Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1977, Image 85
n'l Box Market 1 Mail Box,Market Mail Box Market Mail Box Market ■l2 ton truck body hoist For Sale - Meyers bale loader, Fox 717-354-7739. terrier pups. Ph; 215-681-4245. ile - Liquid Protein **••*?, 2 ton for Sale - 7 ft. cut McDeering train ity $75.00. Ontario Bram Diin, binder, $175. Amos L Ebersol, R. 5300., food condition. Jot S. D #2> Narvon, Pa. 17555. RD2, Ronks, Pa. near ■rg. _ For Sale - M-H | MustangJ wide front, jX'm.t.ffri? cu(thratore^Ph:7l7-%43197^ le - Beacon applicator for Hay like new $215.00; 4 cyf sin engine w/4 to 1 gear $495. guaranteed. ir 5 P.M. 717-76M751. Lely fertilizer spreader 800 j lbs. 8 barrel water tank with enfine and , fill; safe for valuable 717-653-5800 call noon or PM - Lambs, Ewes and Rams, loose from $50.00 each. Call PM 609-654-2694, 2-16 Oliver cushion trip pt, also tires and rims for ve Tractor. 717-733-9242. tffll POWER"" ‘ J.D. 3020 IR 666 D hydro IH 544 fas utiSty :all Dick Bomberger CALL US. IT COULD BE WE HAVE IT. 0 Check your cornplanter supplies now | RADIO CONTROLLKD TRUCKS FOR BITTIR SIRVICI HI C. B. HOOBER & SON INC. ■■ m® INTIRCOURSK, RIMMA. For Sale - Farmall C tractor, cultivators, and 7 ft. sickle bar mower, excellent condition, $1350. Ph: 717-766-1137. For Sale - Farmall cub tractor with plow and cultivators; JD hay flutter, like new; 12-4-31 tractor tires about half tread; heavy homemade tail gate for Jeep Pick-up, 1970-74. Ph; 717- 252-2174 after 9 PM. For Sale -1955 Farmall Super M with cultivator and fertilizer attachment; ID 1 Case transport disc. Ph: 609- 358-3644. for Sale - used flexible wire rein forced hose, ideal for use as feed and (rain chutes or miscellaneous farm ducting, 8” or 10” diameter. Ph: 717-354-4174. NEVER CAME WITH SO MUCH COMFORT INTEFWATIONAL series detractors Wthepro-ag line IN STOCK... FBB6 ■ F 986 - FIOB6D ■ FISBN) PUSH) TRACTORS IH 1066 w/cab i.D. 4010 w/cab Farm all 544, (as IH 1466 w/cab Ford 741 Oliver 1250 IH 1066 Hydro Farmall 656 (as Case 830 For Sal* - German Shepherd female pups, dark markings, no papers. F° r Sale - Reg. quarter horse, 11 Dopble elevated metal calf stalls, years old, gelding, used as girls 4-H good shape, $l2O. Ph: 717-548- project. Reg. Shropshire and 3464 Hampshire rams, shrop ewes. Ph: 717-862-2309. For Sale - Model 1400 Hesslon liquid spreader. Ph: 717-529-2131. For Sale • New Kelley 3 pt. 10’ chisel plow with depth wheels, $1475. Uni combine 13’ grain head, $3lOO as is. Ph: 717-483-6656. For Sale - Cummings potato splitter, cutter, like new, $6O; JD 3 bottom 14" plow on steel, good condition, $6O. Ph: 215-767-3757. Gaining done, regular, also pressed in. Comer Belmont and Quarry Road, David E. Fisher, Box 244, Paradise, Pa. 17562. For Sale - Int. #4Ol spring tooth harrow, good condition. Ph: 301- 452-5122 evenings. For Sale - Sounder organ by Hammond. Ph: 717-235-1235. For Sale - 65 Chevy truck, new rear end, good fires, priced just right, $3OO or best offer. Ph; 717-252- 3416 evenings. LL MODELS AND SIZES AVAILABLE FOR MOST PLICATIONS (717) 7M-1231 For Sale - Int. 4 bottom 14,' trip bottom fast hitch plow, Model 412. James H. Martin, two miles north of Martindale on Greisl Mill Road. For Sate - A-C 4 16 mounted trip plow, $300; Freeman PTO manure spreader, $3OO. Ph: 717-426-3871. Wanted • 18” wagon tire. Used top buggy to be sold at David Good’s sale on May 4. For Sal* - registered Elevation bull calf. Dam is scored very good with 4 records over 20,000 milk. Samuel I. Esh, R. D. #l, Gordonville, Pa. Newport Rd. Wanted - farm produce for roadside market. Write to Box 365, R. D. #2, Mohnton, Pa. List type of produce, quantity, cost, location. For Sale - 4 wheel rubber tire wagon 8 x 16’, $200; 4 wheel wagon on steel [sturdy built), $5O. Ph: 215- 944-0222. JUST |jJSEDPyWTERSi 53 Cultivator - 4 row IH 456 planter, 4 row, runner, opened, fertilizer JD 449 A planter, 4 R, fertilizer, DD openers Case chisel planter, 6 R Massey Fetfuson Model 43 grain drill , 22x7 IH 400 cyclo planter, 6 row w/fcrSfizer, insecticide, minimum tH attachment IH 400 cydo planter, 4 row, 1975, w/fertizer, insecticide, no-til at tachments, (3800 JD 1300 Planter, DD openers, 6 row PERFORMANCE SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS NEW GIRTON TANKS 300 -GAL 400 - GAL 500 - GAL 600 -GAL ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Lancaster Farming, Saturttay, April 30,1977—85 Moil Box Market Wanted - cemetery fencing. Write price and location to Amos R. Martin, R. D. #l, Shippensburg, Pa. 17257. Also for sale - 60 bu. Pride of Farm hog feeder, $2OO. For Sale - IH 436 harvester with grass and corn head, #lO bale thrower in good condition. Ph: 717- 532-8166. Wanted - Truck bed for V« ton pick up truck. Ph: 717-328-3832. Good home wanted for 1 year old male Rottweiler, Lancaster Go. farm only. Ph: Jo Jo the Dogman 609- 452-2613 or 609-452-8903. For Sale -1967 Ford 1/2 ton pick-up with automatic transmission and radio, 6 ft. bed. Ph: 717-626-7652. For Sale - JD 248 4 row tool bar corn planter, $125; M-F Model 86 6-16” plow. $l2OO. Ph: 215-489-7831. For Sale - 12 ho M-F tractor w/mower, excellent condition, $1175. Ph: 717-733-7192. For Sale - NH haybine 469 VG condition, asking $2750. Ph: 717- 284-3205. IH 815 DIESEL HYDRO WITH 13 FT. PLATFORM AND NO. 844 CORNHEAD 153 roNinc cultivator, € row A.C. 5-bol. plow, semi-mount Krause 1428 Rock-Flex disk, auto., semi mount. 24’10” IH 37 disk, 11’6" Miller 12' offset disk, notched blades measurini 21", $3655 IH chisel plow, 9 ft. mtd. IH 315 packer mulcher, 12 ft. 4” Oliver 25 ft. wing disk IH 450 plow 3F, auto., Mid. IF YOU'RE DUMPING MILK DUMP IT IN A 6IRTON 24-Hour Service - Contact Gratz M. Suit at C. B. Hoober & Son, Phone 768-8231 After 5:00 P.M. Phone 768-8555 _ lit Moil Box Market For Sale - JD Cyclone B, $350; IHC 28 disc, $175; JO 10” hammermill, $35; 40’ 6" belt. Ph: 717-866-5396. For Sale - Herd of 10 Holstein cows 6 from Astronaut breeding. Ph: 717- 665-3294. For Sale - Oliver tractor 1450 diesel with 3 bottom trip plow; Case tractor 300 with 2 bottom plow and cultivator. Ph: 717-665-2485. For Sale - Kennebec potatoes, 400 bu. good to eat and great for seed, from certified seed, make an offer! Ph: 717-384-4220, after 7:30 PM. For Sale - |l] Used 24’x40’ Steel Grain Bin. Ph: 717-299-3721. For Sale - [2] N.H. #7 Forage Wagons with roofs, 18’ silo unloader used 2 years; 75' Farm-Eze 12” belt fed conveyor in 5 steel covered sections. Ph: 717-359-4383. New N.l. roli-o-bar hay rake. Ph: 717-656-9013. For Sale - Springing Holstein heifers. Ph: 717-548-2893. MUBINE JOCK IUSEMjLUGMDOIS) 8 USED EQUIPMENT IH 16 rake, rebuilt w/new teeth and bearings New Idea 214 spreader [new] w/hydraulic endgate, less cylinder Mott - 72” hammer knife mower, demo. $BOO