TRACTOR* MOTOR repairs Over 20 years ex perience with. Ford tractors and equipment. Shop ft Road Service Pickup and Delivery Walt My, Jr. SpringviUeßoad QuarryyiHe RD3 , Phone 717-7*6-2252 New Holland 276 Baler w-thrower, 3 yrs, old, good condition $3,695.00 ' , IHC „>430 Baler w thrower, like new, $2,100.00 Oliver 4-Row Pull Type Corn Planter No. 452, in good working order $475.00 PAUL SHOVER’S INC. 35 East Willow Street Carlisle, Pa. 717-243-2686 FOR SALE 1 - Ford 311 4-Row Planter w - Insecticide $BOO. v 1 - N.H: 360 Hay, Con ditioner $9OO. 1 - J.D. 145 A 3-14 Plow $950 1 - IHC Super M Tractor $1750. 1 - John Deere A Tractor $BOO. 0 TOBIAS EQUIPMENT CO. INC. « ; Pl«toe7l7-»K-3152 FOR SALE ':f4) Used late model '* tf.H;.PTO Spreaders 11) Used Oiitario Grain jm / Irrigation System , Used Tractors-IHC’s and John Deere’s Farmall M Tractor w-2 J.D. 434 N 4-R Narrow com head (1) New Ontario Grain Drill New Ford Disc Harrows, 10 to 17 ft. New Ford Com Plan ters, Plateless CHARLES S. SNYDER INC. ED3Tamaqoa,Pa. Phone 717-3 M-5945 ■ NEW EQUIPMENT ■Pequea hay tedders, For Sale - Farmall 460 ground drive and tractor, fast hitch, power h w pro models steering, live shaft, excellent Peauea manure condition. Farmall M tractor *-■■■—l b dera ’ SJTSJB&JS* BBB® Wagon gears Hawk round baler Model No. USED EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT *** $ 2500 , (large balesjno IH 574 Diesel w-Loader. NH 273 hayiiner baler, twu l e needed, good condition "■uoito 0 " Tr * ctor BaagSb’Mf F.Si h s Gas p TssJrus*a zatTsdSm™ Farmall 826 Diesel PTO 13903. Ph. 607-724-9965. txi STcS» 600 gal. heavy duty oil Wanted - Hydraulic lift unit , ™ ow .. D 1 tank, suitable for for John Deere Model B J.D.Senu-mtd. Plow gas, oil, etc. series grain drill. Will pay CAMPBELL SALES Also custom sheet and $lOO. Ph: 609*259*2802. ****■ For Sale *IH 400 tractor, 2 pt. TB,n»aan- PEQUEA Located Smiles North of as a ryiMP 93^8639. Mifilintown, 20 miles mMVmns South of Selinsgrove on East Gordon Road Jack Hammer Rental, 2 Route3s. Independently BoxlBs hammers, chipper, drill and jjjjjg JOhD ** Z °° k ’ W ' Farm Equipment For Sale - IH 56 4 row com planter. 1100 lb. fiberglass dry fertilizer hoppers. Hoe runner openers - good condition. AC - Pull type combine, PYO drive bin type. 717-386-5370. _ For Sale: Fannall 584, gas, fast hitch with 3-16 trip bottom plow, $2000.00; New Holland No. 68 baler, $500.00; New Idea single row com picker, $300.00; 1953 Chev. .truck; 12 ft., hydraulic dump grain bed, $450.00; Horse trailer, tandem axle, $300.00. Call 426-1401 after 5 PM. For Sale - Field drags in stock -10% 12’, 14’, 16’. .18’, 19’ Land rollers - 14’ and ,17’. Harrow rollers -10’ Hugo Welding Shop Box 38 Bowers, Pa. 19511 Phone 215-682-2781 FOR SALE CORN PLANTERS (1) New John Deere 7000, narrow (1) Used John Deere 1250,6-Row Plateless (2) Used John Deere 1240 4-Row Plateless, Monitors (1) Used John Deere 494 A 4-Row good (1) Used IH 455 4-Row, good. Adamstown , Equipment Inc. ■ Mohnton,Ro2, PA 19540 (Near Adamstown) . 