Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 12, 1977, Image 40

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1977
104 York County
I Continued from Pose 1|
sorbed the production. Some
dairymen at that time spent
considerable amounts of
cash to upgrade their
facilities, adding milk tanks
and in some cases building
milk houses, to qualify for
the Grade A New Holland
New Holland Farms is a
subsidiary of Queens Dairy,
Brooklyn, New York, owned
by Jules Kotcher. Kotcher
also operated the former
Graybills plant. The farmers
hit by the area cutoffs report
that Queens Dairy just a few
weeks ago closed down a
similar operation in northern
New York state, which af
fected 200 shippers. And,
about four years ago, several
small dairies in the northern
tier counties of Pennsylvania
were bought up by the
Brooklyn firm, and then shut
down within a year. Eastern
Milk Cooperative absorbed
the farmers hit at that time
with the loss of their market.
Pennsylvania Secretary
of Agriculture, Kent
Shelhamer, contacted in his
office Tuesday by Lancaster
Farming, indicated deep
concern over the plight of the
dairy farmers.'
“I’m always unhappy and
distressed when I see any
farmer losing his market,”
said Shelhamer. “Could
these shippers get together
and see if providing their
own hauling would be
feasible? I would hope that
they may be able to work
something out through joint
Shippers among them
selves are questioning the
hauling charge reason given
by New Holland Farms for
pickup stoppage. Under the
Federal Order 2 regulations
which govern this market,
shippers were only paying
ten cents per hundredweight
toward hauling costs which
were actually costing 35
cents to the dairy. But, there
is a good deal of speculation
that a major contract for
manufacturing milk might
have been lost to the parent
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Dairymen indicate that
they have been in touch with
representatives of several
cooperatives and in
dependents, but no concrete
plans to take over the block
of shippers had been for
mulated. Federal Order 2
markets were being deemed
more attractive because of
the yearly milk base
structure in Order 4.
“This is a bad time of the
year to be looking for a
market,” admitted Earl
Fink, head of the Penn
sylvania Milk Marketing
Board. “And this year seems
to be exceptionally bad
because of heavy produc
tion.” Notification of the
farmers about the cutoffs
was well within PMMB
regulations, which require a
three-week notice of pickup
Area independent dairies
were not looking around for
milk either.
“We certainly don’t need
any extra production,” in
dicated M. Ebert Rutter of
Rutter’s Dairy in York. “We
have to take a loss of 75 or 80
cents a hundredweight on
our excess milk now.”
- Meanwhile, 104 anxious
southcentral Penn
sylvanians milk their cows
and await word of the future
of their livelihood.
“If you’ve dropped out of a
cooperative, get back in!”
That advice comes from
Edwin Zeigler, Seven
Valleys Rl, on the heels of
the letter from New Holland
Farms, Inc., informing him
and 103 other dairy farmers
that after April 5 they would
no longer have their milk
Zeigler is the District 18
director from Federal Order
2 to American Dairy
Association. Included in his
area of representation are
the three counties affected
by the discontinuance of
milk pickups by the Lan
caster dairy west of the
Susquehanna River.
We’re just sitting and
waiting now,” indicated
Zeigler earlier this week.
on Complete Assemblies
Not Installed
“There is just no market at
the moment.” He, and other
fanners active in the Order
2 market, were uncertain
whether they should all
begin looking for milk
buyers on an individual
basis, or try to hold out
collectively for a market
that will accept the entire
“I contacted Senator
Ralph Hess immediately to
let him know what had
happened,” offered Nelson
Brenneman, Spring Grove
Rl. Brenneman had located
a market that was willing to
take him on immediately,
but he was waiting to see if it
was possible to find an outlet
for the other farmers who
had also been notified of the
impending market loss.
“Even the cow dealers in
the area are upset,” added
Brenneman. “Orders were
being cancelled for
replacement animals
because of the uncertainty of
finding new outlets for the
John Krone, Glen Rock R 2,
milks a herd of 26 cows. He
recalled that when the
Graybill plant in York
County was closed about 14
months ago, there was some
discussion that the milk
transferred to New Holland
Farms, Inc. might only find
a market for a year.
“But we haven’t heard
that possißility mentioned
since that time, and in
dications were that as lona
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as we had {he milk, there
would be a market for it,”
said Krone.
The Glen Rock dairy
farmer places most of the
blame for the market loss on
the fact that there is “just
too much milk.” But he also
feels some of the problem
traces to current consumer
“The public seems to have
forgotten that, when labor
was earning one dollar an
hour, farmers were being
paid six dollars a hun
dredweight for milk. The
price formilk in comparison
to the rise in wages has not
kept pace. But people still
say milk is too high priced
and they refuse to buy it,”
added Krone.
In spite of the seriousness
of the market loss, Krone
had not lost his sense of
“Maybe we could go in the
hog feeding business,” he
Edwin Zeigler had one
final word about the future of
the Order 2 dairy industry.
“These guys who aren’t
contributing to advertising
checkoffs had better wake
up and start paying
promotion funds or they’U
wake up and find they’ve lost
all their markets for good,”
he concluded.
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