Farm Equipment J.D. 5020 w-Dual wheels & cab J.D. 4020 wide front J.D. 4020 WFE J.D. 4020 CV) Console w-W* s ° J.D. 4020/o’e Console w-WS° V J.D. 4020 Side Console WF-w-cab J.D. 4020 Side Console WF w-cab J.D. 3020, WFE J.D. 2630, Ex. Cond. J.D. 2630 w-Loader in ex. cond. J.D. 60 J.D. G Farmall 350 w-3B Plow. Farmall A Tractor w- Woods Mower & I-R Cult. IHC 504 Diesel IHC 300 w-Loader, Blade & Mower (2) J.D. 112 Lawn & Garden Tractors (1) J.D. 110 Lawn & Garden Tractor J.D. 1240 com planter M & W Grain Dryer J.D. 45 combine, 2-row com head & plat form. J.D. 55 Combine w- Platfonn & 2-R com head. N.I. 1-R com picker. ENFIELD EQUIPMENT INC. Whiteford,MD 21160 PH: 301-452-5252 For Sale Industrial M-F 3165 w- 200 loader-$3750; IH 14 ft. wheel disc - $1000; 71GMC Model 3500 one- ton dump-$3500; 72 GMC % ton H.D. pick up-92400; JD A tractor-91100; 3 pt. hitch sprayer and tank-9350; Pick-up field sprayer, 3 hp. gas engine- 91000; (2) John Bean tree sprayers-9750 each; Int. fertilizer spreader, almost new-9500; New 25 KVW fideUty generator-25 per cent off new price. Harbot Farms Eox 298 Pennington, New Jersey Phone: 609-737-2375 FOR SALE 1973 Dodge Kary Van-12 ft. box, v-3 engine, automatic tran smission, power steering, 1 owner - $3,295.00 1973 Dodge B-300 van, heavy duty, power steering, power brakes, V-8 engine - 93095.00 1974 Dodge Vz ton pick up, V-8 engine, standard trans., radio, heater, 8 ft. box, power steering, step bumper, one owner - 93,095.00 1976 Dodge power wagon, Vi> ton V-8, automatic trans., power steering, power brakes, camper top 95.395.00 We carry a complete selection of Dodge trucks and vans. FRITZ DODGE Minenvflle- LLEWELLYN HIGHWAY Phone 717-544-2111 or 717-544-3972 Open evenings. Situations Wanted Dependable married man desires employment as herdsman of large herd or agricultural sales. Well experienced in dairy husbandry & sales. Mechanically inclined. References provided. Wnte P.O. Box 266 AA, c-o Lan caster Fanning, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Hard-working, Mennonite, married man, with some knowledge of farming, wishes year-round farm work in exchange for house and some salary. Willing to take a reduction in pay until all skills are learned. Please call 212-273-0599. Farm Equipment USED HARVESTERS •MB’ 260 with 2-row com & pickup •Fox IF 546 with 2-row com & pickup •IH 50 with power unit and comhead SWOPE & BASHORE, INC. Frystown, R.D.I (717) 933-4138 Used D 6006 Deutz Used DBOOB Deutz 4-16 Automatic 450 IH Plow $1,600.00 New Deutz F2L-912 Diesel Engines 20-32 H.P. Electric Start $2160.00 New & Used Deutz Diesel Engines at Special Prices. Call for details. Used Cummins Diesel Power unit, 150 h.p., good condition. References available. $1250 as is. 35 KW, Gen. Set w-Deutz F4L-912 diesel, 120-240 Vac., 1 ph., Guaranteed $4500. STAUFFER DIESEL INC. 312 West Main Street New Holland, PA Phone 717-354-4181 Business Opportunities Retail feed business on rail, good volume, excellent potential. For more in formation write Box 2G6SS c o Lancaster Farming, 22 E. Main St., Utitz, Pa. 17543 Situations Wanted Married man, 42, desires position as herdsman or equally responsible job. Experienced m dairy herd management and farm machinery maintenance. References provided. Phone 215-869-2048 after 6:30 PM. Dairy herdsman, B.S. Dairy Science, lifetime experience. Seeks opportunity for working partnership with option of future ownership on registered Holstein farm. £ r * fer r, Mlddle Atlantic States. Box 266QQ care of K n i7s43 r Farming Lltitz > Help Wanted Working herdsman for 100 cow registered Holstein herd. William H. Pettit, Huff ’N Puff Farm., Juliustown, New Jersey 08042. Phone 609- 8944844. Full-time news person wanted for farm pubhcation. Farm background a must. Formal education or previous writing experience required. Box 266ZZ, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Help Wanted - Man or boy to wont on dairy farm located in York County across Norman Wood Bridge. 717- 862-3314 Need a young man on a small dairy farm near Brownstown (Lancaster Co.), Pa. Phone 717-859-1523. Wanted - Lancaster County area - Sales person with farm knowledge or ex perience with dairy and beef feed lot equipment. Local firm prefers middleaged person. Send detailed resume to Box 266 W, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Wanted - Reliable, steady, experienced dairy worker, field & milking. Housing included. Apply by calling 215-488-7205 Hein wanted - to work m fertilizer plant. Zook and Ranck, Inc., Gap, Pa. 17527. Phone 717-4424171. Custom Work Custom hoof trimming with tilt table. Sam Wylie, Oc torara Farm, Nottingham, Pa. 215-932-8923 Livestock & Custom Hauling -Hay, Straw & com. PH: 717- 626-6904 POTATO HAULERS Insulate bottom of your trailer with sprayable Urethane Foam and eliminate frozen produce and added weight due to water pickup. CONESTOGA CHEMICALS & PLASTICS, INC, 397-3724 Home: 872-2233 CUSTOM SAWING FOR SALE Locust Posts Ix 6 Fence Boards. Oak, Poplar, Walnut and Wild Cherry Lumber For Sale at all Times. FREY BROS. MFO. Quarryvilfe, PA Phone 717-786-2146 Help Wanted