Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1977, Image 87
ATTENTION ALL PHONE NUMBERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY YOUR AREA CODE. lil Box Market c,|g - Simmental bull (14 -old] sired by Napoleon, Dam ,» Toni. Also 1/2 Simmental Both excellent herd sire •els. Ph: 215-944-8092. - 1 power cylinder corn T Charles Shatter, Jr. isport, Md. RD #3, Box 173, Ph: 301-223-9034. ile - N.H. 880 Harvester with 2 irn head and pickup head and ipout control, good condition. '7-677-8510. le - Case 230 baler with •r, good condition. Ph: 717- lie - 2 tractors, John Deere and MinneapoEs Moßne. Ph: ’7-6707. ile - Tobacco hoer for A.C. G $35.00; Aucto 2 row ilanter fast hitch $125. igham crimper $225. Ph: 717- '94 , - One white enamel Majestic ,250 or best offer. Ph: 717- le -1972 360 Yamaha Endero, Also 2 26” girl's bicycles, like 125 00 each. 717-464-2583. le - John Deere 2 row corn also Ford baler. 717-165- - Large wheel rim for M tractor. 717-2844342. Lancaster Fanning SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 2 weeks advance notice. Attach the label from your old address, write in your new address below. ENTERING A NEW SUBSCRIPTION? Check the box and fill in your name and address below. Attach with your check in the amount of $4.00 ($B.OO per year outside of PA. NJ, MO, DE, NY, VA, & WV). Payment must accompany order. (To order gift subscriptions please attach a separate sheet). i n j When writing us,about your subscription J I please attach your Lancaster Farming | I mailing label here and mail the whole form | I to LANCASTER FARMING, P. 0.266, LITITZ, PA 17543 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING $4.00 1 YEAR ENCLOSED IS A □CHECK, UCASH □ HONEY ORDER )NEW SUBSCRIPTION ( )RENEWAL ( )CHANGE OF ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS STATE Mail Box Market For Sale - Baled corn fodder. 717- 432-4535, Dillsburg RD#2. Boston Terrier puppies; AKC; also stud service. Ben Stoltzfus, South Kinzer Rd. For Sale - Heavy bucket (or front end loader at David Good’s sale May 4. For Sale - 2 bot. Int. #420 plow, like new. 717-656-8348. For Sale - 5000 Gal. tank for fuel or oil storage. Can 717-694-3604 before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. For Sale - 20 x 50 Marietta silo clay unloader, distributor, pipe, aU for $lOOO. Like new. Ph: 423-3123. Wanted - Buckel-a-day stove in good condition. For Sale - Round metal corn crib 14’w x B'h with roof and McDeering traction drive corn binder with short carrier. R. Fisher, Newmanslown, #l, Pa. For Sale - Collie pups, AKC tries and sables whelped 2/22/77. Ph: 717- 792-3230 or R.G. Rauhauser, RD # 2, Box 766, Thomasville, Pa. 17364. Cotton seed or feed bags, large 100 pounds size, clean and never used, $7.50 per doz., $5O per hundred. Ph: 717-872-6517. For Sale - 2 sorrel mules, you pick from 15. John K. BeHer, RD #3, Quarryville on #372. For Sale - Milking goat, $5O. Alvin B. King, RO #2, Narvon, Pa. Blank Road. |omm print) BOX COUNTY ZIP CODE Mail Box Market For Sale -12’ spring tooth harrow 2 or 4 row IH com planter, flail beater, best offer. Wanted - Rim for 856 IH tractor. Ph: 717-799-5306. For Sale - Ford 2 row 3 pt. corn planter, good condition. Ph; 717- 