215-484-4391 j.tC i’t \ ' r Form Equipment For Sale: 2 row com plan ters: 6 row JD planter; cultipackers;- NI spreader; JD 3 x 16 plow; Oliver 2 x 14 Slow; Oliver trailer plows; at. fast hitch plows; JD spring harrows, 9 and 12 ft; JD wheel disc; JD 24 disc; Int disc; 3 pt. disc harrows; haybine; Ford Jubilee tractor; 12 ft. chisel plow; - Harold L. Sample, New Providence, Pa. PH: 717-786- 3087. For Sale - 4 row horse drawn corn planter recently overhauled to be sold at David Good’s Sale. For Sale - Pressure treated fence posts, sawed on 2 sides, 8 ft. long. Also heavy tubing farm gates. Aoner S. King, Gordonville RDI, Box 284, S. Shirk Road. For Sale - IH 2-row No. 56 Com Planter, planted 100 acres. John Deere cylinder. Call after 5 PM. 717-764-3687. Better hilt 3150 gallon auger matic liquid manure spreader, truck mount. Has spread just 20 loads. Ph: 717- 563-2016 after 7 PM. For Sale - JD disc, BWA wing type, 20’ wide, brand new discs, best offer. Nor man D. Rittenhouse, 167 Harleysville Pike, Harleysville, Pa. Ph: 215- 256-8415. For Sale - Allis Chalmers 2- row cultivator 8125; Gebl 5’ Flail Shredder $250; A.C. 4-B Snap Couple Plow $200; Kniverland 4-B 3 pt. plow $200; A.C. 2-B Roll-Over Plow $l5O. Hi: 215-536-5011. J.D. 10’ Chisel Plow. J.D. 9’ Spring Harrow. A.C. Transport Disc Harrow. J.D. 4-R Tool Bar Com Planter. A.C. 4-R no till 600 planter. N.I. No. 206 Ground Drive . Spreader. N.H. 675 sgl. btr. spreader w hyd. end gate. N.I. 702 Gas Uni-Tractor. ROY H. BUCK, INC. EPHRATA 717-859-2441 For Sale - 36” Dryer Fan, like new $200.00, In ternational 22010 ft. dump, S speedsl7so. Ph: 717-273-6018. Automatic potato cutter, grades and cuts in one operation. 1,2,3 or 4 pieces. Built by Haines. Handwerk Farms, Germansville, Pa. 18053. Ph: 215-767-6137. For Sale - 14’ hydraulic dump wagon on JD gear; JD No. 30 potato digger (2 row); Trezler potato cutter w bagger; Kingwyse potato grader. Ph: 717-898-8691. For Sale - JD 1010 crawler dozer with angle blade, in very good condition. Ph: 215- 267-5209. Form Equipment For Sale - SC Case tractor with two row cultivator in very good condition, 8* Case disc harrow, 2 wheel garden tractor with cultivator and plow. Middletown area. Phone 717-564-2277. For Sale - 200 BU. HAWK BUILT SPREADER. Good condition. Call (215) 932-8599. For Sale - Two 20’ BADGER SILO UNLOADERS. (24” Fans, 7% HP. Motors) One used 9 years. One used 3 years. Call (215) 932-8599. John Deere 4000 row crop. 2800 hours. Front and rear weights, excellent shape. 717-726-3474. For Sale - JD No. 45 round back combine, 10 ft. head, hume reel, good condition, motor rims excellent, good rubber, new hydraulic lines. Ph: 717-896-8728. For Sale - AUis-Chalmers No. 66 pull-type combine with power take-off and bin, like new. Ph: 717-362-9842. For Sale - 8 N Ford w-2 btm. plow. Deerbom cultivator w shields, utility box, belt eey, power take-off ex don. Sickle bar mower w extra set of knives. Ph: 717- 362-9963. For Sale - John Deere 246 Com Planter; J.D. 24T Baler with No. 2 ejector, good. Ph: 717-987-6118. For Sale-2 wheel horse cart. Call after 5 PM. Ph: 717-733- 0205. For Sale - Int. 350 D w loader, utility type tractor on new steel wheels, just overhauled. New paint, all extras. Ph: 215445-4280. For Sale - 1240 John Deere com planter, 4 row. Ph: Robert McSparren 717-548- 2618. For Sale - JD KBA transport disc, 10’ wide, excellent condition, $875; 2 bottom Oliver 14” plow, $lB5. Ph: 717-273-6309. For Sale - M-F 178 D multi power, WF, like new tires, $3250. Century sprayer, 300 gallon $585; 212 m spreader, FTO, like new, $1475. Ph: 215-286-9026. For Sale - JD 6’ side bar mower; JD model 15 flail chopper - both good. Self feeding chuck wagon; McCormick 4 row corn planter with Gandy units; heavy two gang offset disc; 8’ cultipacxer; Aliens 26” riding mower; new 20” push mower. Ph: 717-273-3166. For Sale - JD 21 ft. Model 400 rotary hoe; JD 8300 grain drill; 36 ft. New Holhmdbale elevator; Shaver post driver; Mustang 440 loader; 9 tooth Glenco soil saver; 27% Glenco field cultivator; 6 row. White plant and corn ?ilanter w-liquid fertilizer; 909 Ford CBOOO grain truck with 16 ft. bed; 225 Int. hay conditioner; Weaverline silage cart. Ph: 717-768-3560. For Sale - JD 7000 4-row com planter,'3o” rows, 1976 (like new). Ph; 607-272-5990. For Sale - Snow blower, 5 hp. Yardman, 24” with forward and reverse, like new. Phone 717-872-2898 For Sale - 1968 uni-system 702 D engine, completely rebuilt, forage harvester with pick-up and 3 row com head - combine w-13 ft. header and 3-30 stripper plate com head, $15,000. Phone 717-726-3471. For Sale - 2 hit. self-prop. 10M> ft. haybines-$3000.00 each. Stump Acres, 717-792- 3216 (York Co.) Lancaster Farming, Saturday. ApriHO.l977 Farm Equipment j Farm Equipment John Deere Diesel 105 com special combine with 14’ grain platform, excellent condition. New motor just installed and guaranteed. Phone 302-834-4698. Wanted - 300 17 or 18 foot tobacco rails. Also, 60 14’ tobacco rails. Emanuel B. King, R.D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa. 17536. For Sale - black spring wagon. Phone 717-354-0867. For Sale - International 6 row Cyclo planter with augers plus extra drum. 717- 244-1124. For Sale - International Harvester Finco LP gas hay diyer, 3 canvass ducts and fame bottom, 7 x 16. Phone 717-528-4826. IH 12 ft. spring tooth harrow, like new cond. 11 ft. Brillion Cultipacker w-sprocket wheels, ex cellent. 1-row IH Potato Planter, good cond. M.F. 135 Gas w-loader, PS, differential lock, good robber. Call only after 7 P.M. 717- 949-3074. For Sale - 467 NH haybine, good condition, ready to cut hay. Ph: 717-837-3036, or 717- 837-3863. Wanted - HD 5 Allis- Chalmers with bucket and ripper. Philip Miller, Get tysburg, Pa. Ph: 717-334- 1824. For Sale - JD 3300 D combine, like new condition, 110 hours, 10’ grain head, AC, PS, PB, cab. Call between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM 717-573-2250. Pole bam free for removing, 35 x 80. Ph: 215-869-2897, evenings. For Sale - self-propelled fox Mack II harvester with cab, 4 heads, 3 row narrow, 2 row wide, 3 row snapper, hay pick-up with 750 hours, A-l condition. Phone 717-442- 8312. 'For Sale ■ TRACTORS: G. Allis Chalmers with cult; 600 Ford with Black Hawk blade; 6000 Ford diesel Commander; 3000 Ford Gas 8 speed; 4 bottom 16” high clearance semi-mounted plow; 2 row high speed Iron Age Oliverpotatoplanter; 2 row John Bean PTO potato harvester: Cummings potato splitter; potato grader; Haines stone picker; John Bean Roto beater; Olson roto beater; King Wise rubber belt conveyor; Ford V tag truck; Iht. T tag; singer bin stacker; Ford sub-soiler. Call 717-386-5714 between 7-8 A.M. For Sale - 504 IHC High Clearance Gas Tractor WFE, power steering, hydraulic overhauled, new paint, asking $3,000.00 or best offer. Paul S. Zim merman, Leola R.D. 1, Pa. 17540 along Route 772 near Talmage. For Sale - EH 340 crawler w Sauder Loader $l4OO. Paul Zimmerman, Jr. 717- 354-8238. Wide front end for John Deere-will exchange for cash and narrow front end. Phone 717-637-2251. For Sale - FergusoirfMlSO - in good condition, $l4OO. Phone 717-259-9838. Lime & Fertilizer Spreaders. New WQlmar and boom type spreaders and a few used ernes in stock. C.U. Stoltzfus Mfg. Inc. Box 296 F, Morgantown, PA 19543 215- 2863146 Anderson Automatic Medicator for medication of Poultry & livestock drinking water. Accurate, Reliable, Failsafe & Trouble Free. Hiestand Distributor, Rl, Marietta, PA 717426-3286 For Sale - New Holland 880 Harvester with 1 row crop and pickup heads $3OOO. 1 Agway IPS 100 gal. self feeder $lOO. 717-739-2380. For Sale - Livestock squeeze shoot, like new $6OO - cost over $2,000. A-C 2 row cultivator, fits WD, $5O; International No. 37 baler in excellent shape, $l6OO. Phone 215-598-3575. MANURE PITS 36 ft., 48 ft., and 60 ft. diameter. 12 ft. depth, cir cular precast concrete with gunite coated interior. Mar-Alien ' Concrete Products RDI, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone 717-733-9404 Sale - Lilliiton 2 row rolling cultivator, 3 point hook-up, $650; Case 13’ 13 tooth chisel harrow. 3 point hook-up. $425. Both in good condition. Eli Stoltzfus Amish Homestead Tourist Farm, Lancaster 717-394- 9917. - For Sale - Used IH 400 Cyclo Planter, 6-Row with Bulk Fertilizer Augers and In secticide Boxes, excellent shape, like new. 717-898-8736. For Sale - Com planter, JD 694 A, liquid fertilizer, tine harrow attachment, 6 rows, $lBOO. Phone 201-832-7154. 350 John Deere Crawler with log tongues, winch and bucket, new engine in 1976, under carriage new in 1974. Contact Menno Swarey, Spring Run, Pa. 17262. For Sale-12 hp. Lister diesel in good condition. Lloyd J. Stoltzfus, R.D. 1, Gor donville, Pa. in Hatville. For Sale - 55 hp. Continental motor, mounted on two> wheel cart. Continental motor just overhauled. Phone 215-932-5789. For Sale - SDI 2 Wisconsin engines, $250, SD 14 Wisconsin engines, 14 hp. $275, Hess Welding Shop, R. D. No.l, Liverpool on Route 104. Phone 717444-3958. Wanted to buy - 234 53 and 71 series GMC diesel engines, any shape or condition. Hess Welding Shop, RD. No. 1, Liverpool, Pa. on Route 104. Phone 717444-3958. For Sale - Marietta Silo, 20 z 50, still standing $l,OOO. Lancaster County. Isaac Beiler, R. D. No. 3, Quarryville, Pa. For Sale - Allis Chalmers Dl4 Tractor w-2B plow; nearly new 6 ft. Woods heavy duty Rotary Mower; Disc; all in excellent condition. Daytime 301-398-2645, evenings 301-398-7178. Wanted - John Deere 48 Loader Brackets for 2020 (tractor J.D.). Phone Herbert W. Baker, Waynesboro, Pa. 717-762- 3518. For Sale - IH 2-row No. 56 Com Planter, planted 100 acres. John Deere cylinder. Call after 5 P.M. 717-764-3687. No. 8 & 10 N.I. Manure Spreader on steel for sale, good condition. 106 Waird Walking plow. I will deUver. 215-5933754 65
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