Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 12, 1977, Image 33
READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKETJREPORTS Price based on cash (arms with custom*! furnishing unloading help Erection at our UW conwanunce on level ground within 40 miles of a Morton Buildings sales office _ M _ J Beyond 40 miles add crew travel expense Length may be increased in units of 18’ at Add sales tax Offer expires Morton buildings RO4 Box 34A Gettysburg, Pa. 17325 Ph: 717-334-2168 Box 126 Phiilipsburg, N.J. 08865 Ph: 201-454-7900 RD6Meadviile,Pa. 16335 Ph: 814-336-5085 RD 2 Box 30 Homer. NY 13077 Ph: 607-749-2611 Pseudorabies symposium to be held .NEW YORK, N.Y. - A fact finding symposium on pseudorabies - the herpes virus disease which is in creasingly plaguing the nation’s swine herds - will be sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other organizations on April 4-5 in Ames, la. Purpose of the symposium is to develop information about the disease which can be used by the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) in studying an industry request for a control or eradication program. In terstate regulations governing the shipment of swine, and other proposals will be discussed. Scientists from Europe, Canada, Mexico and the United States, as well as swine producers, have been invited to speak at the symposium, to be held in the C.Y . Stephens Auditorium, f ' Send informationon MORTON BUILDINGS. LF ‘ I Have your aalesman phone me tor an appointment | nQarape*-Shape , , Hoc Confinement ■ GMachmeShada Cattle Conefmernent f G Horae Bama ' Free SUN Barnet Silo Feed Rooma * ~; Grain Storage Liveatocfc Bama | NAME I ADDRESS I Telephone No. Outbreaks have increased alarmingly lowa State University, in Ames. Swine producers throughout the country are urged to attend and express their views. Outbreaks of pseudorabies The disease primarily - also called Aujeszky’s affects swine, but can be disease or “mad itch” - have transmitted to oth^r Farm labor force down from ’76 HARRISBURG, Pa. - The number of workers on Pennsylvania farms totaled 107,000 during the survey week of January 9-15, 1977, a decrease of 1000 workers from the comparable week a year age. The survey, conducted by the Penn sylvania Crop Reporting Service, found that farm operators and family workers totaled 76,000, the same as last year, while hired farm workers at 31,000 were down 1000 workers from January 1976. The average workweek for Pennsylvania farm Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12,1977 — increased alarmingly m the last few years. Some 700 cases were confirmed in 1976, compared to only 125 in 1974. operators during the survey week was 40.3 hours and that of other unpaid family members averaged 38.2 hours. Hired workers averaged 37.5 hours during the survey week. The weekly average for all workers was up from a year ago, reflecting the time and effort required to accomplish Winter chores this year. Family workers in the survey includes farm operators working on farms one hour or more plus other family members who work 15 hours or more without receiving cash wages during the week. Hired workers include all persons working one hour or more for cash wages during the survey week. Pennsylvania farm wage rates for all methods of pay converted to an hourly rate, averaged $2.94 per hour during the survey week. That average showed an increase of 28 cents per :.%V.W.V.V.V,V.V.VAVM^V.V.WW .v.-.\\v.vX\\<v:-x-XwXv:v:-x-.'X'.-.-; animals. It can cause death losses of up to 100 per cent in pigs less than two weeks of age. After three weeks, young pigs usually develop some resistance to the disease. Pseudorabies is not known to affect man. hour from last year’s rate ot $2.66. Field and livestock workers were paid an average of $2.68 during the survey week, an increase of 40 cents from last year. Nationally, the total number of workers on farms January 9-15 was 3,229,700, a drop of 250,000 from last year’s figure. Of that total, family workers and operators totaled 2,412,400, a decline of 181,600. Hired workers declined from 885,800 in Jannuary 1976 to 817,300 in 1977. The average weekly hours worked by farm operators in the U.S. was 26.6 hours and that of other family mem bers averaged 32.1 hours. Hired workers averaged 36.1 hours of work during the survey week. U.S. farm wage rates for all methods of pay, con verted to an hourly rate, averaged $2.96 during tbe survey week. 33