—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30. 1977 70 Form Equipment For Sale - J,D. M with cultivator and plow. Call 717- 626-7384. USED FARM EQUIPMENT New Holland 1034 bale wagon $7,995. New Holland Haybines. We have 5 priced from $1,495 to $2,995. Oliver No-till Planters, 4 row and 6 row, ex cellent condition. Good selection of Plows and Discs. SHEETS BROS., INC. 1061 Carlisle St. Hanover, Pa. 717-632-3660 1967, 4020 Low Hours, $8750.00; 200 Allis Cab, Wts„ 1200 H r s . $11,500.00; 1280, 8 row Deere planter, new demo., monitor (no fert.) $2,650.00; 694 AN, $1850.00; 494 AN like new; 720 Diesel, electric, 70 Diesel. 13’ AW Deere disc $1275.00. We ' invite com parison on Mach inery. We believe we have the cleanest low hour tractors and combines - See what you think. 1972, 6600 Deere, 15’ float, chopper, app. 500 hrs; 1967, 105 both heads $11,500.00. 1967 Cl I Gleaner 14' head $8000.00; 1966 E' Gleaner both heads $6500.00; 1967, 55 Deere both heads, air, 1039 hrs. $9500.00. Shop before by buy— CLYDE WILSON Wakeman, OH Phone 419-668-4595 ★ sc I <=> t THE OCTOPUS § M f WINCO's exclusive new I mg power plug-connect or Ilf disconnect the standby f'frf load with one convenient v v 7/ plug. This plug saves on \ ] installation costs, it Is I | rugged and heavy duty I I lor years of long service I » JK and is the ultimate in Sj& convenience. 330 Fonderwhite Road, Lebanon, PA. 17042 Form Equipment ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. New Beriinviile, PA 1 Mile N. of Boyertown Phone (215) 367-2169 ■■■ farm ■M EQUIPMENT ♦PARTS*. SERVICE ♦PeLAVAL DAIRY EQUIP. ♦JAMESWAY ♦FLICRES SILO *FMC SPRAY ♦BEAN EQUIP. CRAWLER TRACTORS Case 310 Loader $1795.00; Case with Winch $1275,00; John Deere 2010 Loader $2850.00; John Deere Me Blade $665.00; Int TD9 Loader $1850.00; Allis Chalmers HD6 Loader $2950.00; Oliver HG $725.00p Oliver DC3 Blade $1785.00; Oliver OCI2 $775.00; Cletrac pulley PTO $495.00; Cletrac Blade $1175.00. New Idea Cutditioners, Hay Bines, Balers, Mowers, Crimpers, Rakes, Fluffers, Ted ders, Elevators, Choppers, Rotary Mowers, Crimpers, Rakes, Fluffers, Ted ders, Elevators, Choppers, Rotary Mowers, Flail Mowers, Motor driven Mott Mowers, Harvesters, Fox Harvester with Pick up and Com Head, Rotary Hoes, Tran splanters, Weeders, Chisel Plows, 1-2-4 Row Cultivators, Lilliston Rolling Cultivator, Cultipackers, Grain Drills, Massey 8 Ft. pul] type Combine, Cub Tractors with Mowers, or Loaders, Lots of 3 Pt. Equipment, Grinder Mixers, Fork Lifts, Trenchers, Road Graders, Wood Chipper, Pay Loaders and Hundreds of Tractors to choose from. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rt5.72&283 Lancaster, Pa. 17601 Phone (717)569-9861. PTOGEAR DRIVE MECHANISM Precision ground belies) gears eliminate poten tial service problems of shorter lived chain link drive. LEONARD MARTIN COMPANY Acom manure transfer pump with 10 HP motor. Phone 717-263-9111 Used 1469 New Holland self-propelled haybine $4,250.00 Used 5000 Ford gas tractor $5,500.00 Used Farmall 560 Gas Kow crop tractor, overhauled' $4,250.00 PAUL SHAVER'S INC. Loysville, Pa. 717-789-3117 GOOD SELECTION OF BALERS, HAYBINES AND PLOWS TRACTORS 1H1456w-cab IHBO6 1H660D IH 350 Gas JD 4620 4-wheel drive JD 2520 Gas JD 2510 Diesel JD 2020 Gas HU Model JD 1020 Gas w-loader JD 830 Utility 200 hrs. Case 1030 Comfort King COMBINES Gleaner K Gleaner E in JD 45 Square Back MF72 HAYBINES NH 1469 Self PropeUed NH477 NH4B7 NH46I IH 990 GRINDER MIXER NH 352, Real Good Gehl 120, Real Good Gehl6sMX Artsway 420 ALUS CHALMERS 4-R no-til CORN PLANTER GUNTHER HEUSSMAN, INC. South sth St. Enunaof, Pa. 1804 9 215-965-5203 New!!! 30, 50 and 65 K.W. P.T.O. Generators ★ cc Uj 30 K.W. Generator 50 K.W. Generator 65 K.W. Generator USED for 1977 Phone: (717) 273-6478 Form Equipment % new bullion V EQUIPMENT ft Pulverizer! ■ 12' 14 .15 4’ 8 16 K Transport Kits I Rulvimulchwrt K 14 4' 8 21 8 ■ 12 4" 815 8 SoN ■ Oils*) Mows ■ (2) 7'Rigid Shank. (2)7- r Spring Shank. (2) 9' Spring V 11'Spring Shank -SoW ft H«M Cultivators I 15’6" 8 20’6' K