Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 07, 1977, Image 122
pcr_vrpr TveM 122—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 7, 1977 \ * Chester County sets deadline for dairy princess pageant dairy princess pageant, open for the Pennsylvania State to the public, will start at Dairy Princess in 8:00 p.m. The contestants Harrisburg, on September 28 applications are now being accepted and must be in by June 4th to Mrs. Evelyn Evans, Chester Springs, R 2, Pa.. 19425. Entry blanks may be obtained from any member of the committee. All applicants must: - Live in Chester County. - Be a daughter of a dairy farm, a dairy farm manager, herdsman or dairy farm owner during the current year, or the con- OXFORD, Pa. - Chester County dairymen will soon have a new dairy princess to represent them. Plans are being made for the fourth annual contest which will be held at the Nottingham School, South Fifth Street, Oxford, on June 18 with a catered banquet starting at 6:45 p.m. preceding the pageant. The banquet tickets are on sale and can be ob tained from Mrs. Evelyn Evans, 458-5222; Mrs. Joyce Hostetter, 932-9599; or any member of the dairy prin cess committee - Mrs. Glen Freese, Mrs. Thomas Wilkinson, Lester High, Mrs. Edward Lawrie, or Agricultural Extension Agent, Glen Shirk. Preceding the pageant the Good News quartet will present a mini concert. The Committee appointed for consumer education Committee appointed for CONSUMER EDUCATION PARK RIDGE, 111. - Recognizing the importance of consumer education in changing consumer attitudes and buying habits, American Egg Board has appointed a standing committee on Consumer Education. Ted Darragh, Arkansas, has been named chairman of the committee, which will include: Ed Houston, Georgia; Bob Park, Penn sylvania; Ernest Brown, Illinois; Garth Rathjen, Iowa; Bill McAnally, California. Truman Wilcox, Washington, will serve as consultant to the committee. The committee will guide the programs of the AEB consumer education department. Among the vital AEB consumer education ac tivities are the development of informational pamphlets on eggs and egg cooking, distribution to food editors of original recipes, releases and photos, and the creation of ,educational and publicity materials for the seasonal merchandising and publicity program. FEEDER SALE! IDES. MAY 10 7:00 P.M CARLISLE LIVESTOCK MARKET. Inc PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, PERSONAL PROPERTY, LUMBER & TOOLS E. Russell Yuninger Estate Four Separate Tracts of Real Estate To Be Sold on Two Separate Dates. SATURDAY, MAY 14,1977 Starting at 9:30 A.M. Real Estate at 2:00 P.M. Tract #4—Located in Paradise Twp. on Black Horse Rd., V* mile south of Rapp’s Service Station and Rt. 30. Consists of a 1% Story Brick Home with 5 rooms and bath in each apartment, separate hot water oil fired heaters in each apartment; storm windows and screens; home has stone front and is in nice condition. Lot size 130’ x 215’ x 244’ (formerly Paradise Elementary School property). A good investment for someone. Small ice box, old square table, wash stand, rockers, porch swing, wicker fernery, crocks, 5 plank bottom chairs, oak dresser, oak C-drawers, 6 drawer spool cabinet, oak file drawers, old black enamel cook stove with water tank, blackboard slates, pitcher pump. PERSONAL PROPERTY 14.7 G.E. f.f. refrigerator with ice-maker (like new), modem round extension table. Voice of Music Stereo, floor lamps, G.E. range, commercial sewing machine, C-drawers, office desk and chair, file cabinets, sweepers, king size bed, blender, pots and pans, and a few dishes. LUMBER Several hundred feet of used lumber; including planks, wide boards, trim, lathe. 