—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 23, 1977 112 Shelhamer urges home weatherization HARRISBURG - Penn sylvania’s Secretary of Agriculture Kent L>. Shelhamer is urging Penn sylvania fanners to take advantage of their eligibility for rural home weatherization loans, to help cut energy costs in the face of a colder climate and unpredictable winters. “Our farmers have seen first hand that a harsh winter such as this year can eat up annual profits in feed, fertilizer and energy costs,” Shelhamer said. “Home weatherization is one way to cut energy use and allow resources to be spent on other needs.” Shelhamer said the program is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Farmers Home Administration, and administered by the nation’s Red Lion Grange : hosts 3 RED LION, Pa. - The third in a series of Grange visitation nite programs, under the direction of York- Adams Pomona Grange No. 40, was held on April 16, at the regular meeting of the Red Lion Grange, with Fawn Grove presenting the program. The Pa. State Grange theme is “Nature, Don’t Take it For Granted”. Fawn Grove used “Birds and Their Habitat” as related to the theme. Seventy-two members attended the meeting, with three Granges represented. There were nine from Gideon Grange, Hanover; 24 from Fawn Grove, and 39 from Red Lion Grange. The program consisted of songs, poems, readings and a discussion by all, on “how to attract birds.” A presentation of the habits and sizes of birds was made by Esther Richardson, with the help of several members. The next regular meeting of the Red Lion Grange will Rural Electrification Association cooperatives on a voluntary basis. The weatherization program would provide a five year, eight per cent weatherization loan of about $5OO each to families of low and moderate income served by the rural electric cooperatives. The loan would then be repaid in small monthly payments added to the monthly electric bill. “This program can mean a lot to our rural com munities,” Shelhamer said. “We know from our own experiences in Pennsylvania that not only does this kind of program help low and middle income families reduce their heating bills, but the weatherization will ultimately conserve sub stantial amounts of energy. “In addition, the program groups be May 7, with the meeting time being changed to 8 p.m. “A Mother’s Day” program is planned. The next grange visitation nite will be at Fawn Grove, with Gideon Grange presenting the program, on May 16, at 8 p.m. The Pomona lecturer, Gladys Shelter, has set a goal of 90 for attendance. Other planned meetings of interest to Vork-Adams County Grange members are the following open meetings: April 26, at Washington Grange, Kralltown; May 7, at Biglerville Grange; May 13, at Gideon Grange. York-' Adams Pomona Grange will be May 14, beginning at 2 p.m., at Valley Grange, Lewisberry. Election of officers will be held during the evening session. Judging of the dress sewing contest will begin at 2 p.m., under the direction of Dorothy Reichart, women’s activity director. would help employment by creating jobs for installation and would stimulate the economy at large by building up demand for weather ization materials,” Shelhamer noted. The .Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture administers a pilot project called the Rural Housing -Rehabilitation Program, which in two years has resulted in improvements in 295 homes in the Juniata, Mifflin and Snyder County area. The project is funded by the Federal Com prehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973. “As a result of the Rural Housing Rehabilitation Program,” Shelhamer said, “housing has been im proved, utility bills have 3 Save $75 m Coupon good for $75 off regular price of any new John Deere 66 or 68 Riding Mower To Customer Please be advised of following conditions <t j the cash value of coupon is t 20th of 1 cent (2) coupon is void if use is prohibited or restricted by taw (3) you will be required to pay any sales tax applicable lo (he transaction in which you use coupon—such tax may be payable on full value of goods and t*) you must fit) In your name and address in pieces provided below This coupon »s being distributed by a John Deere Dealer who owns his own store and sets his own retail prices Price of merchandise offered on coupons subject to change without notice Further dealers may not have merchandise agamsf which (his coupon may be applied in stock at the time*you present coupon However merchandise will ordinarily be available amt can be ordered from John Deere by participating dealer Other items may not be available at all if sales exceed anticipated demand or other circumstances occur beyond dealer $ and John Deere $ control Use ot coupon subject to availability of such merchan dise Limit onecoupon per item Mr Dealer You areauthonzedtoactasouragentforredemptionol this coupon m accordance with the terms thereof Dealer must fill in nameandAccount number Presentation for redemption without such comphance constitutes fraud This coupon and all others you redeem tor Spring 1977 Direct Mail Program are to be turned m to John Deere Territory Manager Offer expires May 3t 1977 p m U&. §#•<« Customer Name {Please Pnntj Address Town State Zip §n| m r\_„ djQ Coupon good for u9Vv «pO two (2) spools of cutting line (TY3094 or TY 9313) with purchase of new John Deere Electric Weed Eater* 5 Trimmer (TY2541) To Customer please be advised o( following conditions 1 1) the cash value of coupon is 1 ZCth of t cent (2j coupon is void if use >s prohibited or restricted by law (2) you will be required to pay any sales lax applicable to the transaction in which you use coupon—such tax may be payable on full value o( goods and t 4) you must fill <o,your name and address in places provided below This coupon is being distributed by a John Deere Dealt* who owns tus own store and sets his own retail puces Price of merchandise offered on coupons subject to change without notice Further dealers may not have merchandise against which this coupon may be applied in stock at the time you present coupon However merchandise will ordinarily be available and can be ordered from John Deere by participating beater Other items may not be available ai all it sates exceed anticipated demandor otner circumstances occur beyond dealer s and John Deere s control Use of coupon subject to availability of such merchan dise Limit one coupon per item Mr Dealer Youareauthonzedtoactasouragentforrebemptionplthis coupon m accordance with (he terms thereof Dealer must Ml m name and account number Presentation tor redemption without such compliance constitutes traud This coupon and an others you redeem tor Spring 1977 Direct Mail Program are to be turned m to John Deere Territory Manager Offer expires May 31 1977 iff cy. 3 W lll£ Customer Name (Please Pnnti Address A* Town SU(e Zip Save $6 Coupon good for $6 off regular price of a deluxe 3-inch John Deere Cordless Shears (TY2365) ToCustomer PieascbeadvisedoftoHowingconditrons 1 1 1 the cash valued coupon is l 20thoftcent (2) coupon is void »f use is profvpited or restricted by law f3l you wnl be required to pay any sates lax applicable to me transaction in which you use coupon such tax may be payable on lull value ot goods and t 4) you must f>lt m your name and address m places provided below This coupon »s being distributed by a John Deere Dealer who owns his own store and sets his own retail prices Price of merchandise ottered on coupons subject to change without nohce Further dealers may not have merchandise against which this coupon may be applied in slock at me time you present coupon However merchants* wi» o rdmaniy be available and can be ordered trom John Deere by participating dealer Other items may not be available at ail it sams exceed anticipated demand or other circumstances occur beyond dealer s and John Deere s control used coupon subject to availability ot such merchan dise Limn one coupon per item Mr Dealer You veauthonted to act asour agent for r#demfttionol this coupon in accordance with me terms thereof Dearer must hi) in name anti account number Presentation for redemption without such compliance constitutes fraud This coupon and all others you redeem lor Spring t *77 Direct Man Program ate to be fumed m to John Deere Territory Manager Offer expires May 31 1577 * - I’ A $ Customer Name tPiease Pr.no , v < Address L<*. Town State Zip LANDIS BROS. INC. decreased and jobs have been created for workers who would otherwise be unemployed. We have conducted surveys of the people whose housing rehabilitated, and they are unanimous *in their satisfaction with the program.” Shelhamer said that an applicant for a weath'erization loan through the Farmers Home Ad ministration would only have to fill out one piece of paper and sign a promisory note. A list of approved contractors to perform the weather ization work will be provided by the Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association, who will then contract the work and collect from the borrower. :*W S3K Kwag RS. iSiaN ggSgE ■y(Mp w gg?^s? svgfiraß. •j=^Ss»« SSS 5a Ask for Free John Deere Outdoor Thermometer 1385 MANHEiM PIKE m. Mr Dealer Name (Please Print) D «nch Code No CP Acct No cz craanar; no t '&gs&& i®s4 iff®* a®. Mr Dealer Name (Please Print) Branch Code No CP Acct No y* Mr Dealer NameiPlease Prmh Branch Code No CP Acci No No 5 UttttlQtPA. 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