Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1977, Image 124
124 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30, 1977 Public Sales Register THURS. MAY 5, 6 P.M. Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Etc. located on Thunderhill Road. Turn off Route 896 at New London, Pa. Go 2 miles West on State Road. Watch for signs. Sale by Lewis Perez, Owner; Harold S. Hill and Son, Auctioneers. THURS. MAY 5, 11:00 AM. Public auction of cars. HAMIKEN FARMS MILKING HERD i BRED HEIFER, MACHIHERV t EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL Location: At Spencer, N.Y., 15 miles South of Ithaca, N.Y.; 18 miles North of Owego, N.Y., Tioga Co. r _ FRIDAY, MAY 6,1977 129 HEAD HOLSTEIN BKBBiJ DAIRY CATTLE SELL 129 114 Young Milking Age Animals -15 Bred Heifers 117 Registered 12 Grades Consisting of fresh cows, close springers, many Summer and Fall freshening. Bred Heifers due July - Dec. ' RHA 12/11/76 115.5 Cows 14,060 M 511 F Classified—lo V.G. 41G.P. 31G 3F Catalogues-Tested for Interstate-Pregnancy Checked SAMPLE SIRES REPRESENTED Paclamar Astronaut, Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief, Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation, Paclamar Ivanhoe Black Eagle, Bill Burkgov Dean, Paclamar Boot maker, Lime Hollow Burkgov Superb, Forbesacres Governor Galaxy, Paclamar Bootmaker, Saxojac Sherry Supreme, Marbeth Rocket Gala George, Paclamar Triune Needle - Twin, Penn-Gate Fond Reflection, Trielm Pilot dtr. R & W Cl. 86 pts., her R & W dtr. sells by Sardine Ivanhoe Hitit-Rich-Red, Don Augur True Type Model, Indianhill Senator Flame, Lime-Hollow Bootmaker Magic, Arlinda Senator Curtiss, Soiling Rockman, Parkchester Admiral F Posch, Sunnyside Standout, Citation R Maple, C Romandale Shahmar Magnet, Prestige of Lakehurst, Glenafton Herdmaster, Glenafton Rag Apple Hagen, Lime Hollow Burkgov Roburke, Paclamar Capsule, Tidy Burke Jerry dtr. Cl. 83 pts., contracted with Eastern in calf to Sun-Valley Sensation Neil and many more good sires with choice dtrs. MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 6 TRACTORS: Deutz D 100-06 diesel with cab (750 hrs.), David Brown 1410 diesel with cab, AC Dl7 diesel with wide front end, AC-160 diesel, LCG model with heavy duty loader & scraper, Int. 500 C gas crawler with winch, angle blade, AC Homestead 7 hp. utility tractor; Int. 550 5-bottom 16-inch plows, Hesston 2000- 100 chopper with 2-row com head & pickup head, AC 238 snapper head with Hesston adapter, NH 178 hay cruiser with bale thrower, Int. 56T baler with motor, NI 279 cut-conditioner, NH 256 rake, JD 16-hoe disc drill, Int. 56 4-row com planter, AC 12 ft. disc with transport wheels, Int. rake, NH lay drying unit, 6 NH dryer wagons with screens for bottoms, 3 forage self unloading wagons, 2 Gehl, 1 Papcc; 1 NH wagon with feed box, NH 36 ft. hay elevator, farm trailer, Gehl 99 Hi-throw blower, 24 ft. harrow, 300 gal. field sprayer, 10 ft. cultipacker, NI spreader with hyd. end gate, Wood bale buster, 40 ft. feed conveyor, feed carts, clod buster, hay tedder, Patz bam cleaner with 500 ft. chain, 200 ft. Patz barn cleaner chain, 30 Jamesway drinking cups, deep well water pump. 1974 Ford F-100, auto., 4-wheel drive; Chev. 6500 farm truck with hoist; WiUys Jeep. Complete Irrigation System with Marlow Pump Harvestore 120 ft. Shuttle Feeder System SHOP EQUIPMENT Electric drills, electric motors, chain hoist, mauls, bars, welding rods, many more shop items. Sale Mgr. Note: Farm Sold—Choice high scoring dairy cows with outstanding individual records and good size heifers of the Holstein breed—Nearly new, well kept farm machinery, good shop equipment sell at this auction. Be on time as chant of the Auctioneers will start promptly at 9:30 a.m. as there are a number of items not listed here that sell. Terms; Cash or Good Check Sale Day. Owners: HAROLD A. & HOWARD L PARSONS trucks, heavy equipment. Location: Rear lot, State Highway Administration Center, Route 113 (across from Blue Hen Mall) Dover, Delaware. Donald R. Fenimore, Auctioneer. THURS. MAY'S-5:30 P.M. Public Auction at the Hat & Gravel Auction Co. located one mile North of Lititz along Rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. TRUCKS BaAS#aosaasßaßa « Kaa> aa*i Maryland fairgrounds. For FBI. MAY 6, 7:00 PM. catalogs Mrs. C&ryl Velisek, Maryland Angus Spring 1868 Route 94, Woodbine, Quality Sale. Frederick, Maryland 3J797 Phone 301- 489-4519. - Cut Costs for Fertilizer and Soil Conditioners - IMPORTANT NOTICE JOR FARMERS (Within 10 mile radius of Lititz, Pa) The Lititz'Sewer Authority is expecting to expand its treatment facility in the near future. . Sewage sludge will be* available for fertilizer and soil conditioner upon completion of new treatment plant. The Authority engineer will make a public presentation of the managed use of sewage sludge for benefit of farmers and their crops. 8:00 P.M:- May 5,1077 - Thursday 1 Walton Bobst Recreation Center (Lititz Recreation Center) 21 N. Spruce Street All interested farmers, nursery operators and landowners are invited to attend. If you have questions about meeting, contact Mr. David R. Anderson, Lititz Borough Manager, 7 South Broad Street, Lititz PA - Phone - 626-2044. PUBLIC SALE OF ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT, WAGONS, HARNESS, ETC. SATURDAY, MAY 7,1877 The undersigned, will sell at Public Sale at Historic Colonial Valley, located in the Village of Menges Mills, York County, Pa., 14 miles West of York, 6 miles East of Hanover, off Route 116, near Spring Grove, Pa., the following. ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Six gas ranges of various size, upright freezer, several refrigerators, Maytag wringer washer, 5 piece maple dinette set, modern bedroom suite, 2 sofa’s, platform rocker, 3 piece breadfast set, lot of chairs of all kinds, coffee and end tables, record player, oak roll top desk, needs repair; oak chest of drawers, 2 oak buffets, oak stands, oak rockers, 4 cane seat chairs, mahogany dresser, secretary fand book case, 2 drop leaf tables, empire chest of drawers, boston rocker, ladder back chair, copper kettle, brass kettle, 2 iron kettles, electric beverage cooler, candy case, large oval bar, 3 compartment stainless steel sink, old wooden store counter, 5 iron church columns, several pieces of marble, 150 school desk and chair sets, 50 school chairs, wooden file cabinets, lot of house shutters, potato peeler, 4 large flood lights, wards, electric sweeper, 12 bar stools, six-6 compartment metal lockers, rinse tub, milk cans, outdoor grill, fan, garden hose, wagon seat, grain cradle, Sears hand mower, wooden wagon jack, wooden wheelbarrow, 2 large bellows, straw cutter, picture frames, benches, harness horse, old lard press, lots of miscellaneous household and restaurant items. WAGONS, HARNESS, TRAILER, CAR, ETC. Three 4 horse wagons with beds, three 2 horse wagons with beds, 3 spring wagons, several wagon gears, lot of wagon parts, new sulky, rubber tire cart, pony sulky, 1 horse sleigh, box sleigh, 2 runabouts, pony runabout, iron wheel wagon, hay carriage, lot of buggy wheels, buggy poles, buggy shafts, bridge and hedge saw mill, frick saw mill, 2 section lever harrow, wooden beam furrow plow, dump rake, chop mill, apple crates, wooden work bench, assorted platforms, 24 x 42 inches; implement tongues, chain link fencing and gates, miscellaneous fence wire, 1 hole corn shelter, 3 brooder stoves, trade fixtures, part roll of barb wire, hog trough, lot of lumber, mostly oak in 1 inch boards, 2 x 4, 2 x 6, 2 x 12; Some plywood, lot of utility poles, lot of iron, blacksmith forge, wooden hand wagon, lots of harness and tack including-several sets of harness, some with brass trim; complete set of harness for 2 horses, single and double driving har ness, pony harness, 6 Western saddles, pony saddles, bridles, halters, blankets, collars, leads, ropes, large tack trunk, tack of all kinds, yokes, single and double trees, Old Mack Fire truck, Chevrolet 60 Series truck with refreigerated ice cream body, as is; Great Dane 40 ft. tandem axle van trailer, 1966 Cadillac 4 door sedan, and many other items not listed. Sale Manager Lunch available in Colonial Valley Restaurant. Lititz PA 17543 . At 10:00 A.M. Terms: Cash R. L KEHR, PRI. MA'i 6, .1:00 PM. New approxiately 2 miles south York State Simmental bull Adamstown a 1 Sale at Heinbeck, New York. Bowmansville Road i "..'.7rTn"n7. Brecknock Townshi FRI. MAY 6-12 P.M. Lancaster County. Terms j Stocker and Feeder Cattle Xrvin Z. Redcay. Elton * Sale at the Lancaster Horning, Auctioned Stockyards, Lancaster, _ Penna — FRI. MAY 6-5:30 P) j’KI. MAY6,7:00 PM. Public Public Sale at Gap Audi sale of 27 acre farm located located off Route 41, u CONSIGNMENT SALE WEDNESDAY, MAY 4,IST? At 9:30 A.M. Location: Vz mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster Co., Pa. Watch for sale sign. Tractors, Farm Machinery, Horse Drawn Im plements, New Tools & Hardware. Large variety of Building Materials. Positively no Household Goods. We sell on Commission. Hay & Straw Sale Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon by Harvey Z. Martin. Sale by, DAVID H. GOOD 717-656-8911 Auctioneers - F. Snyder. R. Martin, C. Wolgemuth, J. Fry, L. Horst. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. Next Sale Wednesday, May 18,1977 PUBLIC SALE John R. Heffner Estate 830 Madison Avenue, York, Pa. SAT. MAY 7,1977 Time 10:00 A.M. Sharp FINE EARLY ANTIQUES, CAR, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, TOOLS The undersigned executor will offer at public sale at the decedent late residence, of 830 Madison Avenue, York, Penna., the following personal property. VERY EARLY ANTIQUES Two fine 9 spindle bow back Windsor side chairs eighteen century, Chippendale walnut tripod tip and turn table with bird cage circa 1750-1780, in nice shape, Victorian finger carved ladies rocker, Sheraton curley maple bow front 4 drawer bureau very nice condition, corner cupboard two pc., single 9 glass pane door, cherry 4 leg and walnut 4 leg dropleaf tables, 1 w drawer, walnut Victorian 7 drawer bureau, 4-D In. base, 3 across top w-mirror, cherry 1 drawer stand w 8.8. & shelf, empire card table, ladies Boston rocker and 4 half spingle plank seat chairs redecorated, 4 cane seat chairs, pine one drawer stand, cottage bureau, child spindle back rocker, ladder back rocker, walnut jelly cupboard, dovetail blanket chest w-grain finish, two trunks w-curved back, nice Adams style early sofa about 1,800 century, large oak wardrobe, oak clothe tree, victrola record cabinet, 1 gal. Bennington water pitcher w-hound, tea cart, 3 gal. size brass kettle dated 1878, print of Washington Reception by James Baillie;, Bohemia glass bowl table lamp, 2-12” tall bristol vases, Ig. silver tea pot James Dixon & Sons, 2 bisque images, china tea pots, china plates, brass candle holders, brass fireplace end irons, rayo lamp w-shade, old glass dishes, 5 china fruit plates, wall mirrors, coverlid, 2 counter panes, femary, beehive bread basket other baskets, Harrington & Richard 12 ga. single barrel hammer shot gun like new, picture frames, currier prints, small banjo clock, NOTE: No inspection of antiques in dwelling till day of sale. 1951 Dodge Comet 4 door sedan car painted pea green, fined drive 28,437 miles one owner show room new, car may be inspected by telephoning 854-3969 for ap pointment. Lg. tool box full of nice carpenter tools, nice machinist 8 drawer case full of fine machinist tools, 12’ aluminum tree prune, 22’ aluminum shifting ladder, 18” rotary moto mower like new, 3 hand reel lawn mowers, garden hoes, many nice garden tools. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer Idaville, Pa. Phone 677-7479 CAR TOOLS Executor REUBEN E. LAUER SR. 840 Madison Avenue, York, Pa, Nevan Stetter, Atty.