872-5143. For Sale - Reg. Holstein bulls service age from dams with records of 26,000 milk. Sires: Ivanhoe Star, Rocket and Gay. All bulls guaran teed. Ph: 717-786-3591. Free - Mixed pups, 14’ x 40' wooden silo. Ph: 215-857-9888. For Sale - Power master 801 diesel, small crane, older model. Ph: 215- 267-6974. For Sale - Reg. Angus cows with calves and bull; Wanted - Farrowing crates and hog feeders. Ph: 301- 885-5870. For Sale - Kimberton farms school reg. corriedale ewe, 2-1/2 years old from Lund stock, best offer. Ph: 215-933-3635 days and 215-933- 2172 evenings. For Sale - 2 year old Angus bull, excellent Canadian pedigree and type calves on ground. Edlyn Angus Farm. York, Pa. Ph: 717-764-4586. For Sale • 52 ga! electric hot water healer, like new condition; SPII Surge vacuum pump. Ph: 717-354- 9619. For Sale - 2 row JD corn planter new large fert. hoppers, excellent condition, flatbed wagon on steel, near Intersections of 82 and 282 Ph: 215-458-5862. For Sale - 2 milk goats and kids. Amos J. Stoltzfus, 63 Old Leacocl Road, Ronks, Pa. second place left from 340 South. Service age bull, Sire: Apollo Rocket and dam: Elevation daughter. Christ S. Seller, Cherry Hill Road, Ronks, Pa. For Sale - Farmhand 450 Spreader, 340 bushel tandem wheels, good buy aU9OO. Ph: 717-872-7190. Wanted - Sickle bar mower. Call before 8 AM or after 8 PM. Ph: 717- 284-2192. For Sale • 1 wood cooking range, 4 Kalamazoo stove, $125. Ph; 717- 292-4748. For Sale - JO #5 mower, NH 611 chopper with three heads. Ph: 215- 584-4772. Box 46 Cochranville, Pa, V -,/ 215-932-2607 is the distributor for Semen from all the bulls at in Columbus, Ohio <?elect Herd Counsel services Southeastern Penna. and the state of Delaware. The following Herd Counsel technicians can breed your cows or sell and deliver select Sires semen to your tank. They will also arrange for you to have your herd coded by aAa. Area Representatives: So. Chester Co. & Dei. Don Taylor 717-529-2212 No. Chester Co. & Lane. Co. Aaron Stoltzfus 717-442-4074 Cumberland Co. Jeff Reasner 717-776-5181 Franklin Co. Joe Miller 717-264-4962 York Co. Bob Morris 717-382-4592 Mail Box Market For Sale - Mare pony, rides and drives, chestnut color; filly dark chestnut, both $l5O. Calf creep feeder. Ph: 717-345-4686. For Sale - Lister diesel, 3 hp, slow speed, water cooled. Wanted ■ Coal fired hot water heater. John S. Click, RD 83, Box 346, Quartyville, Pa. 17566. Wanted - 200 8 x 16 slate. Gideon B. Lapp, RD #2, Ronks, Pa. Iva Road. For Sale ■ Int. 531 3 pi. 3 14” plow with colters and cover boards, 2 sets new shares, $450; NH hay pick up to fit 100 or 818 harvester, $350. Ph: 215-754-7593. For Sale - First cutting alfalfa and timothy hay, 3rd cutting, alfalfa, no rain, will deliver. Wanted - 50-70 feeder cattle. Ph: 717-626-4359. For Sale - Farmall super C with 7 ft. mower, $1195. Ph: 215-689-9062. For Sale - A-C B with one row cultivator, $l2OO. Ph: 215-445- 6898. For Sale - Homemade pony cart in good shape; pony harness. EG K. Seiler, RD #3, New Holland, Pa. Voganville Road, first lane right. For Sale - JD 1240 plateless corn planter with insecticide applicators, excellent shape, $1775. Ph: 717- 749-3805. For Sale - 1966 Chevy, make offer. Wanted ■ Disc openers for JD 246 2 row planter. Ph: 717-862-3833. For Sale - Kwikway scale scoops, will mail postpaid, if paid with order, $29.95. Aaron S. King, Box 91, Bart, Pa. 17503. For Sale - Nubian buck kid, purebred, registered, very good bloodlines, beautiful desirable coloring. Ph: 215-847-2137. Wanted - Used implements for Famuli cub tractor, 4 or 5 ft. belly mower and cultivator, used Cub tractor. Ph: 201-349-3433. Insulation 2x4 sheets in several thickness. Reasonably priced. Ph: ' 733-7195. For Sale ‘ - Purebred German Shepherd pups, 7 w«ks-eWrs2o. Ph: 717-299-2536 T For Sale - Tanned sheepskins, washable, Wal-Jo Farms, RD #B, Box 5, Allentown, Pa. 18104. Ph: 215- 395-1906 between 9 AM and 6 PM. For Sale - Holstein springers due two to eight weeks. Ph; 717-687-8319. COUNSEL Moil Box-Market”' For Satie -1973 Monte Carlo Landau, 2 dr. auto, A/C, PS, PB, AM/FM, 27,000 miles, $3,100. Wayne Hershey, Gap. Ph: 442-8181. For Sale - Sputnik, 40 lb. Surge milker unit, stainless strainer, stainless pail with Hd. Sam B. StoHzfus, RD #l, Box 458, Gap, Pa. For Sale - IH semi-mounted 5 bottom trip plow, $1000; Fox chopper, 1 row corn head and grass pick-up head, $1600; IH 990 9 ft. hay machine top shape, $2500. Fancy Furrow Farms. Ph: 252-8828 or 258-2214. Rubber wheels for Steel wheels to fit JD 24T baler or will buy steel wheels. Aaron S. Zook, RD #l, Slrasburg, Pa. White Oak Road. For Sale - Ford tractor, NAA, Jubilee, good condition, nice. Ph: 717-264- 6007. For Sale - Reg. 1/2 Arab mare, $450, super disposition, 1-1/2 years old, gray. Off Route 80 in Danville. Ph: 717-275-7642. Wanted - Used lumber, inch boards, 2" x 8" x ?, 2" x 10" x ?, 2” x 12” x ?. Ph: 215-536-9293. For Sale - Pair of tractor pulling tires, 23.1 x 30,1/2 tread, Goodyear 30 per cent tires. Tires, tubes and rims, ready to boll, $7OO. Ph; 609- 451-3952. For Sale - Ontario 16-8 hoe grain drill with XL grain hoppers, liquid fertilizer attachments, new model. Good condition, $lOOO. Ph: 717- 784-1779. For Sale - Int. 440 baler w/ten bale thrower, very good condition, best offer. Ph; 215-255-4378. For Sale • IHC 2000 loader, fit 656- 1066, two point hitch platform for Super C, 3 point Ford weeder. Ph: 717-927-6570. For Sale - JD 490 4 row corn planter with dry fertilizer attachment, $275. Andy Gfick 215-689-5037, Berks County. For Sale - 14' fiberglass canoe, excelient-condifioh, $150; Honda 160, runs good 4th gear needs adjustment, $lOO. Ph: 717-242- 0975. For Sale - 5 year old saddlebred driving horse. John S. Stoltzfus, RD #l, Box 352, Kirkwood, Pa. Bartville Road. For Sale - Standard bred riding horse, 16 hands, very gentle, safe for children and beginners, $325. No Sunday calls. Ph: 717-665-2561. For Sale - 806 Farmall wide front power steering power brakes, 3 point hitch, gas, recently overhauled, $6BOO. Ph; 814-364- 1121. For Sale - JD 2 row com planter; JD 3 bottom 14” plow; Starline heated cattle waterer. Ph; 215-869-8624 or 215-932-4076. SIRES For Sale - Ground driven, on steel, manure spreader, good condition, harness and binder canvas. Ph: 717- 865-4371. For Sale -1 pair big sorrel mules, 12 and 7 years old, good workers, $1350. Jacob S. Riehl, RD #2, Honey Brook, Pa. 19344 at Cam bridge. For Sale - All purpose Morgan horse works and drives good, 2-wheel cart with a hillside hitch, 14” Oliver plow with cover board and disc. Israel M. Beiler, RD til, Christiana, Pa. For Sale - 210’ milk pipeline 1-1/2” SS, 3 Boumatic milkers, receiving jar, pump, automatic washer, etc. Ph: 717-537-6255. For Sale - International 56 com planter, 4 row. Ph: 717-4364759. I would plant sweet com for market goers if anyone is interested in buying - Christiana, RO #l, Box 124, along Vintage Road dose to Nine Points For Sale - JO #34 forage chopper, single row com head, new condition. $1775 Ph 717-755-6946 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 30,1977—87 FREE Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market wil be governed by the following rules: Limit your advertisement to 20 words; area code must be added to phone number; al advertisements must be in our -hands ~br-Tuesday at &0B P.M. or same wfli beheld over tor next week's paper; no business advertisements accepted. Wanted ■ Tobacco scaffolding, 3x6, 22 ft. long. Write and state price to Jacob B. Ebersol, Peach Bottom RD #2, Pa. 17563. Wanted - Front cast iron wheel with tire hub and bearings for 49SC Case tractor. Ph: 717-334-5773. For Sale - 1953 Pontiac two door dark green, good condition with some new parts, $l2OO or best offer. Ph: 717-755-4278. For Sale - 30 ton of mixed hay. Ph 717-865-5968. For Sale or trade - JD Model 40C series 3 bottom trailing disc plow asking $l5O. Ph: 215-287-6897 Wanted - NX haybine 7 ft. #467 o> 477; Surge milker pump #SP22 must be in good shape, stale price Ph: 215-445-4825. For Sale - 10 ft. harrow, 11 hot Ontario pain drill; 3 x 14” JO trailinj plow, hydraulic lift. Ph: 215-56? 7239. For Sale - 4 row JD cultivator with pt. hitch. Wheel weights for WD4S A C. Ph: 215-767-3319. For Sale - Service age bull, a Rockt son, very active. Enos K. Stottzhis RD #3, Quarryville, Pa. For Sale - McCormick 2 row cor planter, clutch lift, gandy applicator extra plates and hoppers, goo‘ condition, $2OO. Ph. 215-926-3435 For Sale • 40" Roper white enamele bottled gas stove, $B5; 55 gallo Red Bam paint, $4.00 a gallon; 1 hole hog feeder, $65. Ben R. Beile< RD #l. Kirkwood, Pa. For Sale - Cross Country Goosenec cattle trailer for pick-up truck, 20* 7'6" tandem axles, brakes, Binkle hitch, drop foot jack, $3300. : horse electric motor, $75. Ph: 717 942-6243. For Sale - Two nice yearling colts John H. Hull, Sr. 1078 Sulfivai Road, Westminster, Marylam 21157. Ph: 301-848-4736. For Sale - Oliver 70 tractor with bell pulley, $500; Oliver 70 tractor witf belt-pulley, manure loader, gromv scoop, $6OO. Ph. 215-298-3777 Phone after 6 PM. For Sale - 12 x 50 house trailer partly furnished, nice Oliver OC-.' cieet tractor with loaded and winch Ph: 717-682-9225 evenings For Sale - 2 row #56 int. cor planter, like new, $6OO. Ph- 71/ 865-6515. For Sale - LA Case tractor on stet good shape, just overhauled. Lei M. Stoltzfus, 31 East Eby Roai Leola, Pa.- Save Energy - Use wood 100% wo blankets. Fisherman's knittinc yarr in heather colors, naturals. Sadie- RD >2, Stevens, Pa. 17578. Ph: 21' 267-5860. Available - Mounted implements t A-C WD, B, C, CA plows, extra sti shares, corn planter, com workr Ph: 717-789-3422.