30’ aluminum extension ladder, 6” Craftsman planer, % hp, Craftsman bench grinder, 8” Black & Decker power saw, large Delta table saw, 2 Craftsman band saws—one on stand, Craftsman radial arm saw, 10” Belsaw planer, Planet Jr. Rotospader, Craftsman table saw, work benches, rigid pipe dies, asbestos shingles, Peach Bottom roofing slate, filing drawers, storage bins, nails, screws, bolts, Presto-lite soldering torch, bench vise, garden tools, copper tubing, cellar jacks, draw knife, oil cans, C-clamp, copper tubing cutter, electrical fixtures, plastic pipe fittings, drill bits, copper fittings, log chains, masonry bits and tools, door hinges, padlocks, log bolts, extension cords, wood clamps, pipe wrenches, box wrenches, hand saws, plumbing supplies, pipe vise, lead tools, 6%’ level, tool boxes, blow torches, wheelbarrow, contractor’s transit, 22 single barrel rifle, and much, much more. SATURDAY, MAY 21,1977 At 10:00 A.M. Real Estate—beginning at 11:00 a.m. with Tract #1 TRACT NO. 1- Located in Soudersburg, Pa. on south side of Route 30. Consists of 2% Story Frame House, 4 unit apart ment building; each apartment with 5 rooms and bath. Also includes storage shed and 2 car garage. Hot water, oil fired radiation. Lot size—’ road frontage on Route 30 and extending 250’ more or less in depth. TRACT NO. 2 (BORDERS TRACT NO. 1) 1% Story Frame House with 4 rooms and bath. Lot size—67’x 82.50’. TRACT NO. 3 (BORDERS TRACT NO. 2)- 1% Story Frame House with rooms and bath, garage attached. Lot size—’ x 89.50’. PERSONAL PROPERTY Numerous amounts of used galvanized and copper pipe and fittings, old radiators, old electric wire, lawn mowers, doors, lot of used LUMBER, nails, switch boxes, bolt bins, a few tools, fluorescent lights and much more. NOTE: Tracts No. 1, 2 and 3 are ideal investment properties worthy of serious consideration. For in formation, call auctioneers. Buyer shall pa> 10% down on Real Estate day of purchase, balance at settlement. Auctioneers: Ira Stoitzfus & Son 442-4936 Jay Leary 354-0423 Attorney, Lawrence E. Stengel List Your Sale Today With Ira, Dale or Jay, testant be the owner of more than one dairy animal prior to May 1, 1977. - Have completed her junior year of high school and will not reach her 22nd birthday by December 31, 1977. - She must be single and never married. - Have her parents’ or guardians’ consent. - Former local winners are not eligible. The Dairy Princess will represent Chester County farmers as their candidate ANTIQUES TOOLS Sale by, ERMA I. YUNINGER PUBLIC SALE LOVELY 88 ACRE FARM MANY ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FARM ITEMS, LARGE AMOUNT OF CARPENTER TOOLS, ETC. GOLD COINS The undersigned executrixes will offer the following Real & Personal Property at Public Sale at the decendents late residence located 2 Miles North of East Berlin, PA on Route 194 Thence turning West onto Anthony Road 1 mile to sale. (Signs Posted). SELLING ON MAY 17. 1977 at 5:00 PM Shan Large Amount of hand woodworking tools; 2 Single Hole Com Shellers, New Idea with motor, like new; Post Drill Press; 5” Bench Vise; Platform Scale; Old Seed Cleaning Fanning Mill; Rare Clover Seed Huller; 2 Clover Seeders; Hand Cradles; 3 Iron Hog Troughs; 40’ Shifting Ladder; Broom Making Equip. Bag Truck; Burlap Bags; 50 Bales of Straw; Wooden Barrels; Tap & Die Set; Nail Kegs; Oner Horse Syracuse Furrow Plow; Number of Old Carpenter Tools; Hand Saws; Hammers; Wood & Iron , Drill Bits; Jacobson Reel Lawn Mower, like new. NOTE: This is just a partial listing of tools and equipment well cared for. SELLING ON MAY 18,1977 at 10:00 AM Sharp 'Dutch Wall Cupboard, Softwood, 2 Piece, having 2 Glass Doors and nice Bracket feet; 2 Sets of 6 plank bottom Chairs, 1 set with nice original decorations & ladies rocker to match; 6 nice press back chairs and matching rocker; Rare to find and unusual Walnut Dry Sink having drawers down front end; Unusual panel end slant lid writing desk; Walnut, Open 5-Shelf, Crock & Bucket Cupboard; 5 Nice Dovetailed Blanket Chests with tills, 1 with 2 drawers under till, 4 with pine const, and some have original grain paint; Walnut 4-Leg dropleaf table with drawer; Plank seat Sewing Rocker; Boston Rocker; Walnut Bench with Mortise Top; Flour Chest; 2 Nice Original Rope Beds, 1 cherry wood