Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1977, Image 64

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 30'. 1977
Berks politicians
Berks County Reporter
LEESPORT, Pa. - Berks
County political candidates
met at the Berks County
Agricultural Center on April
22, to participate in a “Meet
the Candidate program”
sponsored by the Berks
County Farmer’s
The candidates included
five nominees for the Court
of Common Pleas. They
were:. Thomas J. Eshelman;
William R. Bernhart;
Forrest G. Schaffer, Jr.;
Donald F. Spang; and
Robert L. Van Hoove. Three
candidates for county
treasurer: Stella C. Kompa;
Charles B. Coleman, and
Robert E. Blum, were also in
attendance as well as five of
the ten candidates for jury
commissioner. They were:
Joseph G. Natale, George A.
Harakal, James D. Abbott,
the, father of candidate
Sheldon M. Meyer; and Gene
D. Killian.
Each candidate was given
three minutes for opening
remarks, - which was then
followed by a question and
answer period. Questions
submitted by the audience
were screened by a panel
Prices of most garden
seeds have gone up con
siderably in the last year or
two, but this cost is still a
minor part of the total ex
pense of raising a garden.
Reasons for the seed price
rise include adverse weather
conditions during the past
two years in the West, where
most of the garden seed
production industry is
located. Another factor has
been increasing competition
from other crops which
might be grown more
profitably on the same land.
Propane is traditionally
used by nurseries for
greenhouse heating, water
heating for plant ger
mination, heat for frost
prevention systems as well
as for offices, particularly in
those areas of the country
beyond the reach of natural
gas mains or where there
are shortages. It is a ver
satile fuel, cost efficient,
clean burning, safe and
readily available.
Mowing a Kentucky
bluegrass-red fescue type
lawn closer than IV4 inches
gradually weakens and
eventually kills the grass,
cautions Henry W. Indyk,
Extension specialist in turf
management at Cook
College, Rutgers University.
The end result is a thinned
out lawn infested with a
variety of weeds.
and given to Charles Mohn,
mediator. Mohn in turn
ad'’ ;ssed them to the ap
propriate group of can
didates. Each candidate was
given one minute to answer
each question.
The candidates for judge
were asked how they felt
about plea bargains, and if'
they felt additional judges
were needed in Berks
County. Candidates seeking
the office of county treasurer
were questioned on their
views of the present system
of selecting doe permits and
the necessity of having so
many costly tax collectors
for the county.
The present system, for
selecting jurors was also
questioned, as well as the
amount of time the jury
commissioner -candidates
felt was necessary to fulfill
the job.
Many other questions were
posed during the program
which was concluded with a
two minute closing
statement from each of the
Farm Equipment
Oliver 1850 Diesel
Oliver 4240
White 348 3 16 S.A.R. Plow
Oliver 4340 4-14 Plow
AC No Till 6-30, Liq. Fert. & Pump
Miller 8V? ft. Disk
JD 4-14 3 pt. plow
MF 46 4 Row
JD 494 A w. Liq. Fed.
Int. 530 3-16 3 pt. plow
N.H 1469 S.P. Haybine
N H. 467 Haybine
N.H. 477 Haybine |2|
N.H. S6B Baler w/PTO Thrower
N.H. 65 Baler w/PTO Thrower
IHC 990 Mower Cond.
IHC 816 Mower Cond.
IHC 37 Baler w/PTO Thrower
J.D. 14T Baler w/ejecfor
J.D. 14T Baler
N H. 717 Harvester w/1 Row
N.H. 717N2 - 2 Row Head
N H. 717 Pickup
N.H. 8 Forate Box on 234 Wagon
IHC 350 Harvester w/1 Row I Pickup
J D. 12 Harvester w/2 Row & Pickup
J D. Table Blower PTO
Case 300 Harv. w/Row - Direct Cut
NH F 23 Blower
Papec Hopper Blower
NH 512
Gehl 115 Mixer
JD 44
N H 352 Mixer
Ofiver 525 Combine w/13' Head
Farm Equipment
For Sale - 2 hole com shelter
with motor, perfect shape.
Ph ; 301-39M695T
For Sale - 340 International
utility tractor with Henry
front end loader, PS, power
take-off, 3 pt. hitch, in good
condition. $3600. 717-652-1957.
route patron probably
received no “box” delivery
on this day as swarm of bees
alighted on the box in a giant
cone. Photographed near
Mascoutah, Illinois.
Form Equipment
Honey Grove, PA 17035 - Phone 717-734-3682 J**CTOK
Located 14 Miles South Port Royal on Rt. 75 CO.
For Sale - Oliver 1650 gas
tractor, hydmdrive, PS, NF,
private owner, excellent
condition. Andy Jackson, Sr.
Phone 717-548-2324.
For Sale - 20x60 cornerstone
silo-- cement stave. Heavy
duty Jamesway unloader.
Only used 1 year. All for only
$6OOO. £lB-274-9748.
For, Sale -249 A 2 row pull
type' International corn
Slanter in good condition.
For Sale - IH Baler with
thrower, good condition,
$lBOO or bat offer. 215-255-
For Sale - 720 JD, runs good,
needs minor work, $2lOO or
make offer. Ph; 717-284-4659.
For Sale - International 346
roll over trip back plow;
Oliver 3-16 roll over trip back
plow. Phone 717-354-5&0.
For Sale - International 46
Baler on rubber $600.00;
Super „77 New Holland on
rubber $200.00; both in good
working condition. Christ B.
Stoltzfus, Chrsitiana RD 1,
Pa. 2 miles below Smyrna.
White 2-50" Tractor
2-70 Tractor
2-105 Tractor
2-135 Tractor
White 543 4R Planter 15], No Till
5400-4 R Planter No Till .
543 6R Planter No Till
White 466 Chisel Plow
285 Field Cult.
3242 Plow
348 - CT & SAR Plow
White 7300 Combine w. 13 ft. heed
While 251 10’4” disc
N.H. 273-315-320 Balers
N.H 850 Round Baler
N.H. 256 - 258 Rakes |ls|
N.H 477 - 479 Havbines
N.H. 707, 718 & 770 Harvesters
N.H 1890 -S.P.- 4WD Harvester
N. H. 8 Forage Box 171
N. H. 1400 DSL - HYD Combine w/13 FI. Head
N. H. Spreaders - All Sizes
N. H. 445 Loaders
N.H. 352 - 354 -357 Grinder Mixer
Briffion 3PT & Trail Chisel Plow
BriHion 12 t 14 Ft. Held Cult.
Brillion 10’ Seeder
Pequea Haytedder
Dunham 3PT & Trail Chisel Plow
Vkon 3PT Fert. Spreader
Lamco • Forage Boxes
Lamco Bale Racks
Ontario 16-7 Grain Drill
N H. 1034 Bale Wagon - loaded
Disc Harrows
White 252-12’8"
White 252-13’ir
White 253 13'H"
All Disc Harrows Unassembled
White 548-5-18 S.A R. Plow 3595.00
White 548-6 18 S.A.R Plow 4195.00
Mißer B'// Disc w. 5-16 Front and Quarter rear,
hyd. level Coni. 4850.00
200 Gal. Sprayer, 8 Row 770.00
300 Gal Sprayer, 10 Row 970.00
400 Gal Sprayer, 10 Row
Vicon PS 500
Vicon PS 600
Farm Equipment
2295 00
2395 00
Farm Equipment
For Sale - NH 1469 SP
haybine, partial cab,
Wisconsin engine, 1975
model, used only 1% years,
like new condition $4700.
Phone 814-583-5407,
For Sate -4 ft. - 4ft, Bin. - 6 ft:
-.8 ft. - 10 ft. self-spacing
concrete hog slats., V.TT
Petersheim, Box 315, RD2,
Mifflintown, Pr 17059.
For Sale rJDXrotovator, 8’
wide, 3 pt. 150 hp. gear box,
excellent' $1995.,
Case 970 D, excellent con
dition, 900 hours 110 hp.,
$9995. Call Jim before 7:00
ajn. or after 10:30 p.m. at
For Sale - Allis Chalmers IS’'
Transport Disc, fold up;
Gehl S’ Flail Shredder $250;
A.C. 4B Snap Coupler Plow
$200; Kniverland 4B 3 pt
Plow $200; A.C. 2B Roll-Over
low $l5O. 215-636-5011'.
One IH rear mounted 4 row
cultivator and one 2 row com
head for IH 550 chopper. 201-
439-2430. Oldwich, N 3 08858.
Oliver Raydex 2-12” Trailer,
Plow. Oliver 2-14” Trailer
Plow, good condition. IHC
10’ Transport Disc. Call after
7 P.M. 717-949-3074.
For Sale - antique tractor,
1932 Oliver Hart-parr 1827 on
steel with cultivator, good
running condition. Ph: 215-
Wanted - 44 or 449 4 row com j
Slanter. Aaron B. Better,-
outh Vintage Road, Box
399 A, Paradise, Pa. 17562
For Sale - truck load sale of
tubular welded farm
For Sale - 455 New Holland |
mower, power shaft for $38.50; Khftr $46;00.~A150, -
conditioner. Good txmdition,- Delta Uni-saw Ittinch tilting
$5OO. Lynn Heberbng, R. D. arbor saw heavy dSy?IS
3, Muncy, Pa. 17756 Phone new. Conestoga Valley Dairy
717-646-5733. Fatmj Martindglfe
Phone 215445-6061.
For Sale - New 16 ft, Giant
com elevator, on rubber, no
motor, kept under roof. New;
Massey-Ferguson 130 bushel
manure spreader kept under
roof. Ph: 215-269-1802,
If you are having trouble
with your present pipeline
milker, maybe we have a
better idea, if you think you
have an impossible bam to
Eut a pipeline in, we may
ave the answer. Hocken
sbury Electric of Hunterdon,
R.D. 1, New
Jersey 08551. Ph: 201-782-
For Sale - 12 ft. Badger
Liquid Manure Pump. Also 3.
pt. lawn grading box. 717-273-.
For Sale - 8 ft. Allis
Chalmers wheel type disc
harrow, asking $350,717-786-
Used 2,4,6, and 8 Row Com
Planters. Evergreen Tractor
Co., Inc. Lebanon, Pa. 717-
For Sale - New Equipment
J.D. 4230 tractor w-Cab and
Air. New J.D. 7000 6 R Cora
Planter. New J.D. 4400
Combine. Ph: 301-452-5252.
For Sale - JD Model 1300 4
row com planter; NH Model
278 baler with thrower; NI
205 elevator; No. 5 Ritchie
cattle and hot waterer; feed
carts; NI No. 10 manure
spreader for parts. Phone
For Sale-Oliver 3 btm. plow,
pull-behind, on rubber, byd.
operated, 16” high speed
heavy duty. Asking $700.215-
12c per word
I.6timniimim charts
Use This Handy Chart To
Figure Your Cost
(l|laue(3| Issues
1.68 4.03
1.80 4.32
1.92 4.61
2.04 4.90
' 2.16 5.18
2.28 5.47
2.40 5.76
14 or Less
„ KEYED, ADS (AdsTtfith answer
coming to a Box Number, c/o
Lancaster Farming): 50 cents
additional ' *
ids running 3* or more con
secutive tides with ho change
billed at 2(Tpercent discount.
Deadline: Thursday morning at 9,
of each week's publication.
Lancaster Farming
P.0.80x 266
Lifitz. PA 17543
, Phone Lancaster
For Sale - A-C 10 ft. gleaner
G combine, 2 row com head,
very good condition; New
Holland crop carrie No. 6
silage wagpn, good con
dition. Hinfier' B&ck, Jr.
Pa. 17264. 814-
685-3428. '
>r h <
For Sale - 1 new pair
Firestone deep tred-16.9x34,
6 ply. One set tire chains for
15.5x38, 16.9x34 or 18.4x30,
used one season. Reasonable
prices. 717-653-1828 or 717-
For Sale - N.H. Harvester
Model 717 with 1 row corn
head and pick-up in excellent
condition. NH N 0.6 crop
wagon, good condition. 215-
756-6779.. . r .
FOr Sale - Massey Ferguson
good fcondSion. Phone 215-
For Sale - Wilmar fertilizer
spreader, like new, 14,000
Ira. gross, 2 aide. 215-926-4798
For Sale - JD No: 48 loader
with fork and a dirt plate,
like new. Phone 215-869-2527.
420 John Deere Engine. 717-
For Sale - IHC 1066 diesel
tractor, turbo hydro _jrith
year round cab with heater,
755 hours, excellent con
dition. $15,995. York Springs
717-528-4343 or 717-528-4687.
For Sale - White 5 bottom 18’
plow, has plowed only 40
acres;-SOA Oliver scoop No.
461 H balerdual wheels. 814-
632-5981 after 8:00 p.m.
Wagon bodies custom built of
oak, creosoted. $350 for 16’
or $4OO for 18’ bale thrower
box. Andrew Latosek. 717-
For Sale - International 315
Self-Propelled combine. 13
ft. grain table, 2 row corn
head, excellent condition.
For Sale - Irrigation
equipment only used two
times. 2256 feet of 5” and 6”
pipe - 2 Raiabird guns - CMC
PTO pump, Model 3050 and
extra couplers. Purchased in
1986 for $6,000. Asking same
price today Ralph weaver,
RD 4, Muncy, Pa. 17756
Phone 717*664-2389 after 7
pJDr <*