucket and 7 ft. mounted mower original tires only 1600 hrs; Farmall Super Mta w/live PTO and live hyd; Farmall H tractor; NH 707-3 jet hitch chopper w/pick-up and 1 row com heads ab solutely like new, com head still in crate, never used; NH 260 baler w/thrower; Hesston PT7 hay bine; Gehl 3 beater self-unloading box w/heavy duty running gear and floatation tires, real good; NH flail chopper cut approximately 100 acres real good condition; IHC 13 disc grain drill; JD 3 pt. hitch com planter lie new; Grove kicker rack w/JD running gear; old wagon w/kicker rack; Farmec 36 ft. elev. w/motor; NH 55 side rake; NH hopper blower; JD 3 bottom 3 pt. hitch IS” plows: 1952 GMC flat bed truck; land roller; 2 year old horse. Sale will start at 8:00 P.M. sharp. Will be over at approximately 9:00 P.M. so be on time. TERMS: Cash or good check. Auctioneer - Arlow Kiehl Sales Manager Gordon Wood Mansfield, Pa. Phnnp 717-549-4901 NIGHT SALE PERKINS Owner, THOMAS PERKINS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••so* Plant lovers’, comer Spring is the right time to think about pruning, and it must be done with a purpose in mind. Pruning should be done for the following reasons: 1. To maintain or reduce the size of a tree or shrub; 2. To remove dead, diseased and-or broken branches. This type of pruning should be done at any time of the year unhealthy branches appear; 3. To rejuvenate old shrubs and restore them to new vigor. Certain shrubs, even though badly overgrown, can be restored to a young, natural growth habit by the proper use of rejuvenation pruning, lilac, privet, forsythia, and many of the spireas are examples of shrubs that can be rejuvenated; 4. To prevent damage to life and property; 5. To shape plants in an unnatural form. Espaliers, hedges, and shrubs used m formal plantings are pruned or sheared in shapes other than their natural growth habit; 6. To stimulate future flower and fruit development; 7. and to retain maximum color on colored twig plants. PUBLIC AUCTION SAHIKMV, MAY 28,1877 AT 10:00 A.M. 20 Miles Northeast of Harrisburg in Jackson Township, Dauphin County, Pa., 3 Miles South west of Elizabethville; 4 Miles East of Fisher ville: Turn South off Rt. 225 toward ENDERS: Take Creek Road East to Farm. (Watch for Auction Sign the Day of Sale) PARCEL No. 1 40 * CREFARM 16 ACRES, approximately 3 Acres Wooded, balance Tillable IVi STORY 8-ROOM FRAME DWELLING BATH, OIL HEAT, BANK-TYPE BARN, OTHER OUTBUILDINGS 1,500 Feet Road Frontage. Arm strong Creek Flows through this Parcel. If you have been dreaming of owning a farm with enough land for cattle or you can make that dream come true and get a very lovely wooded area as a bonus! PARCEL No. 2 24 ACRES in High State of Cultivation. 2000 Ft Paved Road Frontage this is'your opportunity to purchase additional land to expand your present farm operation, or maybe you would prefer developing this parcel into country building sites. * This Farm Will Be Offered In Two Parcels And As One Unit. You Will Have An Opportunity To Purchase One Parcel Or The Entire'Farm Investigate now, arrange your financing, and be prepared to buy on the day of sale. TERMS: 10 per cent down day of sale, further terms and conditions will be announced at the time of sale. Real Estate will be offered at 1:00 P.M. FOR INSPECTION CALL: (717)362-9179 or (717)362- 9211 IDOLS and EQUIPMENT CRUSADER 4 H.P. SNOW BLOWER, like new; 10- Hoe Grain Drill, Side Delivery Rake, Dump Rake, Manure Spreaders, Swab Wagon with Hay Ladders, One-Horse Wagon, 2-Bottom A. C, Plow, Harrow, Land Roller, Seed Cleaner, Farm Wagon, Platform Scale, Tractor Chains, Buzz Saw, Bench Vise, Buggy Wheels, Pony Cart, Harness and Saddle, Single and Double Trees, Chicken Crates, Ladders, Hand Tools, Feed Box, Burr Grinder, Com Fodder Shredder, McD. Grass Mower, Log Chains, Hay Hook, Lumber, Used Bricks, 250 Gal. Oil Tank, Lawn Roller, Hog Gallows, Scalding Trough, Scythe, Sicklebar Mower, Hay and Straw. 1961 CADILLAC 4-DR. SEDAN HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 4-Pc. Blond Bedroom Suite, Waterfall Bedroom Suites, Dinette Set, 3-Pc. Sectional Living Room Suite, Platform Rocker, Occasional Chairs, Vanities, Bureaus, Chests of Drawers, Stands, Floor and Table Lamps, Radios, Porch Swing, Glider, Treadle Sewing Machine, Utility Cabinet, Baby Carriage, Luggage, Books, Single Beds, Carpet, Toys, Games, Bicycle, Sleds, Ice Skates, Jars, Dishes, Cooking Utensils. ANTIQUES and COLLECTIBLES 1935 FORD PICKUP TRUCK, Copper Apple Butter Kettle, Butcher Kettles and Stands, Coal Kitchen Range and Heaters, Settee, Plank Bottom Chairs, Wooden Measures, Meat Bench, Oak Chairs, Rockers, Tables, Beds, Bureaus, Victrola, Picture Frames, Wood Box, Flour Chest with Dough Tray, Milk Cans, Buckets and Bottles, Dated Jars, Lanterns, Jugs, Crocks, Grain Cradle, Wagon Seat, Wooden Pulleys, School Desks, Wooden Wheelbarrow, Straw Knife, Cane Back Sofa, other items not listed. GLADYS LEBEDIN, Owner (Former Home of the Late Allen and Katie Warfel) Norman Yoffee, Attorney George N. Deibert, Auctioneer (717)425-3313