86—Lancasfer Fafnting, Saturday, April 30, 1977 —„ —; — — Jn— - ■ • Moil Box Market Mail Box Market For Sale - 25 Grade Holstein Heifers with health charts and pregnancy checked, due June, July, Aug. and Sept. 717-367-2015. For Sale - 2500 Hi-Sex Leghorns 20 weeks April 29, excellent health. 717-532-6116. Camping lot in Poconos for sale or lease. Electric, water and recreational facilities. 717-687-6380 or 717-687-8566 Help Wanted - Hay truck driver, 3 days per week. Phone 717-534- 1253. For Sale - M-F 85 tractor, high clearance, WFE, good condition, $2OOO or best offer. Ph: 717-899- 6646 or 717-656-7205. For Sale ■ Reg. Holstein heifer due with 2nd calf, June 1 due to HiHhaven Standout Job. Clifford A. Levan R 2, Milton, Pa. 717-742- 7008. For Sale - 1975 Duster Custom, 6 cyl., auto, power steering, air, radial fires, low mileage. Call 717-933- 4032. For Sale - Brown Swiss, Delegate bull calf, big and lively, can be egistered 3/14/77, P. Adams R. D. #2, Box 151, Lambertville, New Jersey 08530 Ph: 609-397-2569. Wanted - Fords milkers and pumps for Fords milkers - new or used. A. B. Malone, R. D. #2, Derry, Pa. 15627 Ph: 412-694-8041 after 9:00 PM. For Sale - 8 can copper lined Haverly 'root opening milk cooler, good condition, $125. Ph; 717-354-7984. For Sale - Case 28 wheel disc, excellent condition, $4lOO. Ph; 717- 284-4286. For Sale - Trail-et 2 horse trailer, 7 ft. high, fully equipped, $l4OO. Standardbred driving and riding mare, $3OO. Belfast, New York 716- 365-22 C Z For Sale - 900 bushel shelled corn $2.50 FOB. Wanted - 3 pi. Le|y or Nl fertilizer spreader. Ph: 717-864- 3563 evenings For Sale - Beautiful white doves and brown neck ring. Also field corn on cob, clean, $2.50 per bag. Ph: 215- 313-5957. For Sale - 10 x 55 2 bedroom trailer, good condition, body needs work, $l5O. Ph: 215-856-7501. For Sale - 2 reg Shetland ponies, 1 oay mare, 1 red Roan stallion with papers each 2 years old Ph. 215- 267-3785. For Sale .- NH 717 one row har vester, $1200; pick-up head. $7OO, 200 bu Hawk Built spreader, $3OO. Ph: 717-529-2803 For Sale - Fox blower with table and Cunningham hay conditioner Model 915, both excellent shape. Ph; 609- 769-3753. For Sale - 1250 JD 6 row plateless com planter, 1968 Fontaine drop deck trailer with 4 ft. sides. Ph 717- 523-7474. For Sole ■ Bearcat #2A PTO ham mermiii with feed rolls; also Case 4 bottom 16” semi-mounted plow. Ph: 717-949-3071. For Sale - New Maan 10 x 55 mobile home, unfurnished, washer, oil tank, new kitchen appliances and new air conditioner. Ph 717-532-4669 For Sale - side defivery 4 bar rake on rubber, nice condifaon, $125 3 bottom A-C snap coupler plow with 3 extra shears, $65 Ph 717 933- 4721 For Sale ID mounted corn picker Model 237, muKilube. exceptionally good condition Ph 717 249 2300 For Sale Electric irrigation pump, Oscelators Disc harrow Ph 717 665 5397 For Sale 11 h 2 pinto pony mare 3 .ears old. drives well, ndes. showy l JIOO or best offer Ph 717 345 4160 Mail Box Market For Sale - Appaloosas colts and fillies, one and two years old, lots of color, can be registered. Union Bridge, Maryland. Ph. 301-775 2104 evenings For Sale - KHson poultry feeder w/chain and trough; $5O; 100 ft. Big Dutchman chain and trough with legs; 1 Woods gas brooder stove, $l5. Ph: 215-445-6315. Meadow for rent, good shade and water. Buck Area. Ph: 717-284- 2444. For Sale - 30 feeder pigs, 45 lb. ave. $l.OO per pound; 50' 9" fiberglass silo pipe and holders, never used, 9" Gooseneck, $175. Ph- 717-354- 8207. For Sale - Empire bureau, good condition. Sam King, 2 miles north of Georgetown on Belmont Road, Box 