Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 09, 1977, Image 77
FERTILIZER Attention Fanners - Big Savings on Broiler Poultry Manure. We will deliver any amount, anytime or place in Lancaster County for $lO.OO per ton net delivery. Send Inquiries to Box 266 E, c-o Lancaster Fanning, Lititz, Pa. 17543 SPECIAL SALE Dry. Poultry Manure. Fresh from the broiler houses. $15.00 per ton plus delivery. Write Box 27, Strasburg, PA 17579 SAVE FERTILIZER DOLLARS By using Poultry Manure. Delivered for $15.00 per ton. Peat Moss and Mushroom Soil delivered for $65.00 per dump trailer load. 717-733-0052 BUY YOUR KAY MACHINE NOW AND SAVE $5,200.00 Now only *4,100.00 - WITH MO' R. $. HOLLINGER & SON INC. 113 West Main Street, Mountville Phone 717-285-4538 INTERNATIONAL QUALITY PARTS MON. THRU THURS 8 to 8 ll !H) INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER FACTORY TRAINED SERVICEMEN FERTILIZER . SPECIAL DRY POULTRY MANURE. Fresh from the broiler house. 717-935-2180. Poultry & Supplies For Sale • 2200-2400 Sex-sal layers, recycling or forced molt. Available 4-48 - 5-2. Phone 717-367-1121, extension 252 after 5:00 PM. For Sale - 10,000 ft. Mylar egg belt, 4 inch, excellent condition. Phone 717-786-3239 after 6:00 p.m. Wanted-Automatic poultry scalder and picker. Phone 717-264-9231 For Sale - 64 x 8 chicken slats, good condition, $6. each. Oil furnace, complete with radiators. Daniel M. Glide, R. D. 3, Box 323, Lititz, Pa. 17543 northeast of Lancaster Airport. For Sale: Goslings, ducklings, chicks, guineas, turkeys, bantams. David Hartman, Clearview Stock Farm & Hatchery, Gratz, Pa. 717-365-3234. CUB LOBOY SALE The Cub 185 Lo-Boy*—tl fessional's choice Depem able 18 5 hp, water-cool* line Low (49" high) profi is it one of the most stabi ictors around. Independet •ear PTO and hydraulic It Operates 60" mower at other attachmen Poultry & Supplies For Sale - Blue Peafowl Peacocks and peahens All ages available Write for pamphlet on breeding and care and prices per pair. Treeland Farms Inc. Star Route Hudson, N.Y. 12534 Tel. 518-851-7674 For Sale - New egg cartons, (misprints) $2O a thousand. Call for delivery or pickup. 717-665-3511 SHAVER Hi LAYERS CREWED LEGHORN FARMS, INC. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY RDI, PA 400 CYCLO PLANTER 6 ROW Poultry & Supplies For Sale - New 3x4 pulp cartons - $26 per 1,000. Phone 717-665-5927. Wanted - mcubator-400-1000 egg capacity. 215-267-6893. For Sale - 3200 Pullets, ready to lay. 717-626-8257. Wanted - nest run eggs from producers. Ph: 302-492-8892. For Sale - Once used 30 dozen cases, 15 cents each. Phone 717-665-5927. "The Sign of Quality" LITITZ, PA 17543 990 mower conditioner ’4,660.00 Fri. - 8 to 5:30 SAT. - 8 to 3 Poultry & Supplies Poultry & Supplies For Sale - 20’ poultry display case; also 20 cu. ft. ice chest with remote unit. Phone 215- 256-8415. Chicks, ducklings, goslings, guineas and turkeys. Over 100 breeds. WILLOW HILL HATCHERY Dept. T. Richland, Pa. 17087 LONGENECKER’S HATCHERY. INC. Box 307, Elizabethtown, PA PH: (717) 367-1545 Hubbard Leghorns DeKalb Warren Sex-Link CHICKS & STARTED PULLETS s f* u . NK LEGHORN 20wk ‘ 20 wks. June 21 • 1,000 April 8 - 1,200 Sept. 20 - 2,000 April 30 - 4,000 July 8 - 6,000 Cornish giants tor broilers, roasters or capons Prices and mating list upon request NOLL’S POULTRY FARM MONITOR Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9,1977—7! BABY CHICKS WHITE EGG LAYERS BROWN EGG LAYERS Kleinfeltersville, PA. 17039 (Lebanon County) Phone 717-949-3560 SUGAR—FEED GRADE DRY OR LIQUID Call or Write; GUIDE FEED CO. R.D.#2,80x410 AVOCA, PA. 18641 Phone 717-655-3120 77