Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1977, Image 96

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 30, 1977
New hay grading method proposed
Proposed new standards for
grading hay were announced
earlier this year by the
American Forage and
Grasslands Council (AFGC).
The standards will provide
a simple, precise way to
price and market hay on the
basis of actual feed value,
said A.G. (Jerry) Matches,
Broilers down slightly
While continuing above 1976
levels, Pennsylvania’s
poultry production was down
slightly during the week
ending April 16, according to
the Pennsylvania Crop
Reporting Service.
Placements of broiler
chicks were 1,740,000. The
placements were two per
cent below the previous
week, but 11 per cent above
the corresponding week a
year earlier.
Average placements of
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AFGC president and
Agricultural Research
Service agronomist at the
University of Mrssoun-
T*- grades were
developed by an AHIC task
force chaired by John baylor
of The Pennsylvania State
Baylor told US. forage
broiler chicks in the Com
monwealth during the past
ten weeks were 20 per cent
above the previous year.
In the 21 poultry porducing
states states, placements
were 71,922,000. The
placements were two per
cent above the previous
week and five per cent more
than the same week a year
ago. -
Average placements in the
21 poultry states during the
past 10 weeks were five per
cent above a year ago.
“Soft Touch” De-Escalators
experts meeting here about
the grades' evolvement;
I‘uanc Kohweder of the
University of Wisconsin told
how the hay testing and
grading will work; and J.S.
Shenk, Penn State
agronomist, reported on his
technique for instant
determination of hay
As that technique is per
fected, scientists will be able
to get hay analyses to two
minutes or less with the help
of a computer.
The proposed system calls
for locating remote infrared
reflectant instruments at
strategic hay marketing
centers, feed stores, etc.,
and attaching these to the
computer network system
The fanner or researcher
would take a coarse sample
of hay, grind it, and have it
analyzed in the remote in
strument. Information from
the remote instrument would
be plugged into a central
Chore Time irTTII
Cage Layer Systems
ir Inlet System
RD 4 EPHRATA, PA 17522
Cage Delivery System [CDS]
1 Hi-C or Standard
r, %
>.r f
h a.. ' • •
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computer via telephone, and
complete analyses would be
made in less than two
To insure proper • in
strument operation the
remote instrument operator
would visually estimate hay
quality. If the chemical
compositon does not ac
curately-, compare with the
visual grade, a warning light
would Hash indicating the
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sample should re-run to
make sure the remote in
strument is not in error.
Currently, hay grading is
based on visual observation.
The proposed new standards
look “inside” hay at crude
protein, acid detergent fiber,
and neutral detergent fiber.
The first two are indicators
of protein content and
digestibility; the third is
used in predicting forage
Efficient, Gentle Ea Collection
i ■■■■
- intake^(how much an animal
will eat of it).
AFOC scientists say it will
likely be two years before
USDA completes its review
of the proposed standards
and takes any action. By that
time, analysis techniques
should be perfected for most
U.S. farmers produce
about 6.5 billion dollars of
hay annually and, with the
growing recognition of its
feed value, more is being
sold off the farm. In 1975, 20
per cent of the nation’s hay
was sold off the producing
unit for a value of about $1.4
jrdy Dropping Board
advanced Air inlet System
“Gal»-A-WeW” Cafes
id Intake Gups