Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1977, Image 62
—Lancaster Farming; Saturday, March 5,1977 62 Junior We have a lot of desserts in this week’s column, and we also have a chili con came recipe. Everything sounds good, and hopefully all the foods will be fun to make, and as good as they sound when they are finished. CHOI CON C ARNE 2 pounds hamburger 1 large onion 3 cups macaroni 32 ounces kidney beans 2 cups tomato juice 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon pepper Vz teaspoon chili powder Brown hamburger with onions. Season with salt and pepper; cook macaroni. Add to hamburger and tomato juice and chili powder and kidney beans. Simmer 10 minutes. Elaine Martin New Holland, Pa. Age 14 APPLESAUCE CAKE 1 cup sugar, white or brown Vz cup shortening 1 egg 1 cup sifted flour Vz teaspoon salt Vz teaspoon baking powder 1 can applesauce 1 teaspoon soda Vz teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon allspice 1 cup raisins ht cup chopped nuts Cream shortening. Add sugar, beating until light. Add egg and beat until fluffy, pour in applesauce and mix. Sift flour, salt, baking powder, soda, cloves, cin namon and allspice together and add raisins and chopped nuts. Combine the two mixtures. Bake in a moderate oven at 350 We Specialize In •Aerial Ladder Barn Painting •Sandblasting & Repointing •Specialists In High Work •Church Steeples Restored •Painting & Roofing •Complete Exterior F. R. BEHM & SONS, CONTRACTORS P.O. Box 652 - utitz, PA Phone (717) 626-8528 I would like a FREE ESTIMATE I would like FREE INFORMATION NAME ADDRESS CITY DIRECTIONS OF YOUR FARM OR CHURCH LOCATION Cooking Edition degrees F. for 40-45 minutes. Etta Zimmerman Millmont, Pa. Age 6 CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM 3 quarts milk 3 cups sugar 4 eggs beaten 4 tablespoons cocoa 3 tablespoons flour 1 pint cream 3 tablespoons vanilla Heat all but one cup of milk and sugar until almost boiling. Combine flour, eggs, cocoa, and mix with one cup milk. Stir into the hot milk and continue stirring until it comes to a boil. Cool; then add vanilla and cream and freeze. XXX QUEEN ELIZABETH'S CAKE Pour one cup boiling water over one cup chopped dates. Add one teaspoon soda, let stand while the following are mixed in usual manner: 1 cup brown sugar V* cup butter 1 beaten egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 1-Vz cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Vz teaspoon salt Vz cup chopped nuts Add these ingredients to first mixture and pour in a 9” x 12” loaf and bake 35 minutes at 350 degrees. Icing: 5 tablespoons brown sugar 5 tablespoons cream 2 tablespoons butter Boil three minutes and spread on cake. Sprinkle with coconut and nuts. Marie W. Martin New Holland, Pa. xxx Renovation STATE PHONE FRESH APPLE CAKE 1 cup sugar V* cup shortening, softened 1 egg 2 or 3 medium unpeeled apples, grated 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking soda teaspoon cinnamon Vz teaspoon nutmeg Vi cup coarsely chopped walnuts % cup raisins Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into a greased and floured loaf pan. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees F. Serve warm with whipped cream. Linda Zimmerman Fleetwood, Pa. AgeB Leon Z. Fox, Martinsburg, Pa. AgeB ANNAPOLIS, Md. - The 1977 Maryland Tobacco Market season will open April 13th and run through June Dth according to Maryland Secretary of Agriculture Young D. Hance. Production estimates are that Maryland tobacco farmers grew 28.8 million pounds of Type-32 tobacco in 1976 and this is the crop that will go to market in 1977. Maryland’s 1975 tobacco crop, which was sold during the 1976 auction season totaled 24,150,000 pounds which brought growers approximately $23,800,000. Tobacco to be auctioned TRY A CLASSIFIED LP G6S SERVING FARMERS . . . "WE MAKE IT OUR BUSINESS" Wherever you need heat, you’ll find LP-gas ready to serve you. It's ideal for heating farm buildings, brooding, water heating, incinerators, as well as for regular home use. You’ll find LP-gas is both economical and practical. Let us show you the advantages... there's no obligation whatsoever. MYER'S METERED GAS SERVICE, INC. Shrewsbury 4-H hears AFS speakers SHREWSBURY, Pa. - Gail Thoman, president of the Susquehannock High School American Field Service (AFS) chapter, addressed the Shrewsbury 4-H Club this month, as well as SHS ex change students Lissette Amado from Guatamala and Liesel Guttes from East Germany. Upcoming 4-H activities at the county 4-H Center at Bair's Station include Lock- In Feb. 25-26; Family Fun Night March 12; National 4- H Kick - Off Week March 7- 12. Other activities will in clude a Baby Beef banquet March 19: Rural Life Sunday May 15; and P.T. Hor ticulture Assns. to meet at Penn State. Planning to Dig 780 EAST MAIN ST., NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 CALL (717) 665-3588 P.O. BOX 71 MANHEIM, PA 17545 April 2 will be the Shrewsbury Club’s mini roundup at the Railroad Borough Building. A covered dish supper will begin at 6:30 p.m. Committee members include Megan Shaub, chairman; Amy Norek, Kay Gantz, and Melanie Azbill. Miss Shaub, the club’s national award winner, will READ LANCASTER FARMING 717-354-4241 FREE ESTIMATES leave March 12 fin- Chicago to attend a commodity marketing symposim arranged for and announced by the National 4-H and the Commodity Marketing Symposium. The event is designed to help participants understand the principles of commodity marketing and how they apply to marketing. FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS