LancasterFarming. Saturday, Apri15, 1977—65 — : SERVICE & REPAIRS |i !' Form Equipment Form Equipment ;| Form Equipment Form Equipment - Van Dale and other farm ■[ For Sale -Snow blower, 5 hp. ________ equipment. (| a.C. Hay Conditioner', oi» ™th fc—««i nccn \ umSSmm ■: ShaXn" 0 > g!a»»— ■»- SSffi f equipment A JJ). IK I ?®'?.'?, (new Mato» Forage Boxes ■ S'to-TaA.C.Corn 1| mew raMßPMrijr'‘l "'"hours' ”* B (l)F76SDTractor,only stvlel w-46” Mower Forage Harvesters i’ Planter ' NEW EQUIPMENT „ , ZiL 350 hours. J.D. 110-8 H.P. (Old W 6, 790 Manure Spreaders ;I3 f 4 & 5 Bottom Plows I 1 Wh pfan+lrc C ° rn (4) Ford 5000 D (1) 710 5-16 Auto Reset Style) Mowers and Rakes IHC-N.H.-A.C.Balers wLw r„u (2) Ford 4000, 63 Model ,n P ffl- W,A i C ° nd^ J.D. 56 Rider w-28” ••••••; —t . _ , S Brilhon 12 ft. Field Cult. (2) Ford 3000 D he^? y duty Mower Special Pre-Season Prices. |, llkldil ( i Brilhon 12ft.8in. Culti- jj-j .qoq go Model w-cab Oise Harrow, J.D. 57 Rider w-34” bn New & Used Lawn Equip.: / T . i! ™ w JD63O ’ Disc size 19” Mower —•— : DSEEffiBB '! White2s3ll*4" Disk m Harris 30 (D IHC No. 480 19’ J.D. 55 Riding Mower N.H. USED EQUIPMENT JJ** 6 2519’3”Disk jD«Socab WF folding wing Disc J.D. 8& 10 H.P. Lawn 770 W & 880 W Pickup Heads. MJL2B «, W Ft. Chisel Plow jd 3020 DWF • j and Garden Trac- 460 & 461 Haybines i !' GeU 95 & 120 Model jd 2010 (1) G5O Grinder fnnfi fNftV fifi BslfiF i FOFfl 8N , • MIXCTS TXIt MiXBTj like HCW Ford 100 Tractor w- 34 ft. Elevator ;[ * p / TOiite MO Sartnr JD 2020 * (1) r P6 V N °‘ 86 mower S 717 Forage Harvester 1 1 A.C. Dl7 ( , White 2-70 Tractor jjft, ggg Gnnder-Mixer, Jacobsen LT7SO riding 350 Grinder-Mixer. ; A.C.WD4S ,[ USED EQUIPMENT Ford 5000, 4 WDR ... mower MBC.USpEQUIPMENT s}p C I' White 3141 3-Bot. Plow Farmall Cub (2 EIOM GE Tractor w- JD. 350 Mower, Like New ,' 606 , Brimon 12 ft, 8 in. culti . Planters w-harrow mower OUver 520 Baler ;| gg544 mulcher FORRESTER BROS. m 1973 380 Suzuki IHC 46 Baler w-power unit , 340 , 212 Flail Spreader PI . IIA t l ).. r “ llner (1) Motorcycle Starline7lo,&B3oSpreaders !; IHC 460 !; Gehl Forage Box FARMS p, a „t.r/ 1975 Yamaha 650 w- ROY A. GRUMELU FARM ]; MILLER V WENGER LEs^'sEßuice I 1 A SERVICE S rnillPlirMT PH Chambersburg,Pa. IMPLEMENT INC. sales * service , • tOUIrMENT CO. 17201 f 1 The Buck, PA I '! RDlßechtel»vflle,PA Phone MCCKLEU/DALMATIA 717-284-4141 Ph!me’ 1 Phone7BB-7318 215-845-2911 717-263-0705 D * lma " a 7586491 CENTRAL TRACTOR Poly Pak Batteries Enjoy 5 yurt of TT>»int«n*nc« f»»* performance Amp 'Croup MF 22F MF 24 MF 24F MF 27 MF 74 Sizt 9'/.. »6'y„ *ay„ xBV, IWx6')' l ,'xBV 12*x6'yu'x8% 95 60 Mo 10 , /,x6”/„x8 J? / 3 r 90 60 Mo Tha Control Tractor Extra Heavy Duty Battary will help taka tha worry out of Winter starting for tha next 4S months XHO 22F 9 7 /,c'x6'?, l M xtV,' 46 48 Mo 15741 252 34 99 29.99 XHO 24 10V , 4 M x6?«”xB%" 60 48 Mo 15739 252 37 59 32 59 XHD 27 12-x6? 4 "xBy 4 " 74 48 Mo 15732 252 40 97 35 99 Compare our 12VottGardenTractorBatterywithotharbrandtofgardanbBttenas FTCLM9L 7%" x 5%' x 7%" 30 12 Mo 15743 252 29 99 24 99 RC-LM9B 7V xsy*" x7%* 30 12 Mo 15771 252 29 99 24.99 Compare our High Quality Heavy Duty Battenea with other 35 month Batteries FTC3ET 19y l( ~x4Vx9'y" H 95 36 Mo 15735 252 5069 45.59 XHD 24F 10y 4 "x6y 4 'xs% w 53 38 Mo 15740-252 35 79 39.79 HD 60 13yi'”x6'/ 4 'xBV 60 36 Mo 15734-252 38 99 33.99 HD29NF 13x5VixB'»/ tf 56 38 Mo 16779-252 39 79 33.79 For the economy minded cuetomer check our 24 month Battery for excellent perfor mance FTC 3EE 19y,rx4Vx9’y,r c-24 loy/xey^xey." FTC 30H 13 , / 2 *'x6*y li '*x9 , / l< " •’/.-xe’A-x 8%"x6”/„"x»%"- - B%' x6’/ h "x*%- 10'/,“x6%”x8%” 11”/»-x7'/„"x9y„- 19'/,"x4y„ ’x9%" 12y,-x6>%rx9'/.' 13y.,”x7'/„-x9’/„" RC 1 RC 1H HD 2 RC3H RC 3EH RC-4H XHD 5D HDSI -74 B^y»''x6•yl• ,, x8 a y„' , 74 24 Mo 15736-252 34 99 29.99 ‘For full disclosure of guarantee details write, phone, or visit your nearest Central T rac tor Stora or refer to page 23H of the 1977 Central Tractor Catalog CENTRAL TRACTOR THREE LOCATIONS LANCASTER, PA CHAMBERSBURG, PA 1570 MANHEIM PIKE ORCHARD HILLS PHONE: 717-569-0111 SHOPPING PLAZA PHONE: 717-264-6282 Hours: Rte. 11 & 15 u Mon. - Thurs. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Dunne. 717 7«. i 011 Hours: Mon. - Fn. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. PHONE: 717-743-1911 Sat 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. - Hours: Mon. - Sat 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Hr *Gu.nnt.e Stock No Outr Exch 63 60 Mo 15761 252 39 89 34 89 84 60 Mo 15748 252 48 39 43 39 84 60 Mo 15763 252 48 39 43 39 15765 252 51 39 49 39 15778-252 51 59 48 69 15750-252 46 39 41.39 15731-252 3159 29.99 16749 252 52 99 47.99 24 Mo 24 Mo 24 Mo ■ Volt latttnn 67 12 Mo 105- -24 Mo 120 48 Mo 93 24 Mo 145 24 Mo 172 24 Mo 165 24 Mo 180 24 Mo 15725 252 23 99 18.99 15726- 29 99 -24.99 15744-252 35 39 30.39 15727- 31 59 24.49 15729- 49 99 41.99 16747 252 48 99 43.99 15730- 46 99 41.99 15742-252 57 99 42.99 S Volt •attoiy MID. 16 Horse Power Garden Tractor with 3 point hitch, PTO, and 4 speed forward transaxle drive 22512-258 1580- 00 50” mower deck for tractor ... » 22513-258 010. 12” 1-bottom plow —169." 1-row cultivator. 79.** 4’ rear mounted blade J?isiisL 94.* 42" rotary tiller jqc 00 (must order, not m stock) 22514-258 SAVE 130 00 SALE 669 9 9 10 Hp. Rear Discharge The newest innovation in ridmg lawn mowers Grass clippings are discharged to the rear instead of side, to prevent clogging Includes electric starter, alternator, sealed beam headlights, twin blades for 36" cut, gas and ammeter gauges, and rack and pinion steering 22501-258 Reg. 799.99 Trailer type lawn sweeper for above 22499-258 89.99 -10." MCh for tO m man 40 Lbs. Baler Twine This high quality twine is uhifbrm in thickness for guaranteed trouble free operation, free replacement of any defective twine. Central Tractor twine gives you top value - a full 40 poundbale. 9,000' Bala 24670-282 10,000 Bale ' 24671-282 Reg 12 95 Sale 11.45 Each Visit our new Lawn and Garden Centers in Lancaster and Shamokin Dam. Rose Bushes, bery, Peat Moss, products. Excellent Nursery Stock at Low Prices. Clearance prices on 55, 110, 150, 200, 300, 400 and 500 gallon sprayers. See us for plow shares, plow shins and mold- 3 69 Combiotic Treats footrot, pneumonia, shipping fever, wound infections, joint in fections and many other infections 10Occ bottle 19008-141 Trees, Shrub some Scott’s your BANKAMERICARD We Reserve the right to limit quantities. Sale Prices Good thru SATURDAY, APRIL 16 CLEARANCE POST HOLE DIGGER Tractor Mounted, 3 point hitch Economy model 20249157 Sale 219.95 I vssV 10 for 100 15C each Garden Seeds Stock up on these fresh Excel flower and vegetable seeds All the popular flowers and vegetables which nor mally sell for 35C and 50C Quan tities are limited so hurryi Reg. 250.64