Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1977, Image 89
Net weight ahown on bag. BEACON "38" CRUMBLES 3 (U) m GUARANTEED ANALYSIS a ”, Crude Protein, not leaa than - *•% MW Includes not more than 17% mm equivalent protein from non- - mm OS protein nitrogen. Crude Fat, not teas than - • 1%% SB Crude Fiber, not more than -7% 3 INGREDIENTS QQ O* Plant Protein Products, Processed ■ Grain By-Products, Ursa, Lignin Sulfonate, Cane Molasses, Irradi- aj ■ atsd Dried Yeast, Vitamin A PalmL mm m tate (Improved stability), Calcium 2 S Carbonate, Diealdum and MenoeaL C ■ clum Phosphate, Balt, Calcium I'- « " date. Magnesium Oxide, Manganous 9k Z Oxide, Cobalt Carbonate, Iran Car- m benate, Copper Oxide, Zine Oxide, S 5 O Potassium Sulfate, Magnesium Sulfate. HI Q Ul Manufactured by 2 S BEACON FEEDS S THE BEACON MILLING CO„ INC. General 081 see Cayuga, New York IWM Mr. Oaiiymin: a .: i.i, 1 .. 1 . ;■ ...... v:. BEACON FEEDS CURK SUPPLY CO. Rising Sun, MD 301 6515125 H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, PA 717 768 3431 KES W AUT ! I FEEDS McCRACKEN'S FEED MILL, INC. Manheim, PA 717-266-1269 717 665 2186 Have You Heirifthe News??? Milk Prices Art Domra And Soybean Prices Are Up. You, in The Daiqr _ Business, Ait Mat Fortunate Than The Consumer Buying Do Not Ham To Wait For A Check The Two (2) Tags On Beacon ”38° Cnimbles......They Are Both Manufactured By Beacon Feeds. One Is Made With Natural Protein - The Other Has A Substitute For Natural Protein..... The Beacon "38” Crumbles With NPN Sells For Approximately *4.45 Per 100 lbs. Less Or A Grand Total Of *89.00> Per Ton Less Than The Beacon "38” With Natural Protein. Both These Rations Are Nutritionally Sound. Check With Your Beacon Distributor Or Your Beacon Representative Listed Below To See How You Can Take Advantage Of This Money Saving Value. W. L MUMMERT CO. Hanover, PA 717 637 6923 RICHARD B. KENDIG Special Accounts Representative Phone 302-471-3058 HIGH COST EARL SADDER, INC. New Holland, PA 717-354-0861 BEAT THE OF FEED >4.45x20 = «MfTOH SAVED Beacon Milling Company. Inc. York, Pa, THARPE & GREEN MILL Churchville, MD 301 734 7772 CHESTER WIEST Sale A Distribution Manner Phone 717 741 2600 ROBINSON BROS. Delta. PA 717 456 5215 E. W. HOLTON Daretown. N J 609 769 2334 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30, Net weight shown on bag. BEACON "38" CRUMBLES (/> Q 9 yj GUARANTEED ANALYSIS |f| Crude Protein, not leu than SB% QQ Crude Fat, not leu than - -1%% JSjJ Crude Fiber, not more than - 7% INGREDIENTS O Plant Protein Products, Proceued Grain By-Products, Lignin Sulfon- m ate, Cane Molasses, Vitamin D, t ■ m Supplement, Vitamin A Acetate gg QQ (improved stability), Calcium Car- ■ (V) bonate, Olcalclum and Monocalcium S Phosphate, Salt, Calcium lodate, Magnesium Oxide, Manganous Ox- hu 2| ide . Cobalt Carbonate, Iron Carbon- 21 Oate, Copper Oxide, Zinc Oxide, |C Potassium Sulfate, Magnesium ? iJ Sulfate. mm < P iii m n i/i Manufactured by BEACOK FEEDS THE BEACON MILLING CO., INC. General Offices Cayuga, New York 18034 Phone 717-843-9033 H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. R & W FEEDS AND HARDWAR Centerport, PA 19516 Phone 215-926 3818 NEW FREEDOM FARM & GARDI New Freedom. PA 717-235 3606 R. E. RUDISILL Sales A Distribution Manner Phone 717 854 2281 Witmer, PA 717 393 1369