Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1977, Image 69
cultivators vators M.F., McCormick and J.D. 4-R Planters m!f. 82 Combine w-cab J.D. 45 Square Back Combine j D. 40 Square Back Combine IHC 82 Pull Type Combine IHC 82 Pull Type Combine M. 60 Pull Type Combine N. 2-R pull type pickers, wide and narrow row Shelters for 2-R Pickers Nothingruns DEERE like a Deere -- j USED FARM EQUIPMENT ohn Deere 3020 ohn Deere 2510 fohn Deere 730 Diesel [ohn Deere 1209 Mower Conditioner I.D. 4400 Combine .D. 38 & 35 Forage Harvester Case 675 SP Windrower Bonders Loader N.H. 460 Haybine 24 ft. flat goose-neck trailer w-racks. 400 Gal. Dari-Kool Bulk Tank [sed Vacuum Suppliers itemational 1300 1 Ton Truck CLUGSKJH IMPLEMENT INC. Chambersburg, PA 17201 1 Block off 1-81 Exit 8 Phone 717-263-4103 SPERRV^ fv£W HOLLAND Farm Equipment ELMER GOCKLEY Relnholds,RDl 215-267-3281 NEW FARM EQUIPMENT J.D. 500 Baler J.D. 336 Baler J.D. 1209 mower con- dition J.D. 7000 Com Planter J.D. 750 Grinder-Mixer N.H. 512, 518, & 5676 Spreaders N.H. 477 & 4V9 Haybines N.H. 495 & 1495 SP Haybines N.H. 1400 Combine N.H. 850 Baler N.H. 354 & 357 Grinder Mixers N.H. 770 & 890 Forage Harvesters Bobcat Skid Steer Loaders • Richardton Hign uump Wagon Field Sprayers Perry Orchard Mowers New Elevators Glencoe Soil Savers Chisel Plows & Disc Harrows —Form -Equipment STAftEY k. am K. PARTS Dtp ASTKNT 12,000 J.D. Une Items 2,300 N.H. Line Items 1,400 N.l. Line items 415 DeLaval Line Items 375 iamesway Line Items 360 Lawn Boy Line items 300 Homeiite Line items 160 Ontario Line Items Plus Aliens, Autolile Brigis & Stratton, Brilfion, Clinton, Coby, Dion, Hesston, Kohler, Lauson, Letz, McCurdy, Nelson and Wisconsin Bernville, Pa. 19506 215-488-1510 UNCASTER SILO CO., INC. 2008 Horseshoe Road - 2436 Creek Hill Road LANCASTER, PA 17601 A COMPLETE INVENTORY OF FEEDING-SYSTEM EQUIPMENT IN STOCK. INSTALLATION AND SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR ALL EQUIPMENT. NEW ITEMS; New-300 Lb. Hi-Pressure Sprayer Pumps w/3-H.P. Gas Engine $295.00 New-10-H.P. Briggs & Stratton Gas Engines $235.00 New-Totally Enclosed Farm Duty Motors % H.P. to 10 H.P. In Stock - 20% Discounts thru April- Cash & Carry New-12” Wide Belt Per Ft. $1.75 USED EQUIPMENT: 16’ Silo Matic Unloader W/Motor sSave Starline Silo Unloaders - Rebuilt & ready to Install (All Sizes) sSave 1- 24’ Jamesway Big Jim Unloader w/motor new suspension cables, complete $5OO. 2- 48” Bam Fans 3 - USED 20 x 60 HARVESTOR SILO’S COMPLETE W/HERCULES UNLOADERS THESE UNITS CAN BE MOVED NOW. CALL FOR DETAILS: SALES OFFICE - 299-3721 Larry Hiestand mmm NEW ■M TILLAGE ■II. SPECIALS! BUY AT DEALER NET!! SPECIAL CUB L 194 Plow, Fast Hitch $197.52 710 5-Bottom 18" Auto. (Demo.) $3,515.37 642 4-Bottom Rollover Plow, KD* $2,952.93 CUB 144 Cultivator, KD* $235.00 144 Cultivator w.Mtg. Frame, KD* $450.00 78 Cultivator, 6R, Front