Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 12, 1977, Image 32
— Lancaster Farming. 32 Com club inducts new members Top corn producers from throughout Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey gathered in Cockeysville, Maryland recently to be recognized by DeKalb Agßesearch, Inc. for their outstanding yield achievements. The farmers were made members of the com pany's Yieldmasters Club, an elite group of top U.S. producers. Award winners from Lancaster Farming’s prime coverage area include: (from left to right): (kneeling) - Mike Fulmer, Nazareth; Glen Engle, Cochranville; Willima Teter, Ken nett Square; (second row) • Mel Lapp, Cochranville; Clair Lapp, Cochranville; Robert Stoltzfus, Cochranville; Dan Mast, Oley; Ira Nissley, Morgantown; (back row) - Larry Snyder, district manager Auger saves you time and money At last' You can realize fertilizer savings of eight to ten dollars per ton. tf you're currently using shovels, buckets or bags to transfer fertilizer to application equipment, you need the economical advantages ofUM’s Auger One man can easily fill a six row planter in five minutes the end of backbreaking hand loading Using an auger also eliminates the caking problem caused by high moisture and nitrogen content As the fertilizer is transferred through the auger, chunks are broken up This assures even application to alt rows UM’s Auger comes complete with all hoses, mounting brackets and couplings—even a winch for easy one-man operation The 6"x 12' tube swings 180* and will raise or Gear and Elevators write Like our gram box, augers are available in red, orange, green or blue FOR MORE INFORMATION. SEND NAME t ADDRESS TO; UNVERFERTH McCURDY Kalida, Ohio 45853 Name Address Town for DeKalb; Nick Cihylik, Forest Lester, Lincoln Treichlers; John University; Charles Johnson, Orefield; Irvin Lester, Lincoln Engle, Cochranville; University; and Norwood Merle King, Cochranville; Wilson, Oxford. ©UNVERFERTH MCCURDV Kalida, Ohio 45853 State mfjjifT m gjif nf fm in 'gj|| jj|f im m mf bjii Mi im ijm m ini m m m m nf urm iiiifiirfj | Save with I John Deere 9 Long Green I ■ Dividends Ei This coupon is worth money. cial financing on certain tools H You can apply it at your John Offer runs from ISJanuary to 15 0 Deere dealer's to any item in four June 1977. Clip Long Green || classes of machines (one cou- Dividend coupons, stop in and , S pon only to any one machine) save. Ask your dealer about the spe ll □ $5O Coupon □ $125 Coupon |j □ $75 Coupon □ $2OO Coupon a Name Address 1 Machine $ 5O Dividend $ 75 Dividend • 205 307 509 Rotary Outers • 45 78 88 Rear Blade: • 965 1065 A Wagons • 33 35 Bale Elevators • 1750 W 3000 W Portable Alternators •HD TH LH Series Spring Tooth Harro j Sections «125 Dividend $ 2OO Dividend • 143 145 146 148 158 Loaders • 220 335 535 550 Sprayers • 308 398 Auger Elevators • 15 kW 25 kW Alternators This Long Green Dividend coupon has the redemption value checked when applied against the purchase price ol specified equipment offered by a participating John Deere dealer, who sets his own retail prices If yourdealerdoes not have equipment irrsfock that is included in the Long Green Dividend Program the machine you want can be ordered from John Deere and the value of the coupon will be deducted from the purchase price Only one coupon can be applied against the purchase of any given machine Use of the coupon is limited to products which can be delivered as determined by dealer s orders and machine availability NOTE (1) You must pay any sales tax on the total purchase price—excluding the Long Green Dividend, (2) this coupon is void where prohibited, restricted, or taxed Offer expires June 15.1977 B. C. GROfF, INC. STANLEY A. KLOPP, INC. M ' * !™ $l£Y NewHobnd.PA Bennie, M ® SONS 717-35?J191 215-4*l-1510 WesfCheste^PA 215-635-2990 BKERMU K. KISTLER, INC. ROBERT E. LITTLE INC. LymporUA Zi«(iwv9e, PA 215-291-3270 215-2*7-9643 • 609 709 Rotary Cutters • 115 155 Rear Blades • 1075 1275 Wagons • 37 Loader • 51 Post Driver • 306 396 Auger Elevators • 990 Bale Loader • 4000 W 5000 W Portable Alternators •737 1506 Rotary Cutters • 700 750 Gnnder/Mixers • 428 Flight Elevator • 40 kW 55 kW Alternators