Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 26, 1977, Image 19
22 or 50 gal. polyethylene • 4 wheel stability • 25' of hi pressure hose and spray gun • return line agitation A quality sprayer for lawns, small orchard use, gardens. Why settle for less. Versatile and easy to operate. GEHMAN BROS. SALES and SERVICE j 1 Mile North of Terre Hill on Route 897 East Earl, R.D.I, Pa, Phone 215-445-6272 NEW CALUMET UGOON This is the Lagoon Pump you have been asking for Designed and Built for the Fanner who demands the finest in quality and workmanship LAGOON PUMP DEMONSTRATION WED., APRIL 6TH -12:30 P. M. John Staub farm Newvilie, RD 1 Cumberland County Directions: Off Route 81, Exit 11 - Go North 1 mile to Rt. 11, turn right; go 3 miles to welding shop, turn left; 1 mile to first farm on right • Trailer Mount for easy (lookup and unhooking * Enclosed driveshaft for long bearing life • Complete hydraulic controlled agitator spout (up, down and sideway) * 25” ImpeNor for fast agitation “• Only one hydraulic circuit needed on tractor -USED MANURE TANKS -2200 Gal. Martin Tank (Like New) YOUR COMPLETE LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT DEALER f. mmsT snook CALUMET AND NESSETH DISTRIBUTOR Penna., New Jersey. Maryland, West Virginia RDI, MHfUnburi. PA 17844 Phone 717-966-2736 Day or Night MIGHTY MAC > A Better Sprayer FEATURES... 3 hp engine with piston pump - 3 gpm 300 psi pressure Spray Tall Trees pull by hand or tow by tractor UMP 1500 gal. Van Dale Public {Continued from Pace Ml Bank, 28 Penn Square, Lancaster, Pa. 17604,,0r any of the bank’s branch offices. Details on the fund appear AMERICAN BREEDERS SERVICE Bangor, PA Ephrafa, PA Gap, PA Hottwood, PA LandhviHe, PA Manbeim, PA Port Murray, NH Reading. PA RicMand, PA Thomasville. PA PleasantvWe, NJ Vincentown, NJ West bow, PA BBS Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 26.1977 under a separate headline on page 1. The much publicized controversy between LARA and the use of agricultural land for a landfill took on a sporting event atmosphere Kpt.67% Dollar Difference+s7l Pied. PHt. 1741+676M. +.04% +3OF. TOP COMMAND phis for MILK, TEST, and TYPE. TOP COMMAND has a terrific pedigree. Sire...Padamar Astronaut, VG |t9] GM Oam...Padamar Triune Thelma, VG [B7] Thelma is a Bootmaker daughter that made nearly 29,000 lbs. of nrilk and 926 lbs. of fat at 4 years of age. TOP COMMAND’S HFA type proof shows him phis + .03 PDT Congratulations to S. R. Sheßenberger, Mt. Joy, Pa. Owner of Shelmar-Acres Burkgov Jufie VG (85] 2ylm 19,431 m 3.4% 6581 Sired by 29H2146 AJRF Burkgov KA VG [Bl] 6M Eric Heinsohn Oarvin Yoder Lynn Gardner Paul Herr James Charles Lamar WHmer Robert Kayhart Robert beider Paid Martin ha Boyer Eugene Hornberger Gerald Had Maurice Stump at _ Wednesday night’s bearing. Throughout the 6% hour meeting the spectators heckled, cheered, whistled, and even booed from time to time-Taking almost all of the beating was LARA’s con sulting geologist, Jim Humphrevflle, vdio was on the witness stand for dose to five hours. As a result of the lengthy proceedings, the hearing was adjourned at 1:40 ajn. Thursday morning and a second hearing will be held Monday, 7 pun. Lyte Auditorium, here. The proceedings started slowly, with Humphreville explaining in great detail as to why LARA needed to acquire 58 acres of the Barley farm for their landfill at Creswell. The 900 people in the auditorium followed the explanations with oc casional loud signs of irritation or disagreement. HumphrevQle’s testimony was then cross-examined by Barley’s chief counsel, James Heinly. Obviously well prepared on the issues at stake, Heinly excavated the geologist at "every turn, scooping up information which he felt was pertinent to the matter. Humphreville on numerous occasions declined to answer a question, claiming he was not qualified or knowledgeable enough to do so. That proved to be a high point late in the proceedings when a nearly identical question was brought up by [Confinuad on Page 26] 215-511-4704 717-733-0966 717-656-6509 717-2X4-4592 717X91-1694 717-X9X-X694 201-6X9-2605 215-37 X-1212 717-X66-422X 717-225-3751 609-927-7372 GO9-463-37X3 215-169-91X7 HBS 19