and 1 with old grain paint; Small Mortise Bench; Small Wood box; Sheraton Panel End Bureau; 2 Nice Dough Boxes; Darken Rocker; Copper Wash Boiler; 2 Large .Copper Kettles; Divan Couch, Oak with Claw Foot in Original fine shape; Curved Top Trunk; Comb. Back High Chair; Empire Bureau; Oak Beds; Oak Dressers; Oak Washstands; Oak Table Lamp Stand with glass ball eagle foot; Unusual nice Walnut Slaw Cutter; Pie Board; Oak Square Top Claw Foot Extension Table and Boards; Butter Bowl, Prints & Paddles; Woodware; Tinware; Wall Clock; 8-Day Shelf Clock; Brass Dipper; 3 Tea Kettles; Spider Leg Cherry Seeder; Nice 8 Drawer Fruit Dryer; Quilting Frame; 2 Wooden Tubs; Unusual Wicker Rocker; Wall Mirrors; Picture Frames; Bookcase; Treadle Sewing Machine; Magnavox Radio Horn Speakers; 3 School Slates; Iron Trivets; Steelyards; Nice Unusual, Original, Complete Wood Tub Washing Machine; Wood Shaker Fork; 4 Wooden Rakes; Wood Buckets; Wood Pulleys; Wooden Wheelbarrow; 6 Bam Lanterns; Nice 10 Plate Stove, Bechtol & Co Variety Works, York, PA; Early & Nice High Wood Wheel Ex press Wagon; 15 Iron Cookpots, some gypsy type, most in real nice shape; 75 Stone & Earthen Crocks from Qts to 10 Gal.; 30 Stone Jugs, wome with flowers, one a York; 10 Piece Washbowl & Pitcher Set in Flowered Gold; 3 Coverlids, 1 very nice, signed Martin B. Breneman 1838 Washington Twp., with Eagle in Pink, Blue & White; Shawls; Costumes; 17 Quilts, never used; Quilt Tops; Counter Panes; Nearly a full set of Nice Royal Ironstone China; Other China ware; Pressed & Pattern Glass; Glass Oil Lamps; Winchester Model No. 67 22 Cal. Single Shot Rifle; 2 Nice Horse Blankets; Earthen Pie Plates; 3 Hand Reap- Sickles; Buggie Wheels; Books; Post Cards; Buttons; 10 Pairs of Horse Hames; 10 Good Leather Horse Collars; Cabinet Makers Work Bench; Milk Cart with Box; 2 Horse Swab Wagon with Nice Box; 1-2-3 Horse Trees; Tar Bucket; 3 Gas Engine Oilers & Parts; Antique Metal Deposit Safe; Bam Frame Mortise & Bits. 2-Door Frigidaire Refrigerator, 13 Cu Ft. with Freezer on Top; Small Upright Freezer; Pan-American White Enamel Oil Range, Nice Condition; Coal & Wood Cookstove; Estate 4-Bumer Oil Stove, and Baker; Superflame Oil Space Heater; Hamilton Beach Sweeper; Bedding; New Indian Blanket; Linen; Cookware; Dishes. REAL ESTATE AT 2:30 PM on May 18 FARM, 83 Acres, more or less lying and being in Washington Township, York County and Reading Township, Adams County, PA improved with a 2M> story frame and weather boarded home having 5 rooms, half bath, 2 open porches on first floor. Second floor contains 5 Bedrooms; full storage attic; ground floor basement; Nice size bank Barn; Frame IV 2 story workshop and storage room; Several machine sheds and other out buildings. Note: this farm has a very nice setting with good productive rolling soil. Several acres of woodland, balance tillable. TERMS: 15 per cent down day of sale, balance in 30 days with full possession. Personal Property: Cash, Certified, Travelers or Personal Checks with approval. REAL ESTATE may be inspected by phoning 717-225-3758 or 259-9687 for ap pointment. COINS - STOCK (following Real Estate) GOLD COINS: All $5.00 -1886 S, 1880, 1853, 1884, and 1911; 1866 2 cent piece; LARGE PENNIES: 1808,1840,1824,1844,1828 and 1817; 10 cent Note, 1863 Series; 32.00 Bills; 105 Shares Adams County National Bank Stock; Ladies Gold Elgin Pin Watch, Hunting Case. Note: Gold Coins-Fine to Extra Fine. CLAIR R SLAYBAUGH, Auctioneer Idaville, PA Phone: 717-677-7479 William W. Hafer, Attorney & 29. Daring her year 6t rein as Chester County Dairy Princess, she will appear at various banqnests and social functions to promote the sale of milk and create good will URGE TWO MY ADA B. ANTHONY ESTATE ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD MODERN between farmers and their consumers. Anyone wishing to schedule her appearance may do so by contacting the current president, Mrs. Evelyn Evans, 458-5222. KATHRYN A. BOYER & ETHEL A. KEISER GREIN Executrixes