r'S' a^° r N.I. 213 Spreader J.D. 2240 Tractor n.I. 212 Spreader J.D. 400 Rotary Hoe n.I. 224 Spreader J.D. 1207 Hay Con- N j 2 72 Cut-ditioner ditioner N.I. 279 Cut-ditioner J.D. 1209 Hay Con ditioner N.H. 283 Baler w- J.D. 336 Baler Grower J.D. 54 Spreader N.H. 273 Baler J.D. 40 Spreader N.H. 320 Baler J.D. 65 Blower N.H. No. 8 Forage Box J.D. 45 3 pt. Trip Plow N.H. 456 & 451 Mower J.D. 500 Round Baler N.H. 256 & 258 Rake J.D. & Pittsburgh N.H. 4985 Haybme Spring Harrows Brillion 12’6” Field J.D. 1065 A Wagon Cultivator J.D. 950 Roller Harrow Brillion 9’ Chisel Plow J.D. 44011*7” Disc Mohawk 7’ Chisel Plow J.D. 1630 Plowing Disc F Sn*. l 7iKm E JUST ARRIVED ™ Au §‘ ll977 Dion & Arts-Way N.H.' GSjr Mtor | Ferae* Bora TRAC ™ K f l NX “cSEer J.D. 4020 D a.C. 904 Mower- M.F. 180 D conditioner IH 606 G N.H. 460 Haybine N.H. 469 Haybine SPREADERS N.H. 479 Haybine N.H. 368 Tank TILLAGE N.H. 362 Tank 14’ Dunham Roller N.I. 210 S.B. Harrow (2) N.I. 212 SB & T J.D. F 325 3B Hyd. reset J.D. 33 18” Drum plow (2) N.H. 510 S & T J.D. FB-B 18x7 Grain Drill CORN PLANTERS S P rin § (2) IH 455 4-R : AC No-Till 4-R I NEW HOLLAND \ r'R' n t, 1 BALER TWINE I J.D. 248 Unit 2-R j $14,00 • Sperry New Hollandfl| A. B. C. GROFF, INC.WB New Holland, PA PH: (717) 354-4191 ■ h TILLAGE Dll SAVINGS! IH 710 4-18 3 pt. Auto Plow with rub, less hyd. IH 710 5-18 3 pt. Auto Plow with rub, less hyd. IH 720 5-18 3 pt. Auto Plow complete IH 710 6-18 3 pt. Auto Plow complete (rental) IH 7206-16 3 pt. Auto Plow on land, complete IH 140 3-16 3 pt. Rollover less cult. A hyd. IH 140 3-18 3 pt. Rollover less cult A hyd. IH 1404-18 3 pt. Rollover less cult. A hyd. DISK HARROWS IH 47518 ft. 7 in. 20 inch 8 ga. mech. fold IH 76012 ft. Offset 24 inch Disk LONG 13 ft. 4 in. Offset 26 inch ga. (Demo.) PACKER MULCHERS IH 31512 ft. 4 in. Packer Mulcher IH 31513 ft. 8 in. Packer Mulcher BRILLION 10 ft. 4 in. Pulvi-Mulcher BRILLIONI2 ft. 4 in. Pulvi-Mulcher SPECIAL RENTAL TRACTOR 1976 4366 4-wh. drive, dual rubber, Field ready, 1 yr. full warranty..™. $28,300. SCHOENECK INTERNATIONAL EQUIP. Oakwood Lane at Rt. 873 Schnecksville, PA (215) 437-4813 or (215) 767-3806 TRACTORS Minneapolis Moline UTS, wide front $7OO Ferguson to [3o] $llOO 130 International with 6’mower 1800 WD 45 diesel, 3 pt. hitch and plows 1900 450 international gas Tricycle 2000 340 International gas Tricycle w cultivator 2200 Ford Jubilee, excellent condition 2500 850 Ford 1957, new tires 2900 NAA Ford Loader back hoe 2900 530 Cases overhauled, excellent 3900 2000 Ford Super dextra diesel 3600 530 Case loader backhoe, gas 4500 HDIO Allis-Chalmers call dozer, GM diesel 6900 3400 New Ford Industrial selecto-speed 7600 4500 Ford loader back hoe, diesel, excellent 9500 8000 Ford 105 HP diesel good condition 10,000 3550 Ford diesel loader back hoe [BOOO hrs.) 13,500 630 Ford combine 4 row head, 12" grain head reconditioned 14,000 9600 New Ford 135 HP with cab and air, dual power 21,500 EQUIPMENT Ford 510 Hay conditioner $125 Used 3 pt. hitch disc [24 blades] 200 John Deere mounted picker 200 JD Sickle bar mower, 3 pt. 225 John Deere 2 row planter, pull-type 390 New 2 bottom plow, 3 pt. hitch 450 New 51/2' disc. 3 pt. hitch 450 6'brush mower tire drive 550 3 Gang Roxy mower 600 Pittsburgh 4 row cultivators 600 MF 81/2’ disc 3 pt. 650 International 81/2'transport disc 700 New Ford 618 forage blower 850 Case 300 forage harvester, 1 row 865 New Ford 208 bushel manure spreader 2500 New Ford 142-6 btm spring trip 16" plows 2900 New Ford 535 mower conditioner 9' 3400 New Ford 532 baler, hitch and shute 3500 New Hesston 1010 Hydra-swing mower conditioner 4900 New Hesstor 7020 forage Harvester, one row 5’ pickup head 5500 New Hesston potato harvester, hydrastatic 19,500 Del-Mar Ford Tractor Rte. 42 Just West Of U.S. 13 Cheswold, Delaware (302) 678-8484 Coming This Month 1972 510 Massey Gas combine w-2 Heads New 14' Bush Hog Offset Disc $3,450.00 New M.F. No. 40 14’ Offset Disc $3,995.00 IHC No. 710 4-18" Auto. Reset Plow John Deere 10’ AW Disc New Holland 275 Baler w-Thrower John Deere 430 Utility Tractor John Deere 520 Tractor w-3 pt. hitch John Deere 4020 Diesel Tractor Farmall 9€sOLD:tor Farmail 656 DiesSOLD JD 3020 Power Shift Diesel FarrTsoLDH>6 Farmall 856 Farmail 1206 Farmall 1026 Hydro (2) Farmall 806. Diesels Farmall 544 Utility Diesel Hydro IHC 1566 w-cab & air, 400 hrs. $19,000 Farmall 766 Dies SOLD Uni 702 Gas w-cab & combine Fox 2100 chopper with 2 heads, $3OOO. 1066 TA w-cab & air 727 Husker for Uni IHC 303 Combine w-Cab and 2 heads, real clean, 1 left IHC 615 Combine w-Cab and 2 heads, real clean, 1 left (3) Gleaner Combines w-corn heads, Models E, All, K Several Shelters for Nl pull or mtd. Pickers Mustang Skid Loader CK UR PRICES $3440 $3995 $4500 $4300 $5825 $3470 $3600 $3950 $5145 $3625 $4995 $3400 $3600 $2495 $2BOO RAYMOND B. UEAMAN Willow Street RDI Ph: Lancaster 464-2480 USED EQUIPMENT Midway between Lancaster & Quarryville off Rt. 222 Take Brenneman Road at Grayfoill Bros. Garage. Refton. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Apri19,1977 Farm Equipment EEHI—" Into your systm A. L HERR & BRO. Quarryville, Pa. 17566 717-786-3521 NEW EQUIPMENT MASSEY FERGUSON: 245 Tractor; 468 corn planter (4 row); 43 plow (3 btm.); Post hole digger; 54 Blower. 720 Tandem Disc. CASE: Chisel Plows; Uniloaders Mod. 1737-1740-1816- 1830-1845, Discs - offset and Tandem; 1070 w-cab 1370 Tractor (no cab) 1210 P.S., 1210 Stand, 995, 2- 990’s. GEHL: Flail Chopper, Feeder Box, CB6OO Harvester, FB 99 Blower, Forage Wagons, Round Baler, Demo., 120 Grinder Mixer, 6-8-10 ton running gears. NEW IDEA: Fert. Spreaders, Spinner Type; Manure Spreaders; uni-system & attachs. MISC.: Plows 4. 5 & 6 Bottom. Pittsburgh 12 ft. Disc.. Dunham Cultimulcher, 5 & 6 Ft. Rotary Cutters, Satoh Tractor, McCurdy Gravity Bins. COMPACT TRACTORS NEW t USED Case, New Idea Elec., Massey Ferguson - USED EQUIPMENT - TRACTORS MISC. Farmall Cub w-belly & Model 33 Case Backhoe sickle mowers 24” bucket, good cond. Case 730 CK Diesel 28 ft. Smoker Elevator Case VAC w-hydraidic life Farmall 400 N.H. Hay Elevator Case D-B 990 Rake SeSoB 12 ’ Pitt - Disc SPRy.AOF.RS SKID LOADERS N.I. 212, 213, 214 Case 1737 and 1537 M.F. 160 Mustangs-1200 A.C. 281 Huff payloader FOUST FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE Int. 1456 cab; air & duals; wide front 1256 wide front; full set weights 1066 wide front; dean 856 wide front; weights 706 3 pt. complete overhaul 450 gas with N. 1.2 row picker (3) M’s C Farmall with culti. Oliver 1950 wide front; cab 1850 wide front; cab 1750 wide front; cab 1650 wide front 1650 gas; wide front 770 3 pt. John Deere 4020 wide front; overhauled; 730 gas 3 pt. wide front, like new 730 gas 3 pt. wide front, like new 720’s3pt. 620’s3pt.,likenew 60 with 227 JD com picker B with cultivators Case 830 diesel wide front, new tires Ford 861 wide front, gas, 4 new tires 9N with plows Self-propelled combines all makes and models, plows, planters, disc harrows, cultipackers, grinder-mixers, hay rakes, drills, kilbros wagons and bines, unloading wagons and other used farm machinery that comes in often. CALL OR WRITE: Harold Foust 717-437-2695 (shop) John Foust 717-437-2857 (home) R. D. 2 Milton, Pa. 17847 one-half mile off Exit 32 on Route 80. 69 Farm Equipment
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers