The “Recipe Swap” column is working out very well. This week we received requests for three more dishes. One request is for Smtz pie, another for meat pie, and third for scalloped potatoes. Says the con tributor, “I have trouble making scalloped potatoes - the milk always curdles and it looks terrible. It does taste good, but it doesn’t look appetizing. If there is anybody who has this recipe, I would appreciate it.” The recipes featured in this week’s column are those for the Swedish Meatballs that a Lancaster Fanning staff member requested. There are several different versions of the recipe printed this week, so maybe everyone can find the one they like. SWEDISH MEATBALLS V 2 cup soft bread crumbs Vz cup light sweet cream V* pound ground veal I I si Save with John Deere Long Green Dividends This coupon is worth money. You can apply it at your John Deere dealer’s to any item in four classes of machines (one cou pon only to any one machine). Ask your dealer about the spe □ $5O Coupon D $75 Coupon Name Address Machine $ 5O Dividend • 205 307 509 Rotary Cutters • 45 78 88 Rear Blades •965 1065 A Wagons • 33 35 Bale Elevators • 1750 W 3000 W Portable Alternators • HD TH LH Series Spring-Tooth Harrow Sections 5125 Dividend • 143 145 146 148 158 Loaders • 220 335 535 550 Sprayers • 308 398 Auger Elevators • 15 kW 25 kW Alternators This Long Green Dividend coupon has the redemption value checked when applied against the purchase price of specified equipment offered by a participating John Deere dealer, who sets his own retail prices If your dealer does not have equipment in stock that is included in the Long Green Dividend Program, the machine you want can be ordered from John Deere and the value of the coupon will be deducted from the purchase price Only one coupon can be applied against the purchase of any given machine Use of the coupon is limited to products which can be delivered as determined by dealer s orders and machine availability NOTE (1) You must pay any sales tax on the total purchase price—excluding the Long Green Dividend, (2) this coupon is void where prohibited restricted or taxed Offerexpires June 15 1977 V* pound pork 1 pound ground beef 1 tablespoon onion juice 1 teaspoon salt V* teaspoon nutmeg 4 twists of pepper mill Vz teaspoon white sugar 1 tablespoon melted butter 2 tablespoons butter for frying Soak bread crumbs in cream. Mix all the meat together very well. Add onion juice, salt, nutmeg, pepper and sugar. Stir melted butter into milk bread crumb mixture. Using the large end of a melon ball maker, form the meat mixture into little halls and place in a skillet in the butter. Shake skillet back and forth to brown balls on all sides. Can be served hot or cold. XXX SWEDISH MEAT BALLS NUMBER 2 Vi cup bread crumbs 1 tablespoon onion flakes Vz cup milk ENFIELD EQUIPMENT INC. Whiteford, Md. 21160 1 pound ground chuck, 1 teaspoon salt 4 twists of pepper mill teaspoon ginger V« teaspoon nutmeg 5 tablespoons cream cheese, room temperature 2 tablespoons butter 1 can cream of mushroom soup Soak bread crumbs and onion flakes in milk. Mix meat with salt, pepper, ginger, and nutmeg. Add milk, onion and bread crumb mixture to meat and stir lightly. Stir in softened cream cheese. Use large end of melon ball maker and form into balls and brown in skillet with melted butter. Shake pan back and forth to brown balls. Then pour mushroom soup over them. Turn heat on low and sim mer until soup is all melted. Serve with plain boiled potatoes. SWEET AND SOUR MEATBALLS 1 pound ground beef 1 egg, slightly beaten 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 2 tablespoons shortening 1 medium green pepper, cut into strips 1 medium onion, sliced I*% cups pineapple juice y* cup Heinz 57 sauce Hot buttered rice cial financing on certain tools. Offer runs from 15 January to 15 June 1977. Clip Long Green Dividend coupons, stop m and save. □ $125 Coupon □ $2OO Coupon $ 75 Dividend • 609 709 Rotary Cutters • 115 155 Rear Blades • 1075 1275 Wagons • 37 Loader • 51 Post Driver • 306 396 Auger Elevators • 990 Bale Loader • 4000 W 5000 W Portable Alternators $ 2OO Dividend • 737 1508 Rotary Cutters • 700 750 Gnnder/Mixers • 428 Flight Elevator • 40 kW 55 kW Alternators 301-452-5252 Lightly combine first four ingredients. Form into 16 meat balls. Brown balls in shortening. Add green pepper and onion. Saute until vegetables are tender. Stir in pineapple juice and sauce. Cover; simmer 15-20 minutes. Thicken sauce with cornstarch-water mixture. Serve over buttered rice. Makes four servings. XXX PORCUPINE BALLS 1 pound hamburger 4 slices bread 1 egg, beaten 1 cup milk medium onions 2 sticks celery, chopped V* cup uncooked rice 2 cups tomato juice Crumble bread and soak in milk. Add egg. Mix with other ingredients except tomato juice. Shape into eight balls and place in greased casserole. Pour tomato juice over balls and bake \-Vz hours at 350 degrees F. Serves eight. Above four recipes by: Harriet Greenawalt Lancaster, Pa. PARTY MEATBALLS l-% pounds ground beef 1 pound veal 1 ounce) can deviled ham 1 small (two-thirds cup) can evaporated milk W. L. 311 Alfalfa one of the best yielding alfalfa for this section. Also full line of clovers. ALL CLOVERS AND ALFALFAS MIXED AND INOCULATED FREE. VORIS SEED CORN REIST SEEDS SINCE 1925 REIST SEED CO. MT. JOY, PENNA. PHONE 717-653-4121 WE DELIVER Lancaster Farming, Saturdi York horticulture club sees garden program Pa ‘-J T imotl i y a 6 ent lor Yor k County, Markovits, assistant county presented an educational program on horticulture to members of the York County 4-H Horticulture Club at a meeting held on February 21 at the Bair 4-H center. The program included in formation on soil testing and garden preparations. Selecting the right variety of plant was discussed. Things to remember when pur chasing seeds and plants include; the use of the product, canning and freezing, resistance to disease and insects, har diness, and maturity dates. After the program, members planned their gardens on graph paper. Jeff Roth, leader of the club, introduced the coming events for 1977 to the club members. The club has decided to sell trees as a fund raising project. Varieties sold wiS include red maple, sugar maple, red bud, weeping willow, tulip tree, and white dogwood. The trees will be shipped directly to the purchaser at four to six feet in height. The price is $3.00. Orders may be placed with any 4-H Horticulture member or with Tim Markovits in the 4-H Ex tension Office in the Court House, phone 848-2101. All 4-H members carrying the strawberry project are encouraged to attend a special meeting at the 4-H Center on March 1 at 7:30 p.m. 1 cup (2 slices) soft whole wheat bread 1 tablespoon grated onion 2 eggs x /z teaspoon salt J /2 teaspoon allspice y* teaspoon pepper V* cup shortening M cup water Mix all ingredients except shortening and water. Form 72 small balls. Brown in shortening in large frying pan, few at a time. Add water and simmer for 20 minutes after draining fat. Pour sauce over top and serve. Dill Sauce (makes 2 cups) 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour Vz teaspoon salt 1 cup water 1 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon catsup 1 tablespoon dill weed Melt butter; blend in flour and salt; cook to boiling point; stir in water slowly. Boil one minute. Stir in cream, catsup and dill; heat just to boiling and serve. Audrey Rohrer Lancaster, Pa. March 5.1977— 61 The next Horticulture Club meeting is scheduled for March 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the 4-H Center, The program will be slides from the National Jr. Hort. Association’s convention. Megan Shaub will give the presentation. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD!
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