Public Sales Register SAT. APRIL 30, 12:30 PM. ith Wayne County Club Calf sale. Location: Wayne I’ounty Fairgrounds, 2 miles iorth of Honesdale on Route 191, easily accessible from 1- 14 or 1-81 via Route 6. Merton iunnell, Auctioneer, sprinville, Pa. 18844. PUBLIC AUCTION TUESDAY, MAY 3,1977 AT 10:30 A.M. Northwest Corner of 3rd and Buttonwood Streets, READING, PA. at H & G Distributing Warehouse (spacious parking area) RESTAURANT AND STORE EQUIPMENT Walk-In Cooler, S-S Double Door Refrigerators, (3) Dishwashers, (2) 8’ Refrigerated Meat Cases, S-S Open-top Refrigerated Case, Frigidaire and Whirlpool Ice Makers, Ice Chests, Scotsman Ice Crusher, Several Window-type Air Conditioners, Ice Cream Cabinets, South Bend Gas Oven and Stove, Gas Grills, S-S Grill Stands, S-S Grill and Range Hoods, (3) Ceiling-type Gas Heaters, Exhaust Fans, Compressors, Deep Fryers, Various Size TRIPLE-BOWL S-S SINKS, S-S Steam Table, Cold Table, Soda Station with.lce Chest, Steam Table Pots, Cleveland Self-contained Steamer, Double Um Coffeemaker, Tea Dispensers, Perlick Air Cooler, Toastmaster Potato Peeler, Lobster Tanks, S-S Work Tables and Shelving, Large Quantity of Upholstered Booths, Various Types of Formica Top Tables, Ellis Wine Station, Cigarette Machine, Hamburg Press, Freeh Fry Cutters, Clam Steamers, Restaurant-type China, Glasses, and Stemware; Cooking Utensils, Napkin Holders, Trays, Light Fix tures, Aluminum and Wooden Doors, Approximately (75) 30” x 57” Double-Deck HEAVY DUTY STEEL RACKS ON CASTERS, Make all your Lifting and Moving Work Easier with these sturdy easy-moving carts! INSPECTION 9:00 to 10:30 A.M., GEORGE N. DEIBERT, AUCTIONEER (717)425-3313 PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY, ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, CHINA, GLASS, EARLY DOLLS, QUILTS, GUNS Located on Fringer Road, just off Md. Rte. 194- 1 mile noth of Taneytown, Carroll County, Maryland. ON SATURDAY, MAY 14,1977 BEGINNING 8 O’CLOCK, A.M. This sale represents an accumulation of three generations of same family REAL ESTATE 47 acres, 27 sq. ps. improved w-8 room frame, metal roof dwelling, bam and outbuildings. Frontage on Md. Rte. No. 194 and Fringer Road. TERMS OF SALE: REAL ESTATE - Deposit of $5,000.00 day of sale. Other terms announced day of sale. PERSONAL PROPERTY - Cadi. Md. Sales Tax 4 per cent to be collected. WILLIAM H. BOSTIAN, HELEN E. BEACOM and HUBERT J. NULL, Personal Represen tatives of WILLIAM L HARMAN, deceased. Contact: Walsh, Fisher & Gilmore, Solicitors 179 E. Main St, Westminster, Md. 21157 (Phones: 848-9200 or 876-2135) Auctioneers: Calvin Amoss (756-6784) Clair R. Slaybaugh. (1-717-677-7479) SAT. APRIL 30, 1:00 PM - Feeder Steer and Heifer Sale at our Troxdville Farm (Our own annual Farm Sale) Beavertown, Pa. Sale by Reno H. Thomas, Park F. Thomas and Mark L. Stehr; Reno H. Thomas, Sales Manager SEAFOOD SHANTY DAY OF SALE SAT. APRIL 30- 10 A.M Public Sale of Household Items, Antiques and Tools located 2 miles Northwest of Manheim, along Old Line Road, Midway between Manheim and Clymer’s Store (formerly Old Line Store); Rapho Twp., Lan caster Co., Pa. Sale by Norman F. Wenger, Estate, Fulton Bank, Executor; Rufus Geib and Raymond Miller, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 30 - 11:30 A.M. Farm Machinery Public Auction located 1 mile North of Montrose, Pa., Route 29, Susquehanna County,. Pa. Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Mack, Owners; Gerald R. Pennay, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 30, 9:30 AM. Auction of 4 tractors, farm equipment, riding lawn tractor, guns, rifles and pistols, reloading equip ment, tools, Honda 125 cycle, 2 swan sleighs, antiques and furnishings. Corner of Finland and Miller Roads between Upper Ridge Road and Geryville, Pike east of PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY. MAY 26,1977 1:30 P.M. Location at Bethel, Pa. Vz mile south of Route 22. Take Route 501 south to School Road. Turn west to second farm left. 50 BRED GILTS IBREDSOW 6 80 to 100 Pound Boars (Sway) Famous 3 Way Cross - York-Ham-Duroc Gilts are bred to purebred Hampshire boars. Start farrowing May 26. All home-raised pigs, no outside pigs sold on this sale. Pigs were vaccinated for ensephilitis, wormed and treated for Uce. Terms by; HENRY H. MARTIN 7179334279 G. Harvey Weik, Auctioneer. PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 7,1977 11:00 A.M. Located along Newport Road between Penryn and Elm. Solid birch dinette set with 6 chairs; 3 year old G.E. No-frost 15.6 cu. ft. refrig.; G.E. 4 burner stove; G.E. heavy-duty washer and dryer; 3 pc. living room suite; 3 piece bedroom suite; mahogany chest of drawers; leather top round mahogany table; 3 pc. maple bedroom suite; 1904 grained blanket chest; 1895 grained wood box; spring wagon seat; saddler’s bench; coffee pitcher made of copper; pewter artd brass; early pine toy chest; 1972 JD No. 70 riding mower 36” mower; cart; lawn sweeper; Scott lawn spreader; tree sprayer; Lawn Flite mower; 1% ton floor jack; garden and lawn tools; set of China for 12; depression and pressed glass; waffle iron; french frier; fry pan; electric knife; 30 cup coffee maker; Perfection space heater; like new cold packers; roasters; dish pans; punch bowl set; flat irons; jars and freezer boxes; throw rugs; Schatz balance dome clock; upholstered sitting chairs; picnic table and benches; knee hole desk; Oasis dehumidifier; old quilt; linens; floor lamps; lots more. This is a very clean lot of goods. Sale by: MR. & MRS. MARK F. NAYLOR Food on Premises. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer 717-626-5943. Galebach and Hosier, clerks. Red Hill, Pa. (From Geryville Pike use Brink man or Finland Roads), from Upper Ridge Road use Finland Road). Margaret K. Shelly, owner. Sanford A. Alderfer, Inc. Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 30, 9:30 AM. Public auction of farm and poultry equipment. Turn east off Route 61 onto Ridge Road, just -south of traffic light at Shoemakersville for one mile to sale, Berks County, Pa. Russell Smith, owner. Ralph W. Zet tlemoyer Auction Company. SAT. APRIL 30, 1977, at 10:00 A.M. Public Con signment Sale of Farm Tractors, Equipment crawlers, Trucks, Trailers, Household Goods, Misc. In Perry Co. 15 mi. N on Rt. 34 Carlisle, 9 mi. S on Rt. 34 from New Bloomfield, 2 mi. N of Shermansdale, turn at Dromgolds Comer on to Pisgah State Rd. go 2 mi. turn left onto Shuler Rd., Vz mi. to sale. By Shuler Equipment Sales, RD 1, Box mnr u,. HOUSEHOLD Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30,1977 — 433, Shermansdale, PA. Rich Foreman, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 30, 10:00 AM. Fred Belknap Estate Auc tion, Wright’s Auction Bldg., Coudersport, Pa. West on Route 6, near fire hall. Si Pepperman, Auctioneer, 814- 698-3431. SAT. APRIL 30, 9:00 AM. Public sale of fine antiques, furniture, glassware and china, iron, tin, brass and wooden articles and guns. Sale to be held in the A 1 Stan- Community building village of Willow Street, Lancaster County Pa. along north Route 272 behind Keystone TV. Beverly S. Clendenin Estate. Howard Shaub, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 30, 9:30 AM - Public sale of tools, antiques and household goods. Located in the borough of Quarryville at the Solanco Fair building. Russel and Linda Adsitt, owners. J. Everett Kreider and Carl Diller, Auctioneers. deed MON. MAY 2-6:30 P.M. Public Auction of Dishes and small items at the Far mersville Auction located at Farmersville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt TUES. EVE. MAY 3, 6 P.M Arnold Dell Farm Complete Dispersal, right on the Snake Creek Road at Lawsville, GAP AUCTION FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 6,1977 5:30 P.M. Located off Route 41 - Lancaster Avenue opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market - Cross RR Bridge. ANTIQUES AMD HOUSEHOLD GOODS SOLD AT EVERY AUCTION. Inspection Friday from 9:00 a.m. until sale time. CONSIGNMENTS ON MONDAYS OTHER DAYS BY APPOINTMENT FROM 1:00 A.M. TO 7:00 F.M. Call us for pick up service IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneers 442-4936 or 442-8254 CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALES PUBLIC SALE OF 27 ACRE FARM Located approx. 2 miles south of Adamstown along Bowmansville Road in Brecknock Township, Lancaster County, Pa. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 8,1977 At 7:00 P.M. REAL ESTATE consists of approx. 27 Acres, house & bam. Approx. 18 Acres tillable, remainder in pastureland with a very nice stream flowing through. HOUSE: Frame with new aluminum siding, full basement, tin roof, Ist floor has large kitchen/dining area, living room, family room and Vz bath, 2nd floor has 4 large bedrooms. House in good condition. BARN: Stone and frame, tin roof, stable for steer feeding & horses, 14’ x 60’ cement silo. Bam in good condition. WATER SUPPLY: Strong spring with pressure system. COMMENTS: This property is in a very good setting. Garden Spot School District. Good buildings overlooking the meadow and stream and can be adapted to a number of different uses. TERMS: 10% down day of sale, settlement on or before July 6,1977. For more information and appointment for in spection call: Homing Farm Agency, Inc. 215^286-5183. Terms by: IRVIN Z. REDCAY Eby&Eby, Attorneys Elton and Alvin Horning, Auctioneers Pa. Route 29 between Montrose, Pa. and Conklin, N.Y. Susq. Co. Arrows. Sale by John D. Arnold, Owner; Jim Adriance and Son, Auctioneers. TUBS. MAY 3,8 P.M.D.S.T. Special Short Notice Sale at the Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales, located 5 miles East of Lancaster, 5 miles West of Intercourse, Pa. Sale by Gordon W. Fritz; Carl Diller and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers. TUES. MAY 3-6:30 P.M Public Auction of Furniture, etc. at the Farmersville Auction located at Far mersville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt. WED. MAY 4 - 9:30 AM. Consignment Sale of Tractors, Farm Machinery, Horse Drawn Implements, New Tools and Hardware located % mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster, Co., Pa. Sale by David H Good; F. Synder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuthand J. Fry, Auctioneers. SAY. MAY 4, 11:00 AM. Public Sale of farm equip ment. Located at 2980 Route 94 (Florence), miles south of Route 70 (Lisbon) in the fourth District of Howard County, Maryland. Albert R. Hardy, owner. Allen T. Hill, Auc tioneer 489-4918. 123
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