Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1977, Image 38
38 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1977 | I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I *••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••» Beef Task Force explained Dear Editor; In his letter in your B’ebruary 26 issue, Mr. Reist R. Mummau in his op position to the Beef Market Development Plan brings forth several misconceptions that are shared by many. He was correct, however, in saying that there was con siderable opposition in getting the law through Congress, but this opposition came from labor unions, militant consumer activists and misinformed urban congressmen. To set the record staright, I would like to point out the following. The Beef Market Development Plan is not a government program! This is a producer self help effort that was conceived, bom, and developed by some of the best minds m all phases of the cattle industry, nation wide. It is to be financed in its entirety by cattle producers only. Government’s role in the program is minimal. The funds collected nation-wide by the beef check-off will be controlled by the up-to-68 representatives of the cattle industry on the Beef Board. The “government”, a part of USDA, will only confirm nominations to the Beef Board, nor will they control the funds or the program. Their only function, as with other commodity check-off plans (such as cotton, potatoes, sheep and swine} is Vegetable classes slated LANCASTER, Pa. - Home vegetable gardeners will again have an opportunity to attend a senes of three evening classes prior to the Spring planting season. These informative educational meetings, conducted by the Penn State Cooperative Extension Service are scheduled for March 8 and 9, 15 and 16, 22 and 23, at the Farm and Home Center, Lancaster. Instruction on each of the two consecutive dates will be the same, since each week the seasons will be on dif to act as a referee - to blow the whistle if the Beef Board steps out of bounds of the law. This Beef Board will be made up of cattlemen, un paid except for travel ex penses to board meetings. If a producer is opposed to the check-off he may apply for a refund of the amount paid in assessments by writing to the Beef Board, supplying evidence of how much he has paid. In the event producers grow unhappy with the program they, upon request of 10 per cent of the number of voters in the initial referendum, can have the secretary of agriculture conduct another referendum; then he must terminate the order if a majority of those voting favor termination. In the export field, funds raised by the Beef Check-off can, by contractual agreement, be used by the U.S. Meat Export Federation to develop markets abroad for our high quality, grain-fed beef, a commodity that only we in the United States produce. While on the other hand, beef imported into the U.S. is mostly lower quality grass fed beef that goes into manufacturing such as canned soups, T.V. dinners, sausages, and is also used as a ground beef extender by some processors. This meat is a bothersome competitor to our beef, particularly cow ferent aspects of gardening throughout the three-week series. Starting time is 7:30 p.m. each evening. No fees or advanced registration will be required to attend. A.G. Lueck, county agricultural agent m hor ticulture, will be in charge of these evening meetings. A special session on backyard fruit growing will also be held on Tuesday April sth. This will give backyard fruit growers a chance to learn more about this kind of home horticultural endeavor. beef, and helps depress our cattle market. Funds raised by the check-off, by law, cannot be used to lobby against imports. Lobbying is the domain of the American National Cattlemen’s Association, the Farm Bureau Federation and the like Unfortunately we have come to a point in our country when we must ad vertise and promote our basic foods in order to sell them at an advantage to the producer and to the con sumer. Substitutes are of fered in a glowing fashion making it necessary to promote the real thing in self defense. The manufacturing community is out to replace our natural foods with snythetics (ersatz products) with supposedly the unhealthy particles removed by chemical means and vitamins added. If you think this isn’t so, just look what margarine and its Madison Avenue “nutritional experts” have done to butter, what syn thetic fabrics have done to the natural fibers. Ever heard of Hamburger Helper - Stove Top Dressing (instead of potatoes) - or Morning Star so-called “sausages”? Ever heard of Tang - Egg Beaters? To sell our wholesome natural products and to defend ourselves against YiiSSmSS. 3-point tractor hitch Two-speed landing gear (lack) provides easy hitching with an empty or loaded trailer. Cattleman still suspicions Dear Editor: - It has bveen stated by an offical of the Beef Task Force, that the government has nothing to do with this program, That is certainly true that the government has nothing to do with the promotional end, like ad vertising, receiving the millions of assessments, installing $30,000.00 dollar executives, and such measures as its directors decide, but where the law, or government’s responsibility comes in, is in seeing that these assessment’s come in. If they do not the Beef Board has recourse to the law to see that they do. That is the purpose of establishing a law regarding the plan. It is like the income tax law, all the people are required to make an income tax report and pay their tax, but it is the Internal Revenue Service which is the arm of the government that sees that they do. How would you like, if every cattle owner be required to keep record of all cattle pruchases and sales, to determine your yearly beef boycotts, the polyun saturated fat hucksters and the colon cancer ad venturists we have got to get our Beef Market Develop ment Plan passed in the referendum this Spring. If we fail to pass this program, then we can be sure that things will never be any better than they have been. Think of it as a 3-ton grain truck for about half the price. This versotil* trailer feoms op with yoor pickup to help you move atom livestock ond other heovy loads in a hurry tv rf::o Q i. o A 9r 'JT" e ; can ca , rry °* much ° s ° 3 i ° n ,rucv >* c°n wi over 7 /, tons Or 285 bushels of gram It con even operate os a flat bed to carry farm equipment The Agn Trailer can handle twice as much as o 4 wheel trailer And unlike a 4 wheel if can handle those loads safely at highway speeds Standard Faaturas: i'r~ 4 ?i,ra' 42 - ■*— W.. &nu ,#at ° reS ° n ° 3 ,on ’ ruck ,ut ,h * ,rock W 1" “»• Wlth retractab l* pm and Com* In Today And Cfi*ck An Agrl-Trallar Ov*rl 1861 trUCkk>ed plat * - REGV CITY, INC. 668 Shiloh Pike, Rt. 49, Bridgeton, N. J. PHONE 451-3144 (609 area code) assessment for the Beef Board, not just once, but from now on and on. This is what will happen if the needed money does not come in. If this referendum passes, this Beef Task Force can launch a multimillion dollar program and the law is the guarantee that they will have Sincerely, JohnW. Stump Chairman, Maryland Beef Development Task Force Agri-Trailer the money assessed from the cattlemen, to carry their 4 program on. These are the kind of forces within our national boundaries, that are destroying the freedom that has made this nation great. Sincerely, Heist R. Mnnunau. Mount Joy, Pa. Heavy-duty hydraulic hoist.