TV* ' 1 NEW 16' & 18’ GRAIN 80DYS (6 only) *lOO.OO per ioot stock round locust posts (only 270) - pointed each SPECIALS VROUHD CABS- YOUR CHOICE TO FIT: 1550-1555 1650-1655-1755H55-1955-1750-1850-1950- 2255 2-IOS, 95SMM, 1355 MM 544-656-706-756-806-856-826-1026-12C6-1455-666-766-966- 10661466-1468 2510-2520-3010-3020-4020-4320-4000-4030-4230-4430-2840 190-190XT-200-210-220-7030-7050-170-175-180-185 5000-7000 > Include: Two Toned Matched Paint Tinted Safely Glass 2 Removable Doors Windshield and Windows Which Open or Remove Mounting Brackets Reinforced Roof Sky Hooks Pre Assembled All Welded Construction Deluxe Interior, Completely Upholstered (Including Roo({ With I" Thick Foam Robber Covered With Perforated Vinyl > 12] Front Ught Brackets (2) Rear Light Brackets Extra Heavy Duty Window and Door Hinges . 12( Extra Large Steps . All New Robber Mounting Special Sound Resistor Pad Covering Entire Tractor Platform, Plus Quility Long lasting Heavy Floor Mat T X 4” Steel Tubing Frame Cab Completely Rewired With Quick Clips Front and Rear and With Fuse Block All Wires Are Concealed Wrihib Frame of Cab Fender Area Recessed For 30” Rows Ron Protected And Crush Proof Twin Fresh Air Fan Heater Defroster Oonatdson Air Filter Windshield Wiper PRICED AT OUR LOT *1695." only Fenders traded in if you wish ★ SPECIAL NOTICE ★ MOW AVAILABLE NEW ALL SEASON CABS FOR: Case 930-1030 Deutz 6006 - 8006 - 10006 - 13006 M.F. 1080-1015 - IWO-JU05.1130-1135 Equippwfffie same as year-a-round SAME PRICE *1695.°° ALSO NEW CABS TO FIT ALMOST EVERY OTHER TRACTOR AVAILABLE CORNPLANTBRS 1.0. 7000, 4-row Ini 56, 4-row Ini 56, 6-row 1.0. 1240, 4-row 1.0. 290, 2-row CRAWLER DOZERS 10 3508-6 way $l5OO JD4so6«ay-d«an $9OOO 103508w/wind» sssoo IntT34OSOLD $2500 10350 $6OOO CAT O6C-108-Hyd-75% IxITDS $2500 UC- dean $31,000 IntTDIS $4500 CAT DBH-46A-Hyd $22,000 10.1010 $3500 RUBBER TIRED LOADERS 2 iCas« 17400 uni loaden fcse IU6 uni loader - excellent Owattona 1700 ma loader N -H. uni loader Ford uni loader Michipn 125 «/6M diesel Twex 72-10 ar/GM diesel Hough 50Cw/G*l«esel Trojan 30M w/Gm diesel Cose 530 «/ldr TO lOlOw/idr 2]lnl3SOw/Mr CaseW7E«/Cab W GB-arfadafing - rep** being done Hough 90E - articulating - repairs beanc done WENGER'S INC. FOB our lot Myerstown Custom Hauling - Livestock, Hay, Straw & Com. PH: 717- 626-8904 POTATO HAULERS Insulate bottom of your trailer with sprayable Urethane Foam and eliminate frozen produce and added weight due to water pickup. CONESTOGA CHEMICALS & PLASTICS, INC -397-3724 Home; 872-2233 CUSTOM SILO FILLIN Lester E. Landis K. 0.3 Lititz, Pa. 17543 Phone 717-569-9228 12) Hesston 10 stackers- ike new JD SP Isaybine 215 A ’ iD4Bohaybine NH4B9hayhine (2J Me 46 baler HH 268 baler w/PTO thrower ftH no bale thrower AC late baler w/PTO thrower Int 27 baler Int 47 baler w/PTO thrower Inl99objybine |9j sickle bar mowers Hesston 30 mower Hesston 10 mower 3 pi stack mover HI cut ditioner - super dean New N.H. 1034 bale wagon - loaded [B] Rakes Ford VI in powered - Mario 6” pomp - trailer mounted 32 - Rahtbjrd 708 sprinklers 21 • Wosco 6LC couplers 50 - Wosco 6 MC couplers 41 • Wosco 4LC couplers 1 -4" to 6” adapter 2 -6” T joints SUR. PRICED COMPLETE 4- 4” elbows Cwwm mm AAA 37-4"*3o’ Alcoa pipe # # 5|J W 5- Alcoa pipe m m 76-6"*3ff Alcoa pipe 5-6”x2o’ Alcoa pipe H"x4o’ Alcoa pipe $4OOO-56500 $3750 $3750 cal $3300 $7500 $14,500 $lO,lOO $11,600 Case 450 10 3500 SOLD A.C.HO6«/ripper JD3SOB«/BacfchocSOLO CAT 933-npe don MF 200-dean JO 20100 SOLO fntIZSC-dean SOLO Case 1150 ACHDS CAT 977 H - ponerdnft - ripper - saper dean CAT 913-1971-ripfcr-75% UC-dean $3250 $2600 $1250-51500 $6500 Cal Cal Custom Work For Sale-Silage and feed carte silage carts made with plank bottoms and plyboard sides, angle iron on top and sides; also air tire wheels or solids. Made to order; Eli B, King R. D. 2, Box 39 Honey Brook, Pa. 19344 4 miles northeast of White Horse on Chur chtown Road. CUSTOM ROUND BALING Hay, Corn Fodder CUSTOM CHISEL PLOWING Within 15 miles of Oxford, PA Ph: 215-932-5231 HAY EQUIPMENT CRAWLER LOADERS Custom Work. Backhoe, Loader and Bull Dozer Work, ditches, fence strips, etc. Lester Hess, 717- 273-6018. Custon hoot trimming with tilt table, Sam Wylie, Oc torara Farm, Nottingham, Pa. 215-932-8923. Chisel Plowing with Glencoe Soil Saver. No shredding or discing required. Southern Lancaster County. Other areas can be arranged, 717- 548-3402 PLANTS For Sale - Potted can teloupes, 12 cents by the thousand. Also, watermelon plants. Ph: 717-3544)484. Feed & Seed For Sale - baled hay and ear com. Hi; 717-548-2618. For Sale - Quality bay alfalfa clover and mixed, no rain. Lest Graver 717-284-4609. $3BOO each $2500 $1475 $2500 $495 choice $2250 $595 $1875 $1275 $1475 $1975 $lOO A up $2500 $595 $375 $2275 $10,500 $l5O tup f 7500 $6500 $3725 $lOOO $1750 $l5OO $3500 $14500 $7500 $2500 $17,000 $51,000 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30,1977 —79, - - ■ ■ ~ - "**■ Feed & Seed For Sale - 20 tons mixed hay, No, 323 New Idea com picker. Ph: 717-3744129 after 7:00 PM. Straw For Sale - s6sper ton at bam, 4 miles West of Kutztown. Jennie C. Sch woyer, BD 3, Kutztown, Berks County. For Sale - Baled Corn Fodder, 717-432-4535, Dillsburg, RD 2. For Sale - Mixed hay, $7O a ton. Ph; 717-284-2344. For Sale - Soybean seeds. Cutler and Williams mixed. 98 pet cent germination, certified seed last year. Ph: 717-786-3435. For Sale - 2000 bales good quality mixed cow or horse hay $.BO per bale $5O. per ton Cash, good place to load. Also pure maple syrup. Ivan Stevenson, Honesdale, Pa. RD 3. Ph: 717-224-4462. For Sale - 25 bushels clover seed, cleaned and treated. Ph: 717-382-4254. Buying SOYBEANS, Best Offers. Farmers Helping Farmers. EMT 717-299*1354 301-953-7008 MULCH HAY WANTED Delivered to Avondale, PA or Hauling can be arranged. Call For Current Prices. 215-268-8258 or 268-8259 CUSTOM CORN SHELLING AT YOUR FARM WITH M.M. PORTABLE SHELLER will go anywhere Call for price y our area PHONE 717-369-2808 . Feed & Seed Meadow for rent. Good shade and water. Buck area. Ph; 717-284-2444. For Sale - wheat straw; also alfalfa orchard grass hay; shelled com Phone 717-933- 8695. BUYING & SEUIN6 UR CORN & GRAIN Also Grain Hauling LEON G. SCHNUPP R 2 Manheim, PA 17545 717-6654785 BUYING EAR 4 SHELLED CORN Receiving Daily Rt. 372-2 Mi. West of Buck, PA PH: 717-284-4628 MARK KISSER Holtwood RDI PA 17532 FULL LINE OF TOBACCO SEED BED SUPPLIES •Tobacco muslin •Tobacco Seed •Peat Moss •Bristles and Fertilizer Samuel L Stoftzfus Box 133 Gordonvitte, Pa. 1 mile east of Intercourse on Route 340.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers