, AGRI-KING \ \4f3pCl / MU BW / FOUR YEARS WITH AGRI-KING IT JUST KEPT GETTING BETTER MARBET FARMS-LEBANON CO., PA. 11600 ! ! t JfJ ' 1 i 11400 I { 730 -—Y-f 11200 | 720 11000 i no 17100 : • zr*— 700 T - JjJJJ AVERAGE POUNDS OF WU i/ — m Z.! AVERAGE POUNDS OF FAT 17200 / 670 17000 -4-A - 660 | 16100 / £ 650 - - 5 16600 / S 640 - • ■ - 16400 / 3 630 16200 : ~S 620 ■■■! ■ » - 16000 | ** 610 * = / 15*00 yr ; \ 600 • t *■ - 5 - y— -15600 / \ Al f 590 : Z 'v '*B 15400 1 ■ —\~r\«r — sttl - / A: I—f 15200 \/ W 570 / \ 15000 V■ V I 560 \ y , 14100 / j i 550 -*** V/ L 14600 J. | ( 1 - 540 |-t iisf.s.isf.lssf ZZ Ytirs By Quarter Years By Quarter [■ —■ t " I” - I" "■ ""’I "—I 1 " ri i"i 1166 : —H 1133 i=i — *OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1100 /“ 1066 - - - um~ f FMFIT OVER FEED COST ~——Z—f gee - /. , [_ Here are three charts showing .. ( bow their 70 cows have done over the £ ' ; i past seven years. Chart number 1 ■« 900 j—■ | L showa the rolling herd average of £ 166 j milk production. Chart number two *33 shows average lbs. of buttfat over £lOO r~- h this same period. Chart number C 766 4- • i t three shows average profit over feed e 733 / ; , j_ cost per cow. And after all this is m / [ really what we’re interested in, not *” , , T -J 1 the cost of a ton of feed or a bag of w>b \ g /*"" ‘ ’ j mineral but the PROFIT OVER 633 -y- V — T —H FEED COST. 600 \ 1 J >-{ L see \ s y 11 • 533 ■ y • ♦—l , 500 J I . 1 1 1 'T| OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt S g •l t l ' t -.t I 1 ■c c t= c‘S£ ■Ojtj: -o C, o«£ ‘ = -g.c j= C-o' 3 oNm*.-Ns? = T _or 5522222‘» >0, 5 = Z Z Z Z Z_j i_=* This did not happen over night or even in 60 days. This is over a care of their dry cows, their calves, and heifers helps to get the period of four years, and the future even looks brighter than the past inherited production from the cows, because of the way the 2 year olds and 3 year olds are peaking and holding production. Yes, it is nice to have cows peak at 80 lb. to 100 lb. or over, but of more importance is how these cows are milking 5 and 6 months into Agri-King has been pleased to work with Marbet Farms for the past their lactation. Yes, Marbet Farms feeds a lot of Super Microan ounce