Young man to help on dairy farm. Single or married. Room & board in Mennonite home or 2 bedroom house available. Raymond Zim merman 215-5894641 Herdmans needed for 50 cow herd with 15,000 lb. herd ave. Lovely house provided with good salary and fringe benefits for the right man. Reference needed. Donald Hostetter. PH; 215-857-9648 Herdsman to assume responsibility for high productive Holstein herd in Central North Carolina. Modern dairy operation. Must be sober & reliable. Nice house furnished. Top salary, with future part nership or herd ownership pootential. Contact Den Lloyd, Efland, NC 27243 or Call 919-732-8552 after 6 P.M. DHIA Supervisor in Nor thern Chester County. Phone 215-857-9888 or 215-932-8871. Working Herdsman to help manage large dairy herd in Harford Co., MD, Write P.O. Box 266YY, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Wanted - man for dairy & general farming. Must be able to take responsibility. Must have good references. Excellent salary, house & other benefits. Located in the quiet country side near Gettysburg. Call 717-334-8553 Reliable Christian couple to live on daily farm. Good salary to qualified man with house and extras supplied. Reference needed. Lan caster County. Phone 717- 653-5155. Help Wanted - Crew truck driver and crew helper for local silo company. Must live near New Holland or Gap area. Prefer age 21 to 30. Start approximately March 15. Write Box 266 UU, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 A NEW PARTY-PLAN CO. Starting This Area. Part-time (2) evenings weekly. Do Home- Decorating and Floral Designing Shows. Earn $5O to $lOO per show! Managers also needed. CaU 7 days (215) 433- 2211 or (215) 435-6711. Custom Work Custom combining, hauling, and round baling com baler. PH; 215-869-3068. CUSTOM ROUND BALING Hay, Corn Fodder SOYBEAN HULLS WANTED. FOR SALE Corn Fodder For Bedding Within 15 miles of Oxford, PA Ph: 215-932-5231 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5,1977 — Help Wanted Married man for general work on large dairy farm. Jug milk operation and cheese factory on farm. Exit off route 22 at Wilson Boro (Easton). Phone 717-253- 2722. Crivellaro & Sons Farms, R. D. 4, Easton, Pa. 18042. Help Wanted - Herdsman for Reg. Holstein Herd. Also man for Dairy and general farm work. Must be ex perienced and have references. Gaywinds Farm, Keymor, Md. 301-663-3537 Experienced dairyman & field worker. Parlor & modem equipment. Salary, new 3 bedroom house & privileges. References required. PH. 215-869-2527 Herdsman with own family help for 60-cow Holstein herd in Centre County. Home and extras furnished. Only ex perienced people with references need apply. Fhone 814-364-9174 after 7:00 PM. Services Offered J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. Termite Pest, Rodent and Smoke control. Lawn and Shrubbery spraying, Free Estimates, 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, PA Phone 717- 397-3722. Ready for spring barn cleaning? Will give you a lift with skid steer loader. Has 47” bucket. Chicken houses! Bams with narrow door ways! Ground work! Call Everett Grove 717-637-2947. Will do typing in my home. Call anytime. Phone 717-529- 2135. College student desires H" on on small, diversified y farm. Inexperienced but leam quickly. Works hard. Trade labor for room, board, experience. Available now. Will consider and respond to all replies. Describe situation. Mark Brandt, 509 Paxinosa Avenue, Easton, Pa. 18042 Phone 215-252-0002. Portable welding and generator service. Harold Ruth, 300 S. Cedar St., lititz, Pa. 717-626-2531 Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, cow bams, chicken houses. Will do Block and Concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509. Call driver 717-529-6674 Call 215-445-6186 for free estimate and good price of personally spray painting your bams. Services Offered GRAIN HAULING Local and long distance Trailer loads only GREENCOUNTRY FARM Phone 215-268-8088 Masonry work, lay brick, fireplace, blocks and stone work on houses and bams. Stucco and white coats and concrete work. Contact Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, PA Box 388, 17509, Call driver 717-529-0674 NOTICE Will Do Electrical or Plumbing Work. No Job Too Small. JUST CALL PAUL 717-354-7896 Attention Farmers Need any sence line clearing done before spring plowing or any grating? t' If so, call ] Musser Excavating 717-6264)856. • I SILO REPAIRS i ; * Tear Down ; : * Rebuild : * Replaster I • * Roofs Installed T • * New & Used Extensions • * Distributors and Pipes J i DAVE DETWEILER i • RD#2, Newville, PA I 717-776-7533 GLENN B. MILLER CONSTRUCTION CO. CONCRETE House Foundations, Retaining Walls, & Trench Silos "CRANE SERVICE" PROMPTSERVICE COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE 215562-4895 137 SCHUYLKILL AVE. HAMBURG MERV GINGRICH, BUILDER Custom Home Building additions and remodeling ROOFING-SIDING - SPOUTING Maintenance and Repairs FARM BUILDINGS SPECIAL LOW WIN TER RATES ON IN TERIOR WORK. For Free Estimates Call: 717-626-6111 81
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers