!B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 30, 1977 ,21 1 Ira B. Landis PHONE 665-3248 BOX 276, MANHEIM RD3 £ / WHAT \ IS I BUM™ / 40 MILLION LAYING HENS ARE FED - THE PURINA WAY. High Bros. PHONE 354-0301 GOROONVILLE Franklin Feed and Supply Co. PHONE 717-264-6148 Chambereburi, Pa McCracken’s Feed Mill, Inc. 2 NEW CHARLOTTE ST.. MANHEiM PHONE. 717-665-2186 Wenger’s Feed Mill Inc. PHONE: 367-1195 RHEEMS PURINA It took Purina Poultry Researchers 7 years to develop BfO-4™ During these 7 years they studied laying hens nutrient requirements and what nutrients are necessary to produce an egg based on the hens feed consumption. By knowing the hens nutritional needs, and by precision feed formulation, BKM™ insures that hens receive necessary nutrients without over feeding costly feed ingredients. FEED INTAKE Ibs./100 HENS/DAY UNDER 20.0 810-128 20.0 TO 21.6 810-121 21.7 TO 23.3 810 -114 23.4 TO 25.0 810 - 107 OVER 25.0 810-100 Starting With B-100, Each 810 CHOW Contains 7% More Fortification Better Rations + Better Feeding Program = Better Performance TM Feed comparison tests have shown that BIQ-4 can lower feed costs Vzc per dozen eggs and maintain top production, egg size, and shell quality. That’s $llO. saved per 1000 hens/peryear. ♦ DIIDIMA Box 2668, c-o Lancaster Farming 4 run i ran utit2i PA 17543 $ IWANTTO KNOW MORE ♦ ABOUT PURINA’S 810-4 LAYING CHOWS I | ZIP CODE PHONE ‘ ♦ John B. Kurtz PHONE 354-4616 665-6023 RD3, EPHRATA HELPS YOU FIGHT TODAY'S COST OF MAIL TO: NAME ADDRESS TOWN POULTRY PROGRAM TM 810-4 CHOW Price DIFFERENCE Between JO FEED RATIONS AS OF 4-25-77 HIGH FEED •4.40 PER TON ■ 5 6.20 PER TON >5.60 PER TON >1.40 PER TON STATE John J. Hess, 11, Inc. PHONE: 442-4632 PARADISE West Willow Emms Assn., Inc. PHONE; 464-3431 WEST WILLOW Umberger’s, Inc. Umberger’s Mill PHONE: 717-166-2324 PHONE; 717467-5161 RICHLAND, PA 17017 FONTANA, PA. 17042 W. E. Manifold & Sons PHONE; 717-382-4805 FAWN GROVE, PA 17321 r Lehman Feed Store PHONE: 717-521-4151 TMtSpifep,Ps.
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