374, Ronks, Pa. For Sale - One GT grain dryer, 500 bu. capacity, good condition, used two seasons. Ph; 717-665-2962. For Sale - Two Holstein heifers, very nice, quiet, ready to freshen. Ph: 717-626-7451. For Sale - Hough loader w/cab on rubber with chains; Int. U-9, 4 cyi. gas engine, new battery, good condition. Ph; 717-752-7721. For Sale - 8 ft. Oliver disk, good cqndition, $125. Wanted to buy - trailer type rotary mower. Ph: 717- 684-5604. Excellent pasture for rent, will accommodate 25 head of livestock. Stewartstown area. Ph: 717-382- 4288. For Sale - ID #l4B loader, like new, $l5OO. Robert Mien, Dundee, New York 14837. Ph: 607-292-3180. For Sale - good quality alfalfa and timothy hay, no rain, approximately 2000 large bales, $6O ton. Ph: 717- 587-1271 Scranton area. For Sale - 1969 Chevy Kingswood l Estate wagon, A/C, PS, PB, cruise, control, 9 passenger, mechanically sound, $575. Ph; 215-445-6175. For Sale - 1973 23’ Prowler travel trailer self-contained, sleeps 6 and double axle, excellent condition, $3500. Ph: 717-394-1211. For Sale - seed potatoes, Kennebec, 1 year cerified, graded small and large. Priced reasonable. Along Route 322 east of Blue Ball, Amos H. Shirk, R. D. #2, Narvon, Pa. 17555. For Sale • 8 month old bull, sire: RORA Elevation, dam a Kingpin daughter with records over 19,000 M class. VGB6. 215-273-3585. For Sale - 10 feeder pigs, 40 lb. average, purebred Chihuanhua stud service. Ph; 717-354-0293. For Sale - tobacco lath; also tobacco press. Ph: 653-5807. For Sale - German Shepherd female purebred dog with papers, good watchdog. A little over 1 year old, $2O. Good bloodlines. Ph: 717-866- 6008. For Sale - spray paint tank for pickup, brand new 2 compartments, 1 agitator, Ph: 301-758-0839. Don Andrew, Centrevfile, Md. 21617 cost $445 wifi take $375. For Sale - Mac 1010 chain saw, ear corn, $75 per ton at farm. Wanted - field sprayer and bush hog, 3 pt. hook-up. Ph: 717-284-2424. For Sale -1 can copper lined Haverly front opening milk cooler, good condition, $125. Ph; 717-354-7914. For Sale - Case 28 wheel disc, excellent condition, $4OO. Ph. 717- 284 4286. For Sale - 50 feeder pigs average weight 40 pounds Ph 717-367- 3283 For Sale JD 6'sickle bar 3pt hitch, $2OO Ph 215 286 5874 For Sale 150 acre dairy farm, 4 silos double six parlor, gram bins, dryer, mix mill, gramer 2 houses. Pa 717 369 3304 For Sale - Used roller bearing buggy, good condition. Daniel B.Smucker, Gordonville RD #1 along Peter’s Road. For Sale - Cobra 21CB 23 channels, like new, used very little. Ph: 717- 733-9285. Call after 6 PM. For Sale - Rhubarb 25 cents per lb. or 5 lbs. for $l.OO. Also 1 new 36" cabinet exhaust fan with motorized shutters. Ph: 717-733-4605. For Sale - New Idea 202 PTO Manure Spreader. Ph: 717-665-6666. For Sale • Allis Chalmers 7’ 80R rear mounted mower, Gnningham hay crimper; Also- J.D. 12’8” AW transport disc all in good cond. Ph: 717-284-3205. For Sale -1975 Ford 1/2 lon pickup 302 auclo, PS, $3,100; 1974 Chevy 3 A ton pickup, auto, 350 PB & PS, $2,850. Ph: 717-733-4884. For Sale - IS KW Kalolight alternator on 2 wheel trailer. Also 2 row cultivator for 50 M.F. Ph: 717-653- 4086. Wanted - 30’ of used bam cleaner chain. Ph: 717-626-8912. For Sale - Fox Super 1000 harvester with grinder, 2 row narrow head and pickup. Also 1947 Chev. Ph: 717- 529-2512. FREE - Reusable cement roof hies, approximately 14 squares- to be removed. Ph; 717-394-9879. For Sale - Better-built 3150 gallon auger-matic liquid manure spreader, truck mount. Has spread just 20 loads. Ph; 717-563-2016 after 7 PM. Mini motor home for rent, reasonable rales. Ph: 717-626- 8065. Wanted • Ford cultivator with stiff shanks. For Sale - Steel tip toe wheels for JO. Ph: 717-244-9795. For Sale - Zimmerman elevators, 28, 32,36 and 40’ lengths. 2 8 blade x 18' bale thrower wagons w/6 lon gears. StoHzfus Woodwork, 1 mile north of Gap along 197. For Sale - AKC German Shepherd pup, 7 months old, $2O. Ph: 717- 898-7622. For Sale - Gehl #72 Kali chopper, like new. 12’ Case harrow, pood shape. Ph: 717-225-3616. For Sale - Famuli 230 tractor; Oliver 880 tractor; Oliver 76 grain drill, like new. Ph: 717-546-3575 after 7 PM. For Sale - DeKalb XL pullets, 20 weeks old May 10, 500 to 1400 chickens grew so well we have extra to sell. Richard Bechtel, Kulp Road, Harleysville, Pa. Ph; 215-855-5396. For Sale - Steel wheels for Famuli H and Super H with 2-1/2” diameter axle. Asking $175. Oliver #35 2 horse riding cultivator, $75; Deluxe folding wheel chair, $75. Ph: 215- 539-5045 after 8 PM. For Sale • Hampshire sheep, various ages, rams and ewes, registered stock. H.J. Showalter, 109 Fulton Street, Akron, Pa. For Sale - ID 38 harvester, hay pickup, hopper (or (rinding, wide com head, $1950. Ph: 717-786- 7749. Wanted - Baby gray fox not less than three, mother included, if possible. Ph- 717-865-4931 Wanted - HydrauGc lift unit for JD Model B grain drill. Call collect after 6 PM 609-259-2802. For Sale - JD cultivators w/potalo hillers, $35; Wisconsin VE4 overhauled, $75. RD #l, Nor thampton. Ph- 215-262-5856. For Sale - Dry walnut boards. Titus M. Weaver, Terre Hid, Pa. 17581. Stauffer tobacco planter, I row Mountville corn planter; manure loader mounts on WD A-C, spike harrow Ph 717-665-3090. For Sale Farmall 404 good rubber, $2500 Ph 717 567-3396. For Sale - Narrow front end to W For Sale -IH hay crimper, $175; NH DI4A-C tractor, $50.00. One 30’ tank spreader, $95. Ph: 717-354- ?,S?iSSS, 70% 5 treated pole. Ph: 717-799-5452. 0266. Mch - ph - 215-445-4090 Used Value Buys... lute Model Used Tractoisl 1975 IH 1066 w/cab, diesel, less than 700 hours 20” rubber 1975 MF 165 diesel, 8 speed trans, 813 hours I USED TRACTOR VALUES I Far. 460 Far. M. diesel Far. 450 diesel m Far M (2J Far. 350 Far. H I used miscellaneous! I.H. 3200 A skid steer loader, new engine, ex cellent rubber I.H. TO9, 91 series crawler, with Drott loader, engine, and power train overhauled WAIVER OF FINANCE NEW & USED COMBINES FORAGE EQUIP. - HAY EQUIP. - MANURE SPREADERS THREE WAIVER OF FINANCE SPECIALS Int 990 Mower Conditioner 1 only - $3500 510 Massey Ferguson Combine w-4-row narrow corn head and 13 ft platform, quick attach, diesel, big rubber, excellent condition. I.H. Model 580 Manure Spreader, 313 Bu. - Special SPRING TILLAGE AND PLANTING SPECIALS (2) 315 packer mulchers, 12 ft. 4” & 13 ft. 8" .. SPECIAL 45 vibra shank cultivator, 16 ft. 6" w-mulcher attach $2400 350 Disk Harrow, 11’6" $1968. 475 Disk Harrow, 7V 2 ” spacing, irei’. 2477. 500 Disk Harrow, 12: 3932. 55 Chisel, 9 ft., high clear, & gauge wheels 1362. 55Conser-Till 10 ft. trailer chisel plow, front disks .2750. 770 Offset, 10’4V 3900. 770 Offset, 12'. 4170. 16 x 7 Gram Drill Callforprice 400 Planters, 4 & 6-row. ....Callforprice 56 Planters. 2 & 4 - Row Callforprice MEW TRACTORS 574 D.R.C. 688 D 8880 9680 IDB6O 14860 Used Tillage and Planting Equipment AC wing disk harrow, 16 ft., 1 yr. old Pittsburgh 12 ft. disk harrow [disk 30 acres) I.H. 350 disk harrow, 11 ft. 6 I.H. #37 disk harrow, 11 ft. 6 I.H. 550, 5-16” plow, new bottoms I. 541, 4-16” plow J. 17x7 grain drill i.D. 13x7 grain drill I.H. 13x7 grain drill IH' 400 air planter, 4 row THINK iND GO WHERE THE ACTION IS r *■ r r