H’ers learn about state government LANCASTER Pa. - master County 4-H ' era, who soon will ie an opportunity to play a aninent role in shaping laws of the future, met i area legislators and it government officials •ing State 4-H Capital t s activities in _rg, on April 18-19. Those participating in the itizenship program from ncaster County were: ,bin Esbesnshade, Mount Jody Henkel, isburg; Susan Martin, rata; Sonya Patterson, icaster; and Philip *r, Leola. sy joined with 4-H rrs from all Penn 'ania counties to take in events designed to them become more jnsible adults. While in Harrisburg, they •ived a guided tour of the Capitol building, County delegates serving lelr local legislators as mistresses of their offices, and par- ceremonies at the various ipated in educational luncheons and activities ■kshops gaered to in- were Lena Garvis, of Mercer % their understanding County; Sonja Lombard, of legislative process. Washington County, and :*>■ <>>< - During the afternoon of April 18, the 4-H members visited one of the following departments or agencies; Community Affairs, En vironmental Resources, Agriculture, Education, Penn Dot, Revenue, Justice, Public Utilities Commission, and Health. Senators and represen tatives were guests of the county delegation at a legislative breakfast on April 19. At this function, 4-H members and lawmakers discussed local issues and defined the purposes of the educational youth program. Speakers at the legislative breakfast were Dr. Thomas B. King, associate dean for Extension at The Penn sylvania State University; and Claude Anderson, a 4-H member from Dauphin County. bnarmg ideas on local government a special legislative breakfast at Stal Days in Harrisburg April 18*19, ai Sonya Patterson, Sen. Richard S Esbenshade, Rep. Kenneth Brandt, Janice Malsbury, of Berks State 4-H-youth specialist County. and coordinator of the event, Frank E. Bortz, Penn points out that 4-H Capital Rep. June Honaman, Sen. Clarence Manbeck.t Susan Martin and Phillip Risser. The two day event was designed to give 4-H members a working knowledge of the functions of state government which is part of the youth citizenship program. issues during te 4-H Capital re, from left: inyder, Robin Jody Henkel, Days is one of the highlights of the state 4-H citizenship - program. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. A| >r»l 23.1977—11 TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! 1
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