Mtd, KD* $1900.00 990 Mower Conditioner, 9 Ft., KD* $3795.00 USED EQUIPMENT! IH 375 Windrower $4,800.00 Hesston 9’ Conditioner $1,495.00 IH 550 Forage Harvester, 2 Heads $1,875.00 MF 510 Combine w. 4R Corn, 12’ Grain $10,500.00 | SBXSNSTRATEDTr; j [ 650 Field Harvester with Pickup OOC 1 i Head, Direct Cut t Blow A *KD = Knocked Down SCHOENECK INTERNATIONAL EQUIP. Oakwood Lane at Rt. 873 Schnecksviile, PA (215) 437-4813 or (215) 767-3806 Farm Equipment STANLEY A. KLOPP MC. Sales and Service Farm Equipment John* New Holland New Idea • Bnltion DeLaval* iamesway Lawn-Garden Equipment John Deere • Anens Lawn Boy Chain Saws John Deere* Homeiite Bicycles John Deere MANURE SPREADER SPECIALS Bernville, PA 19506 .215-488-1510 incaster harming. «• Farm Equipment EQUIPMENT FOR SALE OR LEASE Chisel plow -10 tooth BADGER 3,000 gal. liquid manure tank 1,500 gal. vacuum tank 205 Bushel manure spreader Forage Wagons Forage Blowers Special Sale on Following Equipment: Used 2600 Badger Forager, 2 row & hay picknp Used Barn Cleaner Used 12 ft. Silo Unloader SHOW-EASE STALL CO. 523 Willow Rd. FREY BROS. MFC. QUARRYVILLE, PA PHONE (717) 786-2146 * Farm Gates • Automatic Wagon * Head Gates Hitch * Calf Creep * • Ritchie Watereis * Steel Fence • Electric Gates * Free Stalls * Al Chutes * Loading Chutes • Ear Tags (Slop Stops) • Feed Bunks * Steel Buildings * Hay Racks WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• USED EQUIPMENT MANURE SPREADERS John Deere Tank New Idea 175 Bushel Badger 240 Bu. w-Gate John Deere No. 15 Flail Chopper Feeder Wagons No. 91 Int. Combine w-10 ft. grain head and 2 row com head 5 Bar Flex Tooth New Idea Rake (Like new) TRACTORS GOOD CONDITION-READY FOR FIELD A.D. Dl2 w-Plow, Cult. & Loader J.D. 40 Int. 460 w-loader MANY OTHER NEW & USED ITEMS A. C. HEISEY 5 FARM EQUIPMENT INC. • • RDI, Jonestown, Pa. 17038 Phone 717-865-4526 J • Located 'A mile South of Fredericksburg off Route 343 o • BUS. HOURS: SAT. TILL 2:30 P.M. J • 7 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPT. • EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO., INC. PLANTERS (2) John Deere 1240 Plateless D.D. Openers, Dry Fert ilizer & Insecticide. (1) John Deere 1250 - 6-30” Rows D.D. Openers, Plate less. (1) John Deere 494 A Runner Openers (3) John Deere 494 A D.D. Openers, Dry Fertilizer & Insecticide (1) AC - 6 Row, 30” No Till w/Monitor Dry Fertilizer & Insecticide (1) John Deere 1280 - 8 Row, 30” Liquid Fertilizer Attachment (1) IH No. 56 - 4 Row, Dry Fertilizer, D.D. Openers & Insecticide (1) John Deere 494 w/Dry Fertilizer & Insecticide (1) Ford No. 309 - 2 Row Three Point Planter (2) John Deere 248 Planter Units on Tool Bar (1) IH - 4 Row Tool Bar Planter (1) John Deere 495 D.D. Openers, Fertilizer & Insecticide 30 Evergreen Road Lebanon, Pa. 17042 PHONE: (717) 272-4641 Farm Equipment Ph; 717-299-2536 SALES & SERVICE Lancaster, Pa.