Shoppers wowwed by agriculture display yORK, Pa.-“ Why does that pig’s tail curl?” “I’ve never seen a chick bitch out of an egg before, It’s stupendous!” “What kind of cheese is das? It’S” delicious.” “Are these apples- for Ml*?” “Why are these pigs so Hie questions, answers. **> , t. * -3.732 Daughters in 1,254 Herds Average u ncled Difference 199% rpt.) 1,. ! y P e: 504 Oassified Daus. Ave. 71.7 {act.); 79.5 |age-adj.| ' re Uk efieW Fond Hope-EX (93JA GM ,m Glenafton Symbol N lonheur-VG 119] MooKown - and more Profit-Makers-are available daily from all our Professional Technicians. m \ | lOU| 1 v , y D 24-Hour Toll-Free Phone Nos. for Service BOO-732-0391 Lancaster 569-0411 bat. n o r <7 and comments flew through shopping area. It was such a the air at the York Mall last success that they promised Friday and Saturday as the to come back this year with Women’s Committee of the enough to cover the whole York County Farmers’ length of the shopping Association took it over for center. the American Agriculture Day Display. Two years ago, the women ventured into the mall for the first time with a display covering just one end of the ./Atlantic BREEDERS COOPERATIVE LIVESTOCK SERVICES 15.193 M +6ISM Member NAL Affiliated Breeders The undisputed favorites of any farm display are always the real, live baby animals. Children, and adults, too, flocked around the calf crib to touch and ask 538 F +6F 3.54% +s46 “Hamming it up" is Aiiean Detter, secretary for the York County Farmers Association, and her unwilling four-legged friend. If you want to get the attention of dozens of Mall shoppers in a hurry, pick up a pig. The pig's shrieks brought astounded people scurrying from all directions to see what was happening. questions about the day-old baby Holstein. Two weaning size piglets snoozed in a playpen further up the mall, generating endless questions about age of market pigs, location of various pork cuts, ■and marketing weights. But the top drawing card was the incubator filled with two dozen hatching baby chicks. It was a push becomes-shove task just to 15H100 MOOKOWN Optimist Veiy Good & Prod. Qual. (Jan. /77) $6 per service Mate-Rite Streneths: tall with good bodies fore udders have correct shape and attachment rear udders have medium height, well attached teats are well placed legs have good bone with moderate set rumps have wide pins Del. &Md. 800-233-0216 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 26;1977—53 get close to the incubator, surrounded by faces displaying emotions of disbelief, awe, and pure delight. Static montages of mouth watering fruits and vegetables explained that pesticides make cheap and abundant food possible. Cartoons accompanied some displays, adding that touch of humor to the facts and ONCE ACROSS THE HELD DOES IT statistics farmers shared with urban consumers, A small utility tractor at the one end of the mall beckoned children to crawl on and sit in the driver’s seat. The accompanying price tag reading $7470 helped explain the cost factor end of farming to observers. “Pigs Is Beautiful” was the theme the pork producers chose to set the stage for telling the leaner, nutritious pork story. Ailean Better, who was sporting her famous “pork cuts” jumpsuit, didn’t think they were too beautiful when one small porker almost jumped out over his pen. Shoppers sampled all-beef bologna and listened to die ballad of “The Great American Farmer” while they munched. On the other end of the beef display, a poster broke down the cost of raising an animal from 475 pounds to market weight of 1075 pounds. The final figure showed a net loss of $33.30. And, even the men got into the action. They helped supply the muscle for setting up some displays and loading and unloading from vehicles. Paul McPherson, New Park, was discovered running machinery, as usual. The machinery was not his big grain combine, though. It was a movie projector, showing films telling the story of the American food producer. Are tiie women ready to go back again? “Well, next year we’ll try ” someone was overheard to say.