—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 23, 1977 104 Ladies Have You Heard? By Doris Thomas Lancaster Home Economist ABOUT FIRE AND SMOKE DETECTORS Do you know what is inexpensive and easy to install, yet could save your family’s lives. It is fire fire and smoke detectors, new products being sold like appliances but with a key difference: they literally can save lives by soupding a piercing 85- decibel blast when they detect fire or smoke. About 7,000 people die in residential fires in the United States each year, about three-quarters of them at night. Many of those lives could have been saved had their homes been equipped with fire and smoke detectors. Not all fire and smoke detectors are alike, and as consumers you would be well-advised to spend a little time in comparison shopping before entrusting your lives to the unit or units pur chased. Some detectors are plug in, others are battery operated. The battery Cut this out. Stick it onyour chain saw and pretend it starts. m Then pretend you bought it from: Chain Saw—Concrete & Metal SrOLTZFUS WOODWORK RD Gap, PA Box 113 1 Mile North R 1.897 From Gap Wes Stauffer Small Engines R D 3 v 2 Mi. S. of Rt. 322 on Pleasant 7177339174 New Rl. 222 operated units do not rely on hoiige current not being interrupted by a fire and can be installed anywhere, whether there is a nearby outlet or not. When the battery gets too weak to power the unit, the hom “chirps” once a minute to alert the consumer to replace the battery. One leading manufacturer’s fire and smoke detector, when the battery is low, “chirps” once a minute for 30 days. Choose a unit that has readily replaceable low cost batteries, not a special or expensive battery that has to be ordered from the maker or purchased from a specialty store. One caution: If ever the instructions should be read and followed for any product, this is that in stance! The better units describe proper installation and testing of the detector and even list the type of UL listed batteries that should be used when the battery provided finally gets too weak for safety. Free Demonstration Saw Rentals Safety experts estimate that up to 60 per cent of the lives lost due to home fires could have been saved if fire and smoke detectors had been present IS YOUR HOME PROTECTED? ABOUT LEARNING METRIC One of the major ad vantages of the metric system is its simplicity. It is decimal in nature, based on a system of tens just like our money and time systems. To compute figures, metric uses decimals rather than fractions. Conversions to larger or smaller units in volves only multiplication or division by units of ten. We are already familiar with the metric terms for time-the second-and elec trical current-the ampere. Those terms we are un familiar with which we will probably use most often are the meter, liter, and gram. The meter (m) is the basic unit of length. Meters are divided into decimeters (dm), centimeters (cm) and » i quietly introduced the first to the world. Now, they're the ;gest manufacturer of chain saws m the world. And no chain saw gets that popular without 1 good start. If yours won't, we'll you a complete line that And we're die best. A & B SALES & SERVICE 2 Miles South of Route 23 Aloni 772 thru Monterey RDI Ronks, PA JOHN L STAUFFER GoodviHe, PA PH: 215-445-6175 ■A mile North of Goodviße on Union Grove Road NORMAN H. ZIMMERMAN Myerstownft.D.2 Phone (7171166-4695 'A mfe vest Myerstovm-West Main S' millimeters (mm). The prefix “deci” means one-tenth, “centi” means one-hundredth and “milli” means one thousandth. In other words, a decimeter is one-tenth of a miter, a centimeter is one hundredth of a meter and a millimeter is one-thousandth of a meter. Therefore, 10 decimeters equal one meter?' 100 cen timeters equal one meter; 1000 millimeters equal one meter. These prefixes all mean “less- than” a given unit; a-millimeter is “less than” a meter. Thus a dekameter (dam) is ten times a meter, a hectometer (hm) is one hundred times a meter and a kilometer (km) is a thousand times a meter. To make it easy, it can be remembered that a meter is a little longer than a yard. Most doorknobs are about one meter up from the floor. The gram (g) is the basic unit of weight. For sim plication, the gram can be thought of as weighing about that of a paper dip. Like meters, grams also are divided into decigrams (dg), centigrams (eg) and milligrams (mg). DIAMOND INTERNATIONAL POULTRY SYSTEMS. THE EQUIPMENT ENGINEERED AROUND THE BIRD WITH THE GREATEST POTENTIAL IN FEED SAVINGS NO OTHER COMPANY OFFERS YOU SO MUCH A. PROJECT TURN KEY. We'll plan and construct your installation, install the equipment, put it in c. A-t running order, then turn the key over to you. B. TOTAL HELP. Everything you need to know in terms of product knowledge, operating procedures, and research assistance is yours for the asking. Teed Saver" Automatic Cage layer system by Diamond. R.D. 3 Sprecher Road Willow St Pa. Lancaster Co. The basic unit of volume or capacity in the metric system, the liter, is divided the same way as the meter and gram. For an easy rule, a liter is a little larger than a quart, actually about 1.06 quarts. WE CAN SAVE YOU TIME MONEY! INSULATE NOW insulate any open 24' x 30’ ceiling with 6” of blown mineral w 001... *l72 80 Now is the time to insulate 1 A m mmm -100% Bank Financing «*. WmSiKMK OUT-OF-TOWN .... ■■ TO- CALL COLLECT 291-9210 FUEL SAVERS-LANC. Box 974, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 See our display at Root's Auction. SERVICE SCHOOLS. The D . LEADERSHIP. Diamond Industry’s finest. Con- Automation has been, and ducted by experts in the W ||j continue to be field on a regular basis dedicated to the poultry You and your personnel and egg industry We can stay abreast of new pioneered and developed developments in your many of today’s systems field new management an d methods We’ll techniques.. learn how continue to search for to prevent problems ways and means to improve the poultryman’s occupation And you'll be the first to hear of these new concepts WE SELL, SERVICE AND INSTALL E. M. HERR Cftfl EQUIPMENT, INC. ' ' The gradual changover to the metric system is un derway and will continue for the next 10 years. That change can be easier to make if you will just begin to learn a little at a time. Think metric! Automatic Starter - Grower Cage Systems 717-464-3321
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