—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 23. 1977 106 My Thoughts And welcome to them “Okay, Jen," I said. “Let er rip." Totally oblivious to my impending fate, I sat blithely staring at the swinging udders of the Holsteins in front of me as the cows clumsily trudged up and down over the potholes of the dandelion-edged back lane. My cousin Jenny and I were on a mission-we were bringing the cows in for milking and teaching her how to drive all m one fell swoop. Being a city kid, she’d missed out on the fun of learning how to drive, and being older than her, I felt it was my responsibility to teach this helpless fledgling some of the joys in life. So, on that particular Summer’s day, the two of us sat in the front seat of Dad’s 1956 Cadillac in the roles of teacher and pupil. “All you do," I coached the angelic nine-year-old, "is put it into drive, step on the gas, and go." “Okay, Joie," she whispered, overwhelmed by the steering wheel which she had to stretch her neck to look through rn order to peer over the dash. But, nothing happened. After timidly moving the gear shift into “drive" from “park”, she stopped to take a rest from the tension. “Oh, boy," I thought to myself, “this is going to take forever.” I’d already abandoned all hope of teaching her the piano when she couldn’t play "How Great Thou Art" within a half hour of first setting eyes on a piano, and this fiasco was going to be no different. “Now, Jen," I began again in my condescending teacher's voice, "all you do i 5..." Out of the blue, my jaws snapped shut, my head flew back, and the tobacco and grass fields started jerking past me in rapid-fire motion. Forgetting that the car went from first to third gear without hitting second (due to a malfunction in the transmission), 1 shouted the first thing that came to my mind. “Jen," I gasped in between my teeth snapping open and shut," hold your foot down 1 " Before the last word was out of my mouth, the car took off like a rocket and headed toward the cows meandering toward the barn /shivvers/ CIRCU-LATOR Circu-Lator transforms your drying bin into a totally automated Continuous Flour System with drying capacities of 1,600 to 6,000 bushels of com per day (25 percent - 15 percent) depending upon bin and fan size. It dries high moisture grain (30 percent and above) with ease, and operates around the clock without babysitting. With the Circu-Lator, your entire bin becomes a surge tank—fill it as fast as you harvest. When ad jacent storage bins are full, the Circu-Lator becomes a high capacity Recirculating Batch Dryer which may be rapidly filled to the eaves. Check into the Circu-Lator. See why the Best Con tinuous Flow System is Also the simplest and least expensive. NORMAN B. LEAMAN R 1 Willow Street, PA 17554 PH: 717-464-3658 By JOAMMM SPAM* Associate Editor • Jen I screamed, “Look out for the cows, you’ll hit themI’’ 1 ’’ My eyes were glued to the bony back legs of the last cow in the string as she loomed closer and closer to the front of the car by the minute. I sank down in the seat and practically rammed my foot through the floorboards, pushing on the imaginary break, which did absolutely no good. The cows kept getting bigger and bigger. By this time, the legs were coming so close to the front of the car that I could vividly picture them under the-front bumper. . * “Jen. those cows are worth at least $2O a piece,’’ I screamed with nearly every ounce of breath in my lungs, “please don't hit them." With every scream, I sank lower and lower down in the seat'. Now I was prostrate. I knew it was all over for me, and I didn’t care, so with my dying gasp, I looked over at my younger cousin and gasped "Please, Jen 7 ’’ What I saw was unbelievable. She was sitting straight as a statue, with both hands on the wheel, and her eyes were wide, a smile was transfixed on her face, and she was transformed with glee. “Isn’t this fun?" she yelled, laughing out loud. At that moment, I knew if I ever got out of this situation alive, I'd kill her. But, something m my face (maybe it was the blue tint that goes with suffocation) made her put her foot on the brake and stop the car just before the cow met her end, or should I say, the cow’s end met the bumper of the car. Realizing my only chance to save myself, I grabbed the wheel and took over the drive the rest of the way m. When we got to the barnyard, I parked the car and wobbled into the house bn my jello legs. Opening the door, I heard my mother ask, ‘‘Well, what did you do this afternoon?” I nearly fainted. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS MARVIN J. HORST YES - ONLY 10% DOWN HOLDS YOUR ORDER AT OLD PRICE SEE OR CALL BEFORE MAY Bth Dairy Equipment 1950 South sth Ave. On 897,3 miles Southeast of Lebanon. PA. RDI Phone: 717-272-0871 Hunting prohibited HAKKISBURG - The This is due, Forrey said, to Department of En- the Fact fact that other vironmental Resources has people are making use of announced that hunting is State Park facilities during prohibited on State Park the Spring and Summer, and lands during the Spring to allow hunting could en turkey season which opens danger the lives of other on Saturday, April 23, and Park visitors, continues through Saturday, May 21. . William C. Forrey, Director, Bureau of State Parks, also noted that hunting will be prohibited during all other established hunting seasons in the near future until the opening of the Fall archery season. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! ERTH-RITE SOIL CONDITIONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT - FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry ZOOK & RANCH, INC. RDI, Gap. PA 17527 Phone 717-442-4171
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