York DHIA Report [Continued from Page 90] David Stewart Dottie 3 7-10 Barb 3 6-5 Susquehanna Dairy Fm Sam 38 3 6-6 Kmory & Wm Kilgore 2 3 4-4 William H Fantom 24A Lynn Dawn Clover Ellis GCrown Iwruby2 Judy Frilly J 3 7-4 3 7-10 3 4-9 E Lanius & Son Ann 2 EVERY WEDNESDAY IS m* DAIRY DAY AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, PA If you need 1 cow or a truck load, we have from 100 to 200 cows to sell every week at your price. Mostly fresh and close springing Holstems Cows from local farmers and our regular shippers including Marvin Eshleman, Glenn Fite, Gordon Fritz, Blaipe Hoffer, Dale Hostetter, H D Matz, and Jerry Miller. SALE STARTS 12:30 SHARP Also Every Wednesday, Hay, Straw & Ear Corn Sale 12:00 Noon. All Dairy Cows & Heifers must be eligible for Pennsylvania Health Charts. For arrangements for special sales or herd dispersals at our barn or on your farm,' contact Abram Diffenbach, Mgr. 717-354-4341 Norman Kolb **o 717-397-5538 USDA [l/771-226 Daughters in Predicted Difference [90% rpt.| H-FA Type: (no summary to date) Sire: Romandale Dividend Performer-VG & GM Dam: Robthom Robin Bevation--VG |SB| Performer - and more Profit-Makers - are available daily from all our Professional Technicians. fi V- 1 I S*m*-n I V M 24-Hour Toll-Free Phone Nos. for Service Pennsylvania 800-732-0391 1 Lancaster 569-0411 16,539 21,523 255 305 14,936 13,819 15,499 13,638 13,620 15,479 305 294 305 305 5-1 4-6 3-4 3-3 14.743 14,109 13,402 305 293 305 11,168 305 lerdsAverace Atlantic BREEDERS COOPERATIVE LIVESTOCK SERVICES Sinking Spring Fm Inc Della Keren Rutter Bros Essie Raquel Selma Beshore Farms Ava Mazy Mayo Harold Brown Bess FAT LBS FAT 600 860 558 535 Gum Tree Farm W Club Albert Dehoff Jay L Hoover 4 505 518 531 578 3.3 3.8 3.9 3.7 28 3 50 3 78 3 18 3 Fred Sprenkle Sally 3 Henny 3 Smokey 3 Earl Fuhrman Cathy 3 Princes 3 Guy A Leader & Sons Corrine 2 Bianca 2 Minne 2 Dora 2 Cara 2 565 562 628 3.8 4.0 4.7 538 Carla 2 Mollie 2 Barones 2 Astrid 2 Vincent C Webb 112 B 5 35 3 Hoy & Frank Feeser Fayne 3 Ann 3 Inka 3 Lottiea 3 H E Fetrow & Sons Shirley 3 Renee 3 Whitie 3 Clara 3 Echo 3 Rodman C Thompson Marge 3 Stump Acres Denise Celesta Lady ‘ Luci Bela Lesta Jetbell Misltoe Lemon 15.33DM 3.41% 523 F +MBM +s7s +22F Member NAL Affiliated Breeders 22,307 21,538 305 305 3-10 3-5 14,061 11,59§ 16,112 305 305 305 4-3 4-2 4-11 21,567 16,126 13,555 305 305 244 6-0 1-11 2-2 10,170 305 12-7 14,550 14,067 305 305 3-3 1-10 14,323 18,944 15,185 11,590 13,779 305 305 305 305 305 9-5 7-1 6-4 5-10 5-3 13,491 14,947 16,522 279 305 305 5-5 4-8 2-3 12,866 13,838 305 305 5-7 3-11 13,408 11,355 16,499 13,766' 14,271 13,916 11,864 12,422 11,464 14,693 15;554 305 305 17,177 19,430 15,841 12,488 305 305 296 305 6-8 6-2 4-6 3-2 15,306 19454 16,451 17,086 13,376 283 305 305 305 305. 13.1 5-11 2-8 2-9 2-7 297 17,652 10-1 12,422 18,275 18,098 16,444 12,924 11,669 13,362 11,794 13,994 3 10-5 3 6-0 3 5-1 3 4-1 3 4-3 3 4 3 2-2 3 2-3 3 2-2 1K243 flobthom Anthony PERFORMER Very Good & Prod. Qual. (Jan./77) $8 per service Mate-Rite Strengths: strong front ends wide rear udders teats have correct size good legs & feet above average rumps Del. 4 Md. 800-233-0216 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 30.1977 887 877 J H & M B Hushon 90 3 Adrian Rinehart 5.0 5.5 4.3 706 636 695 Robert K Stewart Laddie 3 3-9 Hachell 3 8-10 Becky 3 2-6 Smysers Richlawn Fms Micki 3 4-10 Dora 3 3-1 laßoy Bupp Maple 3 3-3 Dennis L Me Williams 69 3 6-4 Palmer McWilliams Jr 211 3 4-2 Elmer Myers Iva 3 6-2 Pauline 3 5-10 Connie 3 4-3 T & M & M K Walker 253 3 5071 3 Avalong Farms Inc 6 Star 3 Bertie 3 Star 3 Avalong Farms Inc Lark 2 Wayne B Mummert 14 3 7-5 47 3 7-6 Desota & Robt Burchett 11 3 1-8 Dale & Darla Doll Carol 3 4-1 Carrie 3 4-1 Belle 3 3-1 D Fantom & E Gordon Pumpkin 3 3-11 Ox 3 2-6 629 534 506 2.9 3.3 3.7 535 532 541 623 589 544 526 540 649 517 4.0 4.3 3.1 519 560 595 531 562 718 575 516 3.3 3.7 3.6 4.1 Lynn Wolf Noel Doris Dixie 546 624 511 635 555 Melvin Diem Jr Elsie 3 Robert J Reheard Star 3 Connie 3 Marion 3 Betty 3 Horace E Heindel ■ 162 3 Robert W Mays 11 3 38 3 51 3 Carl Anderson 38 3 Elvin R Deiter Karen 3 John H Doll Jr Pauline, 3 Sue 3 Linda 3 Prince 3 Harold Good No. 3 91 2 260 2 514 15,279 305 14,572 3 3-3 13,912 15,248 12,802 305 305 305 14,594 15,899 303 305 12,057 305 17,844 305 14,203 305 16,811 17,936 15,929 305 305 294 14,223 15,020 305 305 4-7 3-10 24,341 24,788 -18,954 305 305 305 8-10 8-5 4-1 12,236 301 15,958 15,622 305 245 13,657 305 14,914 16,408 13,990 305 305 305 14,433 12,528 305 305 19,332 14,407 16,071 305 305 305 6-9 2-11 2-11 13,396 305 17,303 15,982 15,904 15,762 305 305 305 305 5-9 5-6 3-2 3-2 14,141 294 3-2 2-11 3-2 15.705 14,469 15,050 305 302 305 18,408 289 12,576 265 3-11 14,745 16,205 17,736 12,796 305 305 305 305 7-6 9-7 10 6-9 12,514 11,097 305 281 (Continued on Pate 92| 91 616 4.0 572 508 564 567 3.7 3.7 4.4 538 699 531 611 527 694 668 592 4.1 3.7 3.7 500 531 1112 972 744 4.6 3.9 3.9 612 647 533 510 508 635 575 3.4 3.9 4.1 540 523 693 564 526 3.6 3 9 3.3 514 510 599 593 503 2.9 3.7 3.7 3.2 594 522 556 522 3.3 3.8 3.5 645 548 513 573 680 575 3.5 3.5 3.8 4.5 619 505
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers