—Lancaster Farmim 116 Sheep producers receive to be fast. The livestock specialist conducts a number of annual sheep shearing clinics, two of which were held late this week in Cumberland and York Counties. Hosting the bam meeting last Monday were Clyde Brubaker and his family. They keep about 40 brood ewes on their farm along the Harrisburg Pike. The particular animal Morgan used during his demonstration was an exceptionally big Hampshire ewe, weighing over 250 pounds. She had turned a year old in February and Brubaker said she was the biggest ewe they had ever raised. He and his wife have been in the sheep business since 1959 when they started their flock with three brooding ewes. Most of their production is sold for breeding purposes. “It’s a family affair,” Brubaker commented modestly, “we’re all involved in it—the kids are in 4-H.” They manage their flock so that lambings take place both during the Fall and Spring. “The biggest difference to getting Fall lambs is the ram,” Brubaker said, adding that it’s up to the ram to stimulate the ewes. Morgan observed that the Brubakers had their sheep halter-broken, and remarked that he favored showing sheep that way. “They’ve been doing it in England for j ears,” he said. The Extension specialist also had high marks for the exceptionally large ewe he worked on during the afternoon. He noted that she possessed good caalities and a particularly faultless head. He did question, however, the necessity for big ewes, since slaughter houses are not demanding exceptionally big lambs. Most of the demand is for lambs weighing between 95 and 105 pounds, Morgan said. From that he deducted that a ewe of 175 pounds is generally an adequate size. Nevertheless, the fact remained that the 256 pound ewe stood at or near the top of her class at major shows last Fall, including Timonium and Springfield. Mrs. Brubaker pointed out that lambs could nurse much easier when the ewe is more upstanding. Other points made by Morgan touched on vaccination Guernsey club holds auction The highlight of the second Rick Crider, and Connie meeting of the Lancaster Balmer. County Golden Guernsey 4-H The next meeting of the club was an auction held at club will be a judging contest the Francis Kirk home. at the Jesse Balmer home. A banquet committee was on May 17 at 7:30 p.m, Tom appointed. It consisted of Kirk will give a demon- Thomas Kirk, chairman; stratum. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES’ SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY, ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, CHINA, GLASS, EARLY DOLLS, QUILTS, GUNS Located on Fringer Road, just off Md. Rte. 194- 1 mile noth of Taneytown, Carroll County, Maryland. ON SATURDAY, MAY 14,1977 BEGINNING 8 O’CLOCK, A.M. This sale represents an accumulation of three generations of same family REAL ESTATE 47 acres, 27 sq. ps. improved w-8 room frame, metal roof dwelling, barn and outbuildings. P’rontage on Md. Rte. No. 194 and Fringer Road. TERMS OF SALE: REAL ESTATE - Deposit of $5,000.00 day of sale. Other terms announced day of sale. PERSONAL PROPERTY - Cash. Md. Sales Tax 4 per cent to be collected. WILLIAM H. BOSTIAN, HELEN E. BEACOM and HUBERT J. NULL, Personal Represen tatives of WILLIAM L. HARMAN, deceased. Contact: Walsh, Fisher & Gilmore, Solicitors 179 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. 21157 I Phones: 848-9200 or 876-2135) Auctioneers; Calvin Amoss (756-6784) Clair R Slaybaugh. (1-717-677-7479) Saturday. April 23, 1977 [Continued from Page 115] and care of new-born lambs. He strongly recommended the navals be dipped in iodine as soon as possible after lambing, and that a tetanus vaccination program become a part of routine management if the premises have had any history of the disease. Two dates to remember, the sheep producers were informed, are June 4 and July 8. The June happening is a Sheep Field Day at Penn State with the firsUever per formance tested ram sale. On July 8 and 9 the Keystone Sale will be held at the State Farm Show Building in Harrisburg. I AUCTION SALE I SAT APRIL 30 t| 11:00 AM sharp Antiques: Oak, Walnut, Mahogany Oak Dining room suite extra fine, Oak roll top desk, brass bed. Oak & Walnut bedroom suites, cherry drop leaf table, copper boiler, oil lamps, rockers, tables, chests, Pittston Coal range, plus lots more. This old home is filled. ESTATE OF STELLA GILNER Sterling, Pa. Jack Bunnell Auctioneer Location: right at Sterling comers Rt 196 about 3 miles So. of Hamlin, Pa. owners or Auctioneer not responsible for injury or loss of any kind. SV* •'‘W.. V. •• •* *<• /■* VJ. VS vv £V •**•'*’• S s *• •• V *•>.- 'vL : »> /A- ** X s' .• .• *•■*•■ H »*♦ PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1977 2:OOPM 6V 2 acre farmette on which is erected a 2Vj story sandstone home along with small bam and garage. Located along Route 625 one mile south of the village of Bowmansville in Brecknock Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Inspection of property by appointment only by calling 215-445-5788. Terms by RAYMOND MARTIN Leßoy S. Horst and Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers. PUBLIC SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 27 7:00 P.M. Located 4 mi. east of McAlisterville, Juniata Co., just off Rt. 35. MACHINERY Farmall H w-power pack, good rubber, excellent condition; Farmall C, new rubber, good condition; Farmall C, mower, 7 ft. cut; cultivators for Farmall C; N.H. Hayliner 68, PTO baler, no thrower; J.D. 16 ft. flat bed wagon; J.D. Roll-O-Bar semi-mount, PTO rake; N.I. No. 7, single row com picker; McCormick M.F. 13 disc grain drill on rubber; I.H. disc com planter; 16 ft. portable hay elevator; 9 ft. cultipacker; 9 ft. disc; N.I. No. 12 manure spreader; 2 Little Genius trail type plows, 12 & 14 on.; hay tedder; 3 section harrow; wood beam walking plow; com shelter, lot of unusual farm and hand tools; 12 ft. alum. boat. ANTIQUE TRUCK AND CAR 1952 Chev. ton pickup, running condition; 1952 Studebaker, 4 dr. sedan, (parts only). TERMS CASH MRS. MELVIN SANKEY OWNER Phone 463-2158 Lyter & Sons. Clerks Lone Broa.. Aucts. _ . PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 30,1977 7:30 P.M. Located 8 miles south of Port Royal. Sale sign along Route 75, 7 miles south of Port Royal. Feeder, Fat Cattle and Machinery. 38 HEAD FEEDER & FAT CATTLE 8 Holstein and Angus X steers, 400 to 600 lbs.; 3 Black WF steers, 400 lbs.; 5 Hereford steers, 400 to 500 lbs,; 1 Holstein and Angus X, 800 lbs.; 7 Charolais heifers, av. 6501b5.; 2 Charolais steers, 700 lbs.; 9X bred cows with calves by side; 1 Angus Steer, 500 lbs.; 2 Holstein steers, 400 lbs.; 20 feeder pigs. MACHINERY N.H. Super 717 harvester, com and grass head (like new condition); Int. 56 blower (like new condition); Caterpillar power unit D3ll with gear box and P.T.O. 80 h.p.; Gehl forage wagon, 7T chassis (like new cond.); com drag; lh h.p. H.D. electric motor; A.C. combine, 6 ft. P.T.O. with bin; 60 ft. rail for meat packing plant with trolleys; 18 ft. eye beam, 12 in.; 6 in. screw conveyor, 30 ft.; 30 ft. belt conveyor; roll 4 in. plastic drain tile; truck load fire wood. LUMBER Walnut, cherry, cedar, ash, pecan, maple and poplar. 140 acre farm for sale, private. Contact owner. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK LUNCH M. RICHARD DEEN, owner Ph: 717-527-4093 LYTER & SON - CLERKS LONG BROS. - AUCTS. Phone 717-527-4458 Estate of (Roy) George Leßoy Miller, deceased PUBLIC SALE CLASSIC ANTIQUE CARS, CAR PARTS, TOOLS HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES, CHINA, GLASSWARE, 2 RIDING MOWERS SAT. MAY 7 Household Goods, Antiques 10 A.M. Antique Cars to be sold ANTIQUE CUSSIC CARS Located from business Route 30 in Downingtown turn North on Route 113, 6V2 miles to sale on left. Chester Springs, Chester Co. Penna. Watch for sale sign. 1914 Metz friction driven Roadster; 1922 Buick 4 dr Touring car 4 cyl; 1930 Buick Classic coupe 6 cyl; 1954 Ford convertible V 8 automatic; 1965 Buick 4 dr sdn Skylark V 8 Automatic; 1970 Dodge 4 dr hardtop fully equipped, w air; Various antique car parts; show case; gauges; upright champion air compressor 2 cyl; floor jack; drill press; come-a-long; Snap on cabinet w-chest on top; various hand tools; bench grinder; hand air sender; car ramps; Simplicity Riding mower 32” cut elec start; Homelite Yard Track deluxe riding mower 26” cut; farm bell; player piano; needs repair; 12 ga Ithicia dbl barrel shot gun; HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES, CHINA AND GLASSWARE: 10 pc Dining rm suite; 5 pc breakfast set; Philco floor model radio; oak china closet; oak drop leaf table; chest of drawers; cane seated rocker; cherry rocker; Pa. Dutch plank bottom rocker; 6 plank bottom half spindle chairs; upholstered chairs; old rope bed; New Home elec, sewing machine; sm. tables; xmas decorations; books; artificial flower arrangments; bottles; pitcher and Bowl; Carnival glass; glass baskets; vases; dishes; and many many other pieces of china and glassware not listed. Cooking utensils; lawn chairs; pie cupboard; and many other items very nice and clean. Many good items for flea market tables. INSPECTION MORNING OF SALE! TERMS CASH OR APPROV ED CHECK By order of MARGARET ELMA MILLER, E. Raymond Lynch, Attorney William March, Jr. Auctioneer Elverson, PA. (215)286-5744 Lunch by the Ladies of the St. Matthews church. . J
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