—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30, 1977 122 Public Sales Register SAT. APRIL 30 - 9 a.m. Large Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Vehicles, Snowmobiles, Mobile Home, Househood and Antiques. TAke Interstate 80 at Exit No. 40 turn right on Route 940 West 4 miles toward Freeland, Pa. Just past the Maple Lane Mobile Home Park. Watch for Sale Signs. Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Davis Sr., owner; Col Dallas Robbins, Auctioneer, Ber wick, Pa., and Dave Stutz man, App. Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 30, 9:30 A.M. Public sale of blacksmith tools, guns, butcher equipment, farm machinery. Sale to be held on the premises at Route 1, Ann ville. Pa. north Annville Township. Take Route 934 AUCTION SALE OF ANTIQUES, POULTRY EQUIPMENT, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, & MISG. CHEF & KITCHEN SUPPLIES. SATURDAY, MAY 7,1977 Rain or shine (enclosure) at 10:00 A.M. Sharp Watch for signs 2Vz mi’as northwest of Effort, Pa. leading off route 115 (Route 115 leads north from route 22 in Easton.) Antiques selling first. Lard press, beautiful brass vase, Depression glass, 4 dozen of beautiful German wine glasses, candle lamps, French claypots, batter bowls, crockery mortar, & pedstle nut grinder, lanterns, cabbage cutter, Swedish cast iron pancake pans & com muffin pans, tinware molds, carving board, old scales, 10 gallon carved sauerkraut crock, jugs, augers, beautiful chestnut cedar chest, misc, dishes and glassware, coal potbelly stove, sliver plate & stainless flatware, U.S. electric meat sheer, ratane summer furniture, electnc battery brooder, two-250 bird-developing cages, bucket egg washer, battery for large birds, 3 rolls of new pasture fencing, water fountains, 1 ton chain hoist, windows & screens, iron posts, 8 x 10 pup tent, typewriter, 12 x 12 tarpalin, wash machine, 200 watt bulbs, singlebed mattress, electric sewing machine, platform scales, plus misc. items. The seller is Mr. Henry Ziegler, a retired Chef and poultry man. AUCTIONEERS: Dick & Dan Seidof Sciota, Pa. 717-992-4611 Refreshments by Christ Hamilton L.C. W. AUCTION SALE OF miES SATURDAY, MAY 7,1577 At 1:00 P.M., rain or shine (enclosure) At Schoonover farm, Cherry Valley Road, leading off route 191 in Stormsville, Pa. (The old stone stage coach boarding house) two miles south of Stroudsburg. Oak washstands, ornate desk, oak dressers-some marbletops, platform rocker & love seat set, various kinds of rockers & chairs, fem stands, wooden butter churns, oak chairs, oak six-legged table & leaves, fainting couch, complete rope bed. Moms chair, old clock with wooden works, Reed rockers, six-legged cherry table, five-legged drop leaf table, oak library table, oak floor model phonograph, oak side board & mirror, fancy oak bed, many picture frames, milk cans, caned chairs, crocks & jugs of all sizes, all kinds of old glassware & china, sad irons, kerosene lamps, old bottles, post card albums, old books, bowl & pitcher set, all sizes of canning jars, crochet items, hand made patch quilts & patch quilt tops, sectional bookcase, wagon seat, iron wagon wheels, old handpump, old baskets, old wooden wardrobe, trunks Folks: Here is a collection of 5 generations for people that enjoy antiques and refinishing. AUCTIONEER: Dick & Dan Seidof Sciota, Pa 717-992-4611 Refreshments bv Cherry Valley United Methodist Church north of Annvdle to white church, turning left onto Kauffman Hoad, continuing approximately 1 mile and turn left onto Shan namantown Hoad and continue to farm on left. Conditions by Mrs. Leßoy Bomgardner. Harry H. Bachman, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 30,10:00 AM - - Public sale of 52 head of cattle and farm machinery. Located in Mifflin County, V 4 mile west of Newton Hamilton, Pa. or about 4 miles east of Mt. Union, Pa. Albert Bowser, owner. Mark Glick, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 30, 7:30 P.M. Public sale 38 head feeder and fat cattle,, machinery and lumber. Located 8 miles south of Port Royal. Sale sign along Route 75, 7 miles south of Port Royal. M. Richard Deen, owner. long Brothers. Auctioneers. 717- 527-4458.” SAT. APRIL 30, 11.00 AM. Absolute Auction of valuable real estate, located on Route 213, 1 mile north of Ken nedyville, Maryland. Modern brick rancher with 5 acres and barn. Harry Rudnick and Sons, Inc. Auctioneers. Phone 301-C4B - SAT. APRIL 30, 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of location: ComersEragJwabout 3 Pa. Estsj^nStellaGilner. Jack Bunnell, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 30, 10:00 AM. Public sale of valuable real estate, farm machinery and household items. To be held, located 4 miles west of Gettysburg along U.S. Route 30 at the Village of Seven Stars (sale sign posted). John and Alice Caufman, owners. C. David Redding, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 30, 1:00 PM. Public sale of Woodland and open ground. Location follow Route 625 to the square in Bowmansville, turn east of HAY, STRAW AND GRAIN SALE EVERY TUESDAY AT 12 NOON PAUL L MARTIN SALES STABLES Box 3. Blue Ball, PA. 17506 Stables located along Route 340 2 miles east of Intercourse, Pa., 4 miles south of New Holland. PHONE: RES: 717-3546671 STABLES: 717-7684108. REAL ESTATE AUCTION 237.89 ACRES OF OPEN & WOODED GROUND IN 11 SEPARATE PARCELS EACH TRACT READY FOR BUILDING PERMIT At: Twp. Roads 805 & 854 in Ridgebury Township Bradford County N.E. of Centerville, Pa. Also K-A Ridgebury, Pa. DIRECTIONS; If traveling N.Y. Rte. 17, exit at Lowman. Proceed to Wellsburg & Rte. 367, then So. to directional arrows. Approx. 3 miles to the grounds. SAT., MAY 7,1977 1:00 P.M. Sale on the Premises. The largest tract is 44 Acres; the smallest is 10 9 Acres. Good road frontage. Ideal deer hunting, 5 miles to the Blue Swan Airport. INSPECTION - Anytime & morning of sale. TERMS - 15 per cent down day of sale; settlement within 60 days. SANFORD A. ALDERFER, INC. Real Estate Brokers And Auctioneers Harleysville. Pa. - '(215) 723-1171 Maple Grove Road, go across turnpike to Oaklyn Road, turn right'to Yellow Hill Road, turn left and go approx, one mile to woodland in Brecknock Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Hiram and Mary Jane Hershey, owners. Elton and Alvin Horning, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 30, 1:00 PM. Special Sale Spring Feeder Calf and Yearling Sale, 600 head steers, heifers, Angus, Black Baldies, Herefords, Crossbreds. To be held at the Aberdeen Sales Co., Inc. Livestock Auction Market located on Rte 22 6 miles east of Bel Air, Maryland via US Route 1 or 6 miles west of Aberdeen, Maryland via 1*95 or US Rte. 40 in Churchville, Harford County, Md. Aberdeen Sales Co, Inc. SAT. APRIL 30 - 11 A.M. (Real Estate at 2 P.M. Public Auction of 24.4 Acre Clay Twp. Farm and Farm Equipment located 1 mile west of Ephrata on Route 322 to Uurlach Road, turn right on Durlach Rd. to Mt. Airy, at Mt. Airy turn right 1 mile to Girl Scout Road, turn North 1 <: mile to property orj left, Clay Township, Lan- caster County, Pa. Sale by Myerstown at Comer Houj, Perry L. and Margaret K. Restaurant. Terms by w Copenhaven, RDI, Stevens, H. Copenhaver. C'openhavc, Pa. John E. and Paul E. and Weik, Auctioneers. Martin, Auctioneers. —. SAT. APRIL 30, 10:00 AM. Public sale of motor vehicles, antiques, glassware and bottles. I/Ocated-one mile west- of Richland near Elco High School, Lebanon County, Pa. Turn east on Route 601 between Reistville and SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY SHEEP CONSIGNMENT SALE SATURDAY, MAY 7,1977 At l:OOP.M. Sharp Harford Fair Grounds - East off Exit 65, on I -81. Selling 70 head of registered and cross bred sheep - rams, ewes and lambs. Registered Suffolk, Cheviot, Dorset, Hampshire, Shropshire, Vz Finn, and com mercial ewes. View consignments and educational exhibits, castration, docking, worming, etc. from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00p.m. Auctioneer - Richard Brunges Terms: Cash or good check. Lunch and catalogs available. Sponsored by SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY SHEEP & WOOL GROWERS For more information contact sales chairman - Don Williams - R.D. 1, Hop Bottom, PA. 18824 Phone - 717- 2894591. Estate of (Roy) George Leßoy Miller, deceased PUBLIC SALE CLASSIC ANTIQUE CARS, CAR PARTS, TOOLS HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES, CHINA, GLASSWARE, 2 RIDING MOWERS SAT. MAY 7 Household Goods, Antiques 10 A.M. Antique Cars to be sold ANTIQUE CLASSIC CARS Located from business Route 30 in Downingtown turn North on Route 113, 6 1 /? miles to sale on left. Chester Springs, Chester Co. Penna. Watch for sale sign. 1914 Metz friction driven Roadster; 1922 Buick 4 dr Touring car 4 cyl; 1930 Buick Classic coupe 6 cyl; 1954 Ford convertible V 8 automatic; 1965 Buick 4 dr sdn Skylark V 8 Automatic; 1970 Dodge 4 dr hardtop fully equipped, w air; Various antique car parts; show case; gauges; upright champion air compressor 2 cyl; floor jack; drill press; come-a-long; Snap on cabinet w-chest on top; various hand tools; bench grinder; hand air sander; car ramps; Simplicity Riding mower 32” cut elec start; Homelite Yard Track deluxe riding mower 26” cut; farm bell; player piano; needs repair; 12 ga Ithicia dbl barrel shot gun; HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES, CHINA AND GLASSWARE: 10 pc Dining rm suite; 5 pc breakfast set; Philco floor model radio; oak china closet; oak drop leaf table; chest of drawers; cane seated rocker; cherry rocker; Pa. Dutch plank bottom rocker; 6 plank bottom half spindle chairs; upholstered chairs; old rope bed; New Home elec, sewing machine; sm. tables; zmas decorations; books; artificial flower arrangments; bottles; pitcher and Bowl; Carnival glass; glass baskets; vases; dishes; and many many other pieces of china and glassware not listed. Cooking utensils; lawn chairs; pie cupboard; and many other items very nice and clean. Many good items for flea market tables. INSPECTION MORNING OF SALE! TERMS CASH OR APPROVED CHECK By order of MARGARET ELMA MILLER, William March, Jr. Auctioneer Elverson, PA. (215)286-5744 Lunch by the Ladies of the SL Matthews church. SAT. APRIL 30- 12:00 Noon Sharp Consignment Sale at the Keister’s Mid. dleburg Auction Sales, Inc Route 522, 3 miles East oj Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selinsgrove, Pa. Don and Walt Keister, Owners; Art Kling and Larry Long, Auctioneers.
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