18—Lanxaster Farming, Saturday. April 23. 1977 New [Continued from Page 1] the most sophisticated en vironmental protection equipment available in cluding its own effluent treatment plant. It is also designed for optimum fuel efficiency. Holly Milk Cooperative was organized Jan. 3, with Ivo V. Otto Jr., a Carlisle R 6, dairy farmer elected president and M. Dice Statler, a Chambersburg R 6, dairy farmer as vice president. Temporary headquarters for Hqlly Milk Cooperative are at Inter-State’s general office, 1225 Industrial High way, Southampton, Pa. Approximately 50 IMPCC and MCMP officials and their guests were on hand for the occasion. Among them was Pennsylvania Deputy Agriculture Secretary Raymond Kerstetter. Gehl. he DricHcfll raachiae voi've wailed hr. SEE BINKLEY & HURST BROS. FORYOUR HAYLAGE EQUIPMENT NEEDS IFQRfIGE HARVESTERS! FORAGE BOXES IBLQWERSI In Stock ■ Ready for Immediate Ddneqr CAU. NOW saus a wma BINKLEY & HURST BROS. A 133 Roltisrille Station Rd. UtHz, PA 17543 Phone (717) 626-4705 The beginnings of a brand new milk processing plant are represented here by the turning of a shovel of soil. Breaking the ground at the 52-acre Cumberland County site are Dice Statler, left, and Ivo Otto Jr. The two are president and vice president, respectively of the newly formed dairy cooperative, which is jointly owned by two parent dairy cooperatives. Top performers from Gehl The new streamlined design of the HAIOOO hay pickup at tachment lifts windrows off the field gently - with no side shields to catch and break the windrow. A floating plat form auger adjusts to windrow sizes and crop conditions. The fine, uniform chopping you get from any Gehl cylinder-screen forage harvester stretches your feed and your silos. You get day to day dependability that means crops get off your field quickly, when nutrient value is high. You get short, uniformly cut feed that packs down tight in silos feed that’s high in nutrition. There’s less waste at the feed bunk. Cutting cylinders on all Gehl harvesters do just one thing cut! A separate blower loads the box. There’s straight line material flow through the harvester. No cross augers to increase time consuming plug-ups. Attachments are available to fit your special needs: hay pick-ups; one and two row heads; or mower bar. Ask about the rest of Gehl’s line up of hay harvesting and handling equipment. MOWER SALE A group of about 50 persons was on hand to participate in the ground-breaking ceremonies for Holly Milk Cooperative, owned jointly by Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers, Inc. and Inter-State Milk Producers, Inc.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers