Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 09, 1977, Image 23

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    Ephrata freshman is top dairy products judge
LANCASTER - The best
dairy products judge among
vo-ag students in three
counties is Ephrata’s Barry
Herman, a young man who
has never milked a cow or
imbibed more than his share
of milk. The 14-year old
freshman from the Cloister
FFA Chapter outscored 41
other contestants on
Tuesday afternoon during an
FFA dairy products judging
contest held here. Penn
I lames hosted the event for
the seventh consecutive
year. Eight schools from
Chester, Lancaster, and
York counties were
The team title ui the
contest went to Ephrata for
the fourth straight year
under coach Ernest Orr, who
has been at the school for an
equal number of years.
Cliff Martin of New
Holland placed second in the
individuals contest, in which
Silo-King is a roughage preservative that contains a
combination of refined enzymes, preservatives, an
tioxidants and other agents.
The antioxidants stabilize the simple sugars,
vitamins and other nutrients. They prevent oxygen
trapped in the silage from burning these nutrients
which in turn causes the silage to heat and juice. The
more severethe heating and/or juicing, the greater the
loss of digestible protein, energy and other nutrients.
While the antioxidants are doing their work, the
enzymes start breaking down simple (sugars and
starches) and complex carbohydrates (fiber) creating
a very rich environment for lactic acid producing
bacteria to reproduce. This speeds up the silage fer
mentation process and results in bringing the acidity
iI'H) of the silage down to a desireable PH of 4 or
below quite rapidly.
Because of the rapid action of the enzymes it is
possible to create this rich environment for the bac
teria. As a matter of fact, that is what enzymes do:
accelerate the transformation of carbohydrates to
lactic-acid. Higher levels of lactic acid also represents
a higher concentration of energy in the silage.
Southeastern Pcnna
Georce f. Delong
Regional Manager
225 West Woods Drive
Lititz PA 17513
Call Collect 717 626 0261
EfftW Po Ben GreenawaH Roger Heller
Mehm Herr RD2 Conestoga PA 17516 rqi Robe&unu PA
RD2 New Holland PA 17557 Phone 717 872 5686 Phone 215 693 6160
Ph 717 354 5977
Chester Co
**dus * William Wmdle
Earlß Cinder RDI Box 67A RQI A glen PA 19310 -
RD2 Manheim PA 17545 A glen PA 19310 715 593 6143
Phone 717 655 3126 Phone 215 593 5952
Western Lancaster Co
The top five dairy products judges among FFA
students in Chester, Lancaster and York Counties
the lowest score wins. He 86 to 74. In third place, with
trailed Herman by a score of 87 points, was Ephrata’s
J' -y
Arnaldo Burgos
Dim t<ir of Nutrition
Kiclil ('(iiihulUinl
(for more information )
Call or Write Your Nearest Agri-King Serviceman
Southern Lancaster Co
Henry Delong, Jr.
RD2 Box 69 RD2 Box 157
Peach Bottom PA 17563 Annville PA 17003
Phone 717 548 3471 Phone 717 867 1445
Southwestern Lancaster Co Northeast Berts Co
are, left to right: Barry Herman, Cliff Martin,
Ronald Good, Bob Bachman and Lynn Beiler.
Ronald Good. Bob Bachman Beiler from Ephrata both
from Penn Manor and Lynn had 90 points for fourth and
fifth place, respectively.
Rounding out the top ten
were Ron Clark and Brenda
O’Donnell of Solanco; Art
Riexinger of Penn Manor;
Harold Kauffman of Ephrata
I mf and Max Messner of New
jpf’ The second-place team of
Solanco with 507 points to
PT Ephrata’s 485. In third place
IPT was Penn Manor with 539
Wf points, followed by New
J f Holland, 670; and Pequea
ft Valley, 716. Hie wmning
fli f k
Only anaerobic bacteria (live without air) can jpjr
produce lactic acid fast enough to reduce the PH of the ■pf
silage in the shortest possible lime. fff
Aerobic bacteria (lives only in the presence of air) fT
utilize oxygen to burn carbohydrates and protein, ff
transforming them into carbon dioxide, ammonia and 9f
water v This results in the production of high levels of tf
butyric acid which causes silage to be rancid, have a fr
loud unpleasant smell and be unpalatable. The water
released contributes to silo juicing. EL
Why not add only anerobic bacteria to the silage EL
instead of enzymes? That would be like buying cows EL
and having no feed for them. They would simply die. EL
Why? Because you are filling the silo with material Ey>
that has been exposed to air and more air is trapped in &
the silo at filling tune regardless of the type of storage, jf-
Therefore, the predominant bug in the silo at first is pf
aerobic bacteria.
Even if you add tons of lactic acid producing bac- fw
tena, they cannot work efficiently in the presence of Iff
air, so they become inactive until most of the oxygen is
used up. By this tune most of the damage has already
been done with resulting loss of energy, digestible f[L
protein and other nutrients. Palatability is also reduced JL
which can severely effect animal^ performance due to a EL
lower feed intake. ’ EL
Silo-King antioxidants and preservatives make it EL
very difficult for the undesireable aerobic bug to find EL
anything to eat, and you know what happens when you jpy>
don't eat. At the same tune enzymes are making food pp
available for the good bug enabling him to reproduce (pf
rapidly, speed up the entire fermentation process |pje
resulting in the highest quality silage possible. f(f
Only Silo-King contains this secret formula of refined
enzymes (not crude enzyme by-products) preser- tf
vatives and antioxidants. nf
You wouldn’t think of planting com without using a E
weed killer. Neither should you think of making silage JL
without using Silo-King.
„ If
Lebanon Co
Marvin Meyer
Letmh i. Korthairston Co
Thomas Heist
Mam Street
Alburns PA 18101
Phone 215 965 5124
South Central Penna
James L Yoder
Regional Manager
250 Tttoards Ave
Cbambersbuig PA 17201
fall C I lee /17 261 9321
mcaster Farming, Saturday. April 9.1977
Barry Herman, right, accepts the team trophy
from Dr. Charles Livak, head of the Quality Control
Department at Penn Dairies, Lancaster. With
them is dairy judging team coach Ernest On, who
has guided the Ephrata team to four successive
team titles.
team was presented with a
troph> - the third of its kind
after the first two were
retired to winning schools
Ephrata took permanent
possession of the last dairy
products judging cup after
winning three years straight
Orr told Lancaster Far
ming that vo-ag students at
Kphrata are taught a course
in dairy products during
their freshman year The
best students in the class are
then pulled aside to form a
team. This year’s quintet
was formed about three
weeks ago and the group has
had practice sessions about
twice a week in preparation
for the tri-county contest.
Their high individual this
year, Herman, does not live
on a farm, and neither has he
ever milked a cow. His
father, Henry, is in land
The contest itself lasted
about two hours, after which
score sheets were tabulated
and winners chosen.
Involved in the test are:
Ten milk samples to be
scored for flavor and odor;
ten sediment discs; ten
cheese samples for iden
tification; ten cottage cheese
sampes to be scored and
evaluated for flavor, odor,
body, texture, appearance
and color; ten milker unit
claws to be scored on defects
present; and 50 objective
questions on milk production
and marketing.