Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1977, Image 27
HEISEY FARM EQUIPMENT INC. INVITES YOU TO THEIR FARM MACHINERY CENTEF I 7 r~ 7 i ji j, j All are fitted to do the job for a farm of small or large acreage to fit all and makes of tractors £—7 \y CJJKydJj U U \±b\y Full Year Warranty on all Equipment Disc Harrows, Chisel Plows, Subsoilers, Field Cultivators market*tod a T y AYL ° R ’ WAY t 0 be ° ne ° f the beSt ' ineS ° f equipment on the Leyland Tractors Diesel STAR QUALITIES IN LEYLAND * Big performance plus economy ♦ Excellent operator comfort and convenience ★ All purpose hydraulics ★ Quality at a price you can afford LOOK AT LEYLAND THEN COMPARE! FOLLOWING HARROW Adjustable spring lines give deep penetration, vibrating action for superb _ seedbed preparation ALLIED SERIES SO Mounts to tillage OUICK-LATCH LOADER I, tools with single, Latches permit mounling/demounting T heavy 2Vi square in seconds Choose five tine or ‘ carrier arm With combination buckets, grapples, tines, ' solid or wing-type dirt plates etc for a variety of jobs frames Fits over 200 tractor models We are a dealer for the complete line of equipment and parts distributed by Allied Farm Equipment. The above items plus many other items are all distributed by Allied which now has a warehouse in Harrisburg. It will pay you to contact us before you buy. Take time to look this equipment over. Located just off RL 343 Vi mile S, of U.S. 22 at Shirksville, PA Sturdy 4 x 4 Tubular Mam Frame a ilex welded far added strength Three lar Mam Frame it interchangeable en the Pull Type and Lift Type Medels _ataf*ry 111 (17/14 Link Pint available *n Lift Type Three lar Merfelt * Excellent serviceability * Geared for the job Kelsey Farm Equipment Inc. Bus. Hours: 7 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. ned about constant increases in the your farm look closely at Leyland your costs in line land Tractors give you lower initial cost all purpose hydraulics more versatility high torque engines, fully independent PTO gear ratios for your needs simple low cost maintenance and great dealer back-up on parts and service We invite you to compare these fine tractors with any others in their class before you buy and be satisfied for years to come ease of operation Spring steel tines on tele scoping bars for row width setting without tools 4,6, 8, or 12 row models Optional folding wings available , they'll move oice of 12-34 or 6' dia) or |er (6", 7" Sat. Till 2:30 P.M. Evenings By Appt. Twa and f»ur feat eilentioni available far all banc Mam Frames Twa lar Made!* have a 7 and II banc * m Fr>- 24 •' •n «H mi thmlci «v«il mSSMm Tox-O-Wlk Dryers -3M bu cap rrn» WKKKKKKJr Two Basic Processes are involved in drying gram with a GT TOX 0 WIK Recirculating Batch Gram Dryer These two processes function mde pendently yet simultaneously to dry gram as evenly and gently as possible One of the Processes is the movement of the grain itself The round bin and cone shaped bottom are a part of the GT TOX O WIK Dryer design for making this process more efficient The patented agitator arms keep the gram constantly moving downward As the grain reaches the bottom it is picked up by the recirculating auger which carries it to the top of the dryer and discharges it back into the dryer The Other Process involved in drying is the movement of the heated air Heat from the burner combines with air supplied by the fan This heated air is then forced into the plenum chamber and out into the moving grain The GT TOX 0 Wl K Dryer simple in design and operation is built of high quality materials and factory pre tested for years of trouble free drying It s your assurance of dependability and service for years to come * Phone: 717-8654526 - Business 717-865-2743 - John Moyer, Shop Foreman - Sales 717-274-1963 - Warren Brown, Mechanic - Sales 717-867-1776 - Luke High, Mechanic - Sales 717-865-4526 or 865-4289 - A. C. Heisey Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 5,1977 —; Fold over Wings for transporting or more weight per disc when plowing in tough soils. Kvemeland plows With automatic reset bottoms for Non Stop Plowing Saves time, cuts fuel cost. The simplest and most efficient reset on the market • Any number of bottoms can be lifted out of work and put m the "park" position • Smooth quick and reliable • Non hydraulic and few moving parts • A variety of bottoms for trash plowing, corn stalks, general sod and stubble • Over 20,000 plows in use in North America today • Quality 5 foot rotary mower m 3 point lift and trail type models • Needle bearing type U-joints heavy duty gear box, rugged construction • Heavy rotor bar. free swinging, spring steel knives Flywheel optional • Hot rolled steel formed and welded mam housing • Full length runners • Shear pin drive for any demand the LOW COST! • Swept-back front 2 sizes in any size Mounted Semimounted On-land Pull type Reversible KVERNELAND