Livestock market and TTLE 450: Moderately ive, slaughter steers and Fers firm to 25 cents to' ices 50 cents higher, cows a to 50- cents higer on tens, bulls steady, feeder LAPP WELDING SHOP I MFG. SPEEDWAY WAGON-MOTOR OIL DWARE-MASURY - PAINTS Box 248 Mondale Road RDI, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 17505 Sate Car Front Ends for Carts Silage and Feed Carts Speedway Express Wagons Scooters Yard Scrappers to Mount on Carts -2 Seated lawn Swings WlO VAC Generator 2-100 Amp Wddters j Some of the most valuable cropland in North America lies buried under - swing sets and sandpiles Some of the most fertije soil in North America is as close as ■ • ydur own backyarcfrWith just a few.packets of seed, a little andJohrt Deere gardening equipment, your yard can becob'e' a garden Of earthly delights? John Deere Walk-behmd Tillers, in 3Y Z and 6 horse power, till swaths 13 to 24 inches wide, and up to 7 inches deep. Both feature a reverse gear to let you back away from tight areas. And a pressure-activated clutch for added-safety. John Deere Lawn and Garden Tractors pack the muscle you need for even tougher gardening chores. Choose a modeClDtd 19.9 horsepower, then add a capacity-matched tiller that tills paths 22 to 48 inches wide. Visit us soon We have the equipment you need to make your backyard a garden of earthly delights. H B. C. GROFF, INC. NtwHobnd Baltimore USDA cattle steady. Supply 35 per cent slaughter steers and heifers, 35 per cent cows, 25 per cent feeders, balance bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1000-1150 lbs. 37.25- Good 2-4 Sc Choice 2-4 1000-1150 lbs. 37.25- Good 2-3 900-1400 lbs. 33.5047.25; Standard 24 1000-1350 lbs. 31.0042.85. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; few high Good & Choice 24 850-1015 lbs. 34.50-36D0; few Good 24 900-1050 lbs. 33.00- 33 75 COWS: Utility 2-3 28.25 33.10; Individual. 33.50;' Cutter 27.5040.75; Canner & low Cutter 23.50-37.35. BULLS: .Yield Grade 1000- 2000 lbs. 32.5047.35. FEEDER CATTLE: Choice steers 430400 lbs. 41.0042.00; few Good 320490 lbs. 37.75- -38.00; Choice.steers 565-630 lbs. 36.7547.50; several Good &. choice 650-950 lbs. 34.50- 366.35. : -- - HOGS 900: Receipts will (TTI Nothing runs I~~J HkeaDeere 9 354-4191 ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC. Mohnton, XD2, f A 19540fnear Adamsiomj exceed estimate by 300 head. Compared with Thursday Barrows & Gilts 50-75- cents lower US 1-3 200-240 lbs. 37.00- US 2-3 230-250 lbs. 36.00-37.00 SOWS: Steady US 1-3 300-600 lbs. 29.00- VEAL & CALF AUCTION 75: Choice 200-300 lbs. Vealers 55.00-68.00; few Prime 235-280 lbs. 69.00- 72.00; Good 140-240 lbs. 40.00- 56.00; Standard 70-120 lbs. 33.00- few calves ' returned to farm 30.00-43.00. SHEEP AUCTION; Package Choice spring lambs 112 lbs. 60.00. CATTLE 287. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter steers grading Good steady to 50 cents lower. Slaughter cows 50 cents to $1.25 higher. Few High Choice No. 24 slaughter steers 38.7539.10, Choice No. 24 1000-1250 lbs. 36.8538.85, Good 34.8537.00, lew Standard 32.00-34.85. UUIDiS BROS. INC. . Lancaster, PA 717-393-3906 auction news = j ri Dewart Auction April 18,1977 Few Choice" slaughther heifers 36.00-37.25, few Good 32.10-34,00, few Standard 30.60- Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 29.50-32.60, couple at 33.50, Cutters 28.85-31.00, Canners 26.00-28.85, few Shells down to 21.25. Few Choice slaughter bullocks 35.60- Yield Grade No. 1 1200-1600 lbs. slaughter bulls 33.50- one yield grade No. 222001b5. at 30.50. Choice 400-600 lbs. feeder heifers 31.50- Good 250-450 lbs. 31.25-37.00; few mixed Good & Choice 400-700 lbs. feeder bulls 32.00-37.00. CALVES 170. Vealers grading Good & Choice about steady, Standard & Good 70- 105 lbs. $2 to $5 higher. Few Prime vealers 65.00-75.00, Choice 56.00-66.00, Good 45.00- few Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 40.0045.00, 90-105 lbs. 33.00-37.00, Standard 7055 lbs. 30.00- 35.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 35.00-42.00. HOGS 401. Barrows & Gilts uneven, about steady. US No. 1-2200-240 lbs. barrows & gilts 37.50-38.40, one lot 39.00, No, 1-3 400-700 35.80-37.50, No. 2-3 200-250 lbs. 35,00- 36.50. US No. 1-3 400-700 lbs. sows 30.00-32,75, No. 23 400- 600 lbs. 27.00-30.00. Few Boars 18.00-22.00. FEEDER PIGS 182. US No. 13 15-20. lbs. feeder pigs 21.00- per head, No. 13 2035 lbs. 23.0031.00, No. 13 35-50 lbs. 30.0036.00 per head. CONGRATULATIONS TO JOHN KREIDER TROUT-SPRING ASTROBOOTS ALEX 1613272 VG (85) ALEX comes from a good cow family. His dam was one of the first A.I. daughters of “Astronaut”, and her dam was a Canadian-bred cow that scored 89 points. Alex’s dam is still in the herd. So is ins full sister ALEX is available daily from your local ABS technician Eric Hein&ofm 215-5884704 Damn Voder 717-7334)966 Lynn Gardner 717-656-6509 Paul Herr 717-2844592 James Charles 717-898-8694 Lamar Witmer 717-898-8694 Robert Kayhart 201-689-2605 Robert Greider 215-378-1212 Paul Martin 717-866-4228 Ira Boyer 717-225-3751 Eugene Hombergw 609-927-7372 Gerald HaH 609-159-3783 Maurice Stump 215-169-9187 Bangor, PA Ephrata, PA Gap, PA Holtwood, PA Landisvilie, PA Manbeim, PA Port Murray, NJ Reading, PA Richland, PA Thomasvile. PA Pleasantrifc. NJ Winceatorwr, Ni West Grove, PA BBS Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 23.1977 April 21 Thursday Feeder’ Cattle Auction Estimated receipts 6500 same day last week 8729 FAIRLY ACTIVE; Feeder cattle and calves near steady; majority of receipts mixed good and choice and choice 350-800 lb. feeder steers and 350-750 lb feeder heifers, moderate amount of receipts from wheat pasture. General rains of 1 to 2 indies over the market area. Moderate attendance of buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300400 lb 47.2549.50; 400300 lb 44.0048.50; 500300 lb 42.5045.00; part load and small lot 502360 lb 47.30- 47.50; 600-700 lb 42.0044.75; 700350 lb 41.0Q42.25;mixed good and choice 300300 lb 42.7544.50; 500300 lb 40.75- 42.25; package 539 lb at April 18,1977 COWS: High choice to STEERS; Good to choice prime 31.00 to 32.85; good to 35.00 to 36.85; Standard to standard 29.00 to 31.00; good 31.00 to 34.00. Utility 26,50 to 28.75; cutters FEEDER HEIFERS: High 25.35 to 26.25, choice and prime 30.00 to CALVES: High to choice 35.50. 55.00 to 65.00; good to choice FEEDERSTEERS: Good 40.00 to 55.00; standard to to choice 38.00 to 42.50; good 20.00 to 40.00 standard to good 31.00 to HOGS: 36.70 to 38.50. 38.00. SOWS: 25.00 to 32.75. BULLS: 33.00 to 36.50 BOARS: 18.00 to 26.25. BREEDEROF Trout-Sprint Astroboots Ruby VG {BB] Alex's Full Sister 2yolm 295 d 13,475 3.7% 492 F 3yoom 305 d 15,200 m 4.2% 643 F 4yolm 125 d 9,197 m 4.0% 36SF line ! projected 305 d 17,866 m 695 F Trout-Spring Monher Reba GP (81] Maternal sister to Alex 2yolm 305 d 17.444 M 3.5% 615 F SIRE; Fleetridge Monher EX (92]GM Trout-Spring Alex Chickadee An AIEX daughter 2yosm 9ld 5.617 M 3.3% IJ7F fine} Proj. 305 d 15.671 M 524 F Oklahoma. 7 43.20; 600-785 lb 40.00-41.75; good 500-800 lb 35.50-39.75; few 800-8751 b 35.-0fr38.00; few good 730-860 lb holstein steers 35.00-36,00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 300-400 lb 37.00-40.00; 400-600 lb 36.75-38.75; part load 561 lb at 39.50; 600-800 lb 36.50-38.00; Part load 604 lb at 38.50; mixed good and choice 300-500 lb 35.75-37.00; 500-785 lb 35.50-36.50; part load SIS lb at 35.40; small lot fleshy 846 lb at 33.50; good 400-600 lb 29.50-34.75;part load this 431 lb at 36.00. For the week compared to late last week feeder cattle and calves closed .50-1.50 higher; cows closed near steady; bulls 1.00-1.50 higher; salable receipts near 14,900 head compared to 18,069 head last week and 13,857 head the comparable week a year ago. Danville Auction 29H2672 Code Name: ALEX USDA 1-77 31D. 31R. 22H. 17.805 M 3.56% 634 F Rpt. 57% RIP 94% PO +SS3 + 895M-.02% +29F Sire: Padamar Bootmaker FX [94] GM Dam; Fugle Rosa EX Syllm 365 d 24.395 M 3.8% 931 F USDA Cow Index +9IOM +2BF Rosa’s Sire; Padamar Astronaut Vfi [B9] 6M 9 MS
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