CENTRAL TRACTOR % SAVE 6 00 SALE 3999 3y 2 "x8" Hydraulic Cylinder 3'/," boro 8" stroke. 20’/ 4 " retracted length Special high pressure design allows this cylinder to be used in terchangeably on anytractor, new or old, high or low pressure Fits all im plements calling for ASAE stroke cylinders Has threaded bore and removable rod clevis 6585-017 R«g. 45.99 SAVE 10 00 SALE 9999 Ace Centrifugal Pump Mounts directly on power take-off shaft Sprays 20 gpm at 60 psi when driven by 600 rpm PTO. All iron con struction, sealed ball bearings, spr ing loaded idler, OSHA approved ; safety shield. *16475-100 ... lUg. 109.99 SAVE 10 00 SALE _ 159" High Capacity Gas Powered Centrifugal Pump Self priming, lightweight high volume portable pump. Ideal for transfenng agricultural chemicals from nurse tank to applicator tank 3 H p gas engine 90 GPM @3600 RPM 1 Vj" NPT inlet and discharge 16563-100 Reg- 189-99 SAVE 800 5 Gallon Acrylic Made in U. S A. Exterior Paint SALE _ This high quality paint' gives ex- ET cellent durability at a moderate coat —M Z M Self-priming, self cleaning, and not poisonous to animals. ■■■ n , SALE QQ 4 Pt. Barb Wire 24672-282 Reg. 29.95 ...... SALE -%****« SALE 24.45 each in lots of 5 White 9 A 99 5AL824.95 each 9464-OM Be*. 34.•• SAVE 5 00 SALE 16" 5 Gallons Aluminum _ Roof Coating ■ his asphalt base product provides a waterproof coating for outside wall surfaces as well as roofs 13974-272 Reg. 21.99 " J B H ■ ■ H I ■ welcome Jl THREE LOCATIONS LANCASTER, PA CHAMBERSBURG, PA 1570 MANHEIM PIKE ORCHARD HILLS ptmaV-^Tpr^SS^^ PHONE: 717-5600111 SHOPPING PIAZA nw " t /1 ' "> MZ “ Hours: Rte. 11 & 15 Hours; Mon.-Fri.9a.m.-9p.m. Mon. -Thurs. 8 a.m. -5:30 p.m. RHONE: 717-743-1911 Sat 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat.Ba.m.-sp.m. Hours: Mon.-Sat.9a.m.-9pm ~ ~ ~J - SAVE up to B*° 5 Panel Steel Gates 10 ft. 17696-253 12 ft. 17697 263 14 ft. 17676 253 16 ft. 7677 263 I SALE 83" Roller Pump Sprayer Kits Kit contains 6 nylon roller pump, hi pressure hand gun, pressure gauge, stabilizer chain, 10 ft %" suction hose, Vi" relief valve, 25 ft 3 / f " 2 braid gun hose, 6ft bypass hose, necessary pipe fittings 16375-100 Reg. 93.99 SAVE 20% Steel "V Posts Strong, durable studded 'T” posts with enamel finish for longer life. In cludes 5 clips for attaching fence to post 6' SALE -189 24(77 2(2 2 3S ■ SALE 26 49 *•9.32.76 SALE 2999 *•». 36.26 SALE 33 49 H*f 37.99 SALE 36 49 •if. 44.99 STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON .ALL UNITS Dial-O-Matic Control with Easy Read Gauge enables you to dial the proper amount of air pressure needed - no additional.regulator required ■l 2. 49 35 Lbs. Bulk Grease Lithium based grease in a handy measuring bucket. Reg. 16.49 13998-272 SALE, SAVE OQO 17% W%/ Graasa Cartridges Top quality, multi-service, Super- Lithium fiber graaaa. 13999-272 Reg. .47 each -10.” •ach tor 10 «r man 40 Lbs. Baler Twine This high quality twins is uniform in thickness for guaranteed trouble free operation, free replacement of any defective twine. Central Tractor twine gives you top value - a full 40 pound bale 9,000' Bale 24670-282 10,000' Bale 24671-282 Reg 12 95 Salt 11.45 Each SAVE up to 9 00 Hydraulic Jacks SALE 4"V QQ 3 Ton 1 7 93 194(3-146 ll» *3-4* • S Ton ® AIE 10 » 19460*146 Rot-MJ# iJI 8 Ton SAtE 22." 19461- Ha*. *l-49 , SALE OQ 99 12 Ton 19462- R«9I6M Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 23,1977 SAVE 20 00 SALE 11995 y- Hp. Compressor 10 gallon tank, 2 2 CFM at 40 PSI Not sold in Massachusetts in com pliance with state laws 17980-106 Rag. 139.95 SAVE 20 00 SALE % Hp. Compressor 15 gallon tank, 2 9 CFM at 40 PSI Not sold in Massachusetts in com pliance with state laws 17981-106 Bag. 169.95 SAVE 35<x> SALE 1 Hp. Compressor 22 gallon tank, heavy duty 1 horsepower motor, twin cylinder pump 6 OCFMat4OPSI 17982-106 SAVE up to 700° HEAVY DUTY 3 POINT HITCH S prayers Quick and easy to attach, simple to operate and ready to go are the qualities of this 3-point hitch 6 row sprayer RackwillfittractorswitheitherCat. 1 or 2 three-point hitches, by simply reversing the rack pm. %" pins for category 1, order bushings to bush 7 /i" pin to 1 Vi" for category 2. Has polyethylene tank Less pump 110 gallon SALE /[0 Q 99 16520 100 rutaasss 150 gallon SALE Q99 16521-100 fUe.s29.ta 8 tOn LESS TIRES Q Q 9%> •045 04S R«« 329.99 10tOnuSST!RES SALE 3SQ9S 8059-04* R*r 419.9* W W W We Reserve the right to limit quantities. Sale Prices Good thru SATURDAY, APRIL 30TH 14995 259 95 Reg. 294.95 SAVE up to 60 00 Wagon Gear 11
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