Row Crop Cultivator! ■ 4 Row 8 6 Row | USED EQUIPMENT I Tractors I MF 11000 I (2) J 0 830 Util 3 cyl [ J 0 820 Util. 3 cyl 0 I MF1350 r Plows k Oliver 6-16 semi-mounted f Chlswl Mow | (1)3 0 1600 12’ f Corn Mantars | (3) J 0 1300 6 row P J 0 494 i IH4S6 4 row r Disc Harrows L i 0 230 21 4 I J 0 210.14T [ J 0 KBA 10 I /toiler Harrows r Bnlhon 13 8 I Row Crop Cultivators f J D RM4 \ J 0 RG4 I J D RG4O | Grain Drills r Oliver 18x7 [ J 0 FOB 18x7 w/Fert' r J D FBA 17x7 W/OSA l Loa«iars | J 0 46A I USED LAWN A ' GARDEN EQUIP. | In Stock—Serviced- Rtody to be Delivered IJ 0 60.6 hp 34 cut S6SD J 0 70.7 hp 34 cut $750 (Wheel Horst Bhp, 36" cut $B5O 5,000 WATT USED EQUIP. MF 180 Diesel JD MT Tractor NEW (On Display) MiTEY MAC SKID LOADERS SHARTIESViLLE FARM EQUIPMENT Shartlesville, PA 215-488-1025 H. Daniel Wenger, Prop. SPE ? iV + 85H3 ISEW HOLLATO***** NEW HOLLAND, CASE 6EHL, BUSH HOG KEVIN N.MYER & SONS. INC. RDI, Chester Springs, Pa. Free Finance on Hay Tools Interest free till June Ist. Free finance on NH Spreaders and Grinder-Mixers till Aug. Ist NEW CASE TRACTOR INVENTORY $4OO Off on any 43 h p to 80 h p. Case Tractor Renta) of Case tractors 43 hp to 155 hp Model 990 Model 995 Model 1210 Model 1410 Model 1070 w/cab & air Model 1370 w/cab & air LONG TRACTOR Model 350 NEW TILLAGE EQUIP. Athens Chisel plow Bush Hog chisel plow Bush Hog tandem disc harrows. McConnell folding wheel harrow CENTURYSPRAYERS (1) Job fitted 300 gal 8R centrifugal pump, tele scoping PTO, deluxe trailer and agitator (1) Job fitted 500 gal. 10R centrifugal pump, tele scoping PTO, deluxe trailer and agitator COMBINES NH 985 Gas, traction drive, variable speed, 13 ft direct header, home reel, 4-row wide com head _ _ PLOWS Oliver 5B Hyd. reset 16" plow, infurrow hitch Glencoe 9 Shank 3 bar chisel plow MISCELLANEOUS Westgo stone picker JD 2 row 3 pt hitch corn planter Lely 6 wheel rake SPECIAL DEALS ON THE FOLLOWING EQUIP. NH 8 Steel Crop Carrier NH L 445 Loader Diesel NH 850 Round Baler NH 1034 Bale Wagon USED EQUIPMENT BALERS NH 268 w/PTO thrower (2) NH 269 w/PTO thrower NH 271 w/PTO thrower HAYBINES I MOWERS NH 460 Haybme (1) NH 451 Mower MANURE SPREADERS NH 675 T triple beater NH 676 single beater NH 362 tank spreader JD 44 single beater FORAGE HARVESTERS JO 6 JD 12 NH7I7 NH Super 717 NH 1880 Self-propelled TRACTORS John Deere H John Deere B Oliver 77 Gas Oliver 550 Gas Call Ken Myer 215-827-7414 Farm Equipment S NOW AVAILABLE 9 • 150,000 Watt ■ • Continuous Duty • • PTO Alternator • • Motorized units of gas * • & diesel also available. • • Any size. Single & three * • phase models & • • automatic controls. 2 • Installation • 2 Available. ! ; HIRAM STOLTZFUS ; • Harrington, DE • • 19952 I • PH; 302-398-3006 • » FIELD QUEEN) Division of Hesston Corporation FACTORY DIRECT SALES—PARTS SERVICE North East U.S. Largest Retail Forage Harvester Outlet “The Best of the West Now In the East” 1977 Sales—9 CHECK OUR LATE MODEL TRADE INS: USED FIELD QUEENS AVAILABLE 702 Uni w-760 Chopper, Grain combine, new 13’ platform, 2 R com head & Pickup. J.D. Model 40 Self- Propelled Combine. J.D. 336 Baler, like new, good price , J.D. 400 Backhoe Diesel, low hours, cab, ex. cond. (New) IHC 5-B 20” Plow (Used) J.D. 5-B 16” Plow - REDUCED IS ft. Woods bat I rotary mower. * 260 Massey Ferguson Chopper w-windrow and 2>row com head - like new. Elec. Controls. N.H. 1880 new Cat. engine. Hydro, 3-30” com head, WPU Super D Fox, ex. cond. com hd., bay hd. & Snapper hd. Spring bouse cleaning of all PTO Harvesters w-corn Heads & Pickups, Fox, N.H. & Massey. REDUCED $4,000.00 CASE WlO FRONT END LOADER Fox SPF self-propelled 4-71 Det., 2 heads ex." cond. (3)0*7 Fox Forage Harvesters pull type. (I)(2) 1972 MAX 1, SP, DsL, 3-30" Dr. hd., WPU STOP IN AND SEE OUR NEW UNITS ON DISPLAY N.H. 1880 Die. Hydro., Cab, 3-30 WPU, Ex. Cond. Gehl Forage Wagon w dual wheels, good cond. (1) 880 N.H. 9 knife chopper, hay hd., corn hd. FIELD QUEEN 1190 Enterprise Roan East Petersburg, PA. Lancaster Co. 17520 Call Frank Walters 717-392-7795 or Res